项目管理 项目筹划
项目管理 项目筹划
项目管理 项目筹划
。项目管理小组通常由以下人员组成:具有合乎项目需要的专业技术人员和能为公司带来最大效率的员工。在这段对话中,一个高优先级项目的小组负责人Ben Mathews正在与各个部门领导交谈,为项目出谋划策。Ben: Good morning, everyone. Sorry about the short notice, but the CEO just informed me that the board has accepted the project for expansion to the East coast as we defined it, but they want it done in four months, which is one month shorter than the timeframe we proposed. I'm getting the milestones revised right now, but based on the requirements, I need to know who's available for the project team. Jenny, let's start with you. We need an experienced reporting analyst.
Jenny: Ken Green's our best bet for this type of project.
对这种项目来说Ken Green是我们最优秀的分析师了。
Ben: When can he start?
Jenny: I'll offload some of his current responsibilities, so he can start almost right away.
Ben: Fine. How about you, Nigel? Who can look after the office space? According to the template, we'll need 12,000 sq. ft. in the downtown core.
《项目管理 项目筹划》(https://)。Nigel: Uh, let me see... Jake Williams could start in a few days. He has numerous contacts on the East coast.
嗯,让我想想……Jake Williams可以在几天内开始,他在东海岸有广泛的关系。
Ben: OK. Wanda, we need a materials specialist to purchase office equipment and supplies, get rental cars, etc. Who can handle that for us?
Wanda: Sherry Atchison's my choice. She's an expert at getting quality material and staying under budget.
Sherry Atchison吧。她擅长采购高品质的材料,同时又不会超出预算。
Ben: I'll go along with that. Last but not least, Lyle, since we're under tighter time restraints, I'll need someone to assist me with workflow management. What's your recommendation?
Lyle: Julie Stevens can help you there, and the timing's just right. She's just finishing another maj
or task.Julie Stevens可以。而且时间也刚刚好,她刚完成了一项重要工作。
Ben: Alright, everything's settled. I'll talk to HR about staffing tomorrow. I'm setting the project execution start for Monday. Let's go for it!