We all have to pay the bills, but sometimes the office is literally the last place in the universe you want to be. The reasons can run the gamut. Employees can sometimes be led to creative extremes to find a way to take a day off. 我们生活需要用钱,但是有些时候公司却是这个世界上你最不想踏足的地方。而不上班的理由可以是五花八门的,职员们有时候为了给自己放一天假可能会想出很多相当有创意的借口出来。 In CareerBuilder's annual survey, 29 percent of workers admitted to playing hooky this year, their top reasons is calling in sick. But some employees like to get more creative. Here are 14 of the strangest excuses employers said they heard: 在CareerBuild(某职场招聘网站)的年度调查中,有29%的员工承认今年曾经旷工过,而众多请假理由中生病是最常用的一个。但是有些员工的请假理由仍然相当有创意。下面就是雇主表示他们听到过的最奇怪请假理由: 1. Employee's 12-year-old daughter stole his car and he had no other way to work. Employee did