
  时尚口语:Asking questions

  Knowing how to ask questions is so important. I usually start an English class by writing questions on the blackboard, with words like who,what,when,where,why,how and which.

  The most simple conversation is made up of questions, for a conversation to take place,for it to flow smoothly, questions are needed. Questions are like spark that light the fire,questions are like the gas that keeps conversation moving,questions are like the steering wheel that allow you to move your conversation car in any direction.

  Is there something you want to know ? or to be curious about how things work?I think humans are eternally curious, we want to know about things.My youngest child has a favorite word-why.He always asks questions,sometimes his questions drive me crazy:why do we have to go to school?why do we have to wear shoes?why no so big?

  ah, I answer as much as I can. Sometimes I wish you would not ask so many questions,but I am going out of having burning sense of curiosity, then the world has wonder,and it is wonderful.

  Questions are the key to good communication and great conversation.Do you want to know the best question I have asked?Twelve years ago, I asked someone this question, and I am so glad she answered yes. The question, are you sure you really want to know?It was: will you marry me?Now I am happy .

  Talk about it:

  1)Is it easy to ask people questions?

  2)Have you ever asked someone a question and then should

  3)Have you ever been really happy that to ask a question?

  4)Has a question ever prevented a big misunderstanding for you?

  5)Are you a curious person?

  6)If you are curious about something,do you try to get an answer?

  7)What do you do when you ask something and you don't want answer?

  8)There was expansion,"curiosity kills the cat",what do you think it means?do you agree with it?

  时尚口语:Nice Surprises

  Do you like surprises? Sure, there are 'bad' surprises, like a pop quiz given by your teacher or an unexpected bill. Those are no fun.

  But there are also nice surprises. Have you ever had a surprised party? Didn't it feel great to be surprised by all your friends and family? Especially when you thought they'd forgotten your birthday.

  Have you ever given someone a gift, and that person wasn't expecting it at all? What kind of look did that person have on his face? It probably looked like complete happiness.

  How about a surprise phone call? Right out of the blue...?

  Those are the best surprises. Have you ever called someone for no particular reason----just besause you wanted to hear that person's voice or because you wanted to catch up on old times? Or because you wanted to say 'hi'.

  Those are some of the surprises that I like the most.

  A surprise like a party or a gift or a phone call that is unexpected somehow feels better than you were expecting. I wonder why that is.

  I try to surprise my family sometimes. I bring my wife flowers or give something to my children. You should see the looks on their faces. And that makes me happy, too.

  You should surprise people. You'll probably make their day, and it might make your day, too.

  Talk aout it:

  When was the last time you give someone a nice surprise?Do you like surprises?Have you ever heard a surprise party?How was other surprised you?What was the good surprice you've gotten?What was the bad surprice you've gotten?Have you ever give a surprise gift to someone?what was the person's reaction?Who would you like to give a phonecall to? how would people always react to surprises?

  时尚口语:Power Walk Getting more exercise

  I’ve been thinking and talking and writing about how I need to get some exercise. But I haven’t done much about it. So, the other day, after a radio show, I went for a walk. I walked a little faster than normal, so it could be considered a power walk. But I didn’t walk too fast. That way I could enjoy the walk and not feel I was exercising. There were a lot of nice flowers out and the green plants all waved at me as I passed by. Walking is not only a great exercise but it also gives me a chance to go outside. Sometimes I feel I spend all my time indoors. Taking a walk outside helps me get away from everything. I can forget my work , or my problems at least for a while. And I also get a chance to appreciate nature. There weren’t many people out walking, so I pretty much have the path to myself. Back home and when you go for a walk, you other people who are walking. You may say “Hi!” or “Nice day for a wak!” or just simply nod and smile as you pass them. It was a bit onely yesterday, but it was ncie to get out and get the blood plumping. You should try it. I highly recommend it. Who knows? We might even meet.

  Talk about it:

  Do you ever go out for walks?

  Where do you go for walking?

  Who do you usually walk with?

  Do you walk quickly or slowly?

  Do you ever talk to other people that are walking?

  What do you say to them?

  Do you enjoy the scenerey when you walk?

  Do you walk for exercise or another reason?

  How long do you usually walk for?

  How does walking make you feel?

  时尚口语:Teaching and Learning Responsibility

  “Teaching a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” It sounds good in theory. But is it realistic to make your kids “work”? They are supposed to study or play or do something other than “work”. Parents “work” for the future of their kids, right? But that’s exactly why kids should do a little work --- to learn responsibility. It's good for their futures.

  They should know how to do things like: clean up after themselves by putting their toys and books away. Perhaps they should even throw out the trash / separate the stuff for recycling / help for the laundry / dust the house /clean the floor. If they are older, they can set the table or wash the dishes. (Actually, in my house, washing the dishes is my job). Those are just some ideas of things that kids can do.

  Sure, one of the first things that may come to mind is “Cinderella”, but it’s not like they are doing this all day long. They may do their “chore” once a day or even once a week. But it’s THEIR job. Not Mom's. When we talk about young kids and education, most agree that it should be fun, or the kids will get sick of it.

  When we clean our house, we sometimes turn on music. We often all clean together. For example, when it's time to clean the floor, we might get two damp rags each and skate around the room. We also clean the car together. When we all clean together, we give each other energy. But doing some things alone to learn a sense of responsibility is crucial. Having a kid who is always dependent makes life hard for a parent.

  Talk about it.

  Is it cool to make kids to chores? Do your kids have any house chores? What are some common house chores? What can children learn from doing chores? How can you make chores more fun? How often should children do chores? What kinds of work shouldn’t kids do around the house? What do you think of children who don’t do chores? What chores did you do when you were younger? How did you feel about doing house chores?

  时尚口语:Keeping a diary----recording precious moments

  It has been a long time since I kept a diary, but I am then thinking more and more about the value of some kind of journal.

  Although writing daily in a diary is tough, it's good a habit to have, especially when learning a language, or if you want to be some kind of writer. Getting into the habit of writing a little bit everyday, is supp

osedly one of the important things a writer can do.

  Yesterday, I was thinking about great scenes of movies and I got to thinking about the great scenes of my own life, scenes that I should remember, that I should write down somewhere.

  As time goes by, I tend to forget those things. As time goes by, the things tend to lose focus, they tend to become less sharp, they fade a little.

  So, I'm starting to write stuff down more and more.

  It's amazing how many things wakes experience in a day or in a week., but if you don't take the time to write some of those things down, the days just blur.

  It's hard to separate one day from another, time surely does fly by.

  Capturing the precious moments in a lives with words, in little stories, seems necessary to make your own lives more colorful, even when we feel a little blue. We can look at those memories, those moments, and feel uplifted.

  I hope you agree.

  Talk about it:

  1)Do you keep a diary?

  2)How often do you write it?

  3)What do you write about?

  4)Is your diary private or do you let other people read it?

  5)Do you enjoy writing?

  6)Do you have a web blog? would you like to start one?

  7)Do you ever go back and read what you wrote a long time ago?

  8)How do think you can improve as a writer?

  时尚口语:Writing: Just a letter

  In the modern age, you can communicate in so many ways: text messaging, e-mailing, faxing, calling, but there is something about snail mail that is special. When was the last time you received a letter from someone? I mean a card with more than one or two lines written on it. There are even cards you can buy that are pre-made. They are already full of writing. All you need to do is fill in the "to" and the "from" spots. I recently made a card for my dad. His birthday is coming up. Every once in a while taking the time to write in your own handwriting showing that you care is nice. Making the card for my dad was good for me. It made me feel like I was back in elementary school. I put some stickers on it, I colored some parts, and of course, I wrote how good I am that he's my dad. I got so used to typing that it's hard to write well now. I have to write slowly or else my handwriting is really messy. Well, if you get a chance to write to someone, and you have a little extra time, I suggest that you actually write a card. You don't have to make one, but doing it the old-fashional way can be refreshing. Snail mail is slower in arriving, but it's worth the wait.

  Talk about it:

  Do you still use snail mail? How do you usually communicate with people? What is your preferred method of communication? How often do you send people letters? When was the last time you wrote a letter? Do you have neat hand-writing? Do you prefer writing or typing? How do you feel when you receive a letter? How often do you check your e-mail inbox?








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