Move up by Focusing on Your Strengths
The conventional wisdom on moving up the corporate ladder often stresses the importance of gaining new skills or improving weaknesses. But in many
cases, a more effective career strategy might be to focus on developing your main talents.关于如何在公司内部获得晋升,习惯性思维是强调学习新技能的重要性、改善缺点,
。但是很多情况下,更加有效的职业战略可能是将重点放在拓展你的才华上。According to research by Gallup on more than 2 million workers over a 30-year period, those who prioritized their core strengths enjoyed greater success than those who tried to bring up their faults.
Stand Out With Your Strengths
London-based economist and business strategist Vaughan Evans calls this best-foot forward approach the "Madonna method" because the pop pa has maintained her stardom by doing what she does best: constantly reinventing herself to keep up with the zeitgeist
伦敦的经济学家、职业战略家Vaughan Evans称这种最佳方法非常接近“麦当娜做法”,因为这位流行天后一直以来都是靠着做自己最擅长的事情来维持天后的地位:不断的重塑自己,以跟上潮流的步伐,
《发扬优点,改正缺点,哪个重要?》()。"The ideal situation is if your strengths are those strengths needed by your organization, and you invest further in them -- then you're in a terrific
position, and you're immune from layoffs," says Evans, author of "Backing U! A Business-Oriented Guide to Backing Your Passion and Achieving Career Success."
"Backing U! A Business-Oriented Guide to Backing Your Passion and Achieving Career Success." 一书的作者Evans 说:“最理想的情况是你的优势正好是公司所需要的,那么如果你进一步加以发挥的话,你就会坐到极佳的位置,你也就不用担心被裁员了。”
But given today's far-from-ideal economic climate, Evans recommends having several fallback strategies to ride out the bad times and get ready for a recovery.
The Lower-Cost Approach
Under this scenario, you reduce your "cost" to your employer by agreeing to a salary cut, accepting an unpaid furlough
, or switching to a four-day week.