How to Use Proper Job Interview Etiq

How to Use Proper Job Interview Etiquette

So, your resume has gotten you a job interview; it’s the first big step toward the job you want. When your interview begins, however, job skills become secondary. You’re now b

eing interviewed largely on the kind of person you are. Your resume tells people who you are, but your manners — good or bad — show them.

the “e” word

Don’t panic over the “E” word. Etiquette is nothing more than the grand set of all good manners. Put simply, etiquette is a language used to relate your respect and consideration to others. For the sake of this article, the “others” are the interviewers of the world, the ones who typically matter no more (or less) than anyone else in our lives, until one day when, instantly, their opinion of us matters most.

Therefore, the day of your interview is not the time to appear uncouth, disrespectful or inconsiderate by violating any of the following etiquette tips.

Be punctual

Like anyone at work, your interviewer is in the midst of a busy workday. Show them that their time is valuable to you — after all, aren’t they showing you that same respect with this chance to come in and present yourself off of the printed resume page?

Being late tells others that you’re self-centered, disorganized, rude or all three (qualities only sought after by the recruiters of reality television). So, unless you’re seeking a spot on the next The Real World, leave home with plenty of time to account for delays that are beyond your control.

Dress accordingly

At an interview, proper etiquette dictates that your manner of dress should by and large fit in with the scene around you, but in a show of respect for the occasion, you should dress just a step above the norm of that environment. The reason is because inappropriate business attire — in either direction, up or down — creates an unacceptable distraction. When the focus should be on you and all your skills, your clothes shouldn’t be stealing the show.

Take note of that handshake

A handshake is a physical interaction. At an interview, it’s a physical interaction between strangers, making it a prime moment for etiquette. A firm handshake — in which you pump the hand once or twice with a secure, steady grip, then release — conveys affability and openness, and can create an immediate feeling of comfort between two people.

On the other hand, a meek, milky handshake or a flesh-grinding cinch can make a person uncomfortable. Before they have the chance to get to know you, you’ve already given them an unpleasant feeling. Making people comfortable around you is an essential aim of all etiquette. Think about it: Do you really want to make your interviewer uncomfortable?

Present a positive personal image

During the job interview, countless moments will come up when etiquette is required. Getting them right gives you a confidence visible to your interviewer. Enunciate, as well as animate, your language. An interviewer shouldn’t have to ask you to repeat yourself or wonder if they heard you right.

Look the interviewer in the eye. It’s a trusting gesture to which people always respond positively. Anything else is simply rude. Use engaging, non-threatening body language. Good posture alone can convey your interest in being there, while slouching conveys disrespect and indifference.

Use your interviewer’s name, but in moderation. It proves you’re involved and listening. It also helps establish rapport, which goes a long way in making for a successful





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