索赔信函写作中20个经典中英文例句 篇一
1. 中文:我方代表公司向贵公司提出索赔。
英文:We, on behalf of our company, hereby claim compensation from your company.
2. 中文:我方发现贵公司提供的产品存在质量问题。
英文:We have identified quality issues with the products supplied by your company.
3. 中文:我方要求贵公司立即采取补救措施。
英文:We request your company to take immediate remedial actions.
4. 中文:我们已经对贵公司的产品进行了详细调查和测试。
英文:We have conducted a thorough investigation and testing on your company's products.
5. 中文:根据合同条款,贵公司应该承担赔偿责任。
英文:According to the terms of the contract, your company should bear the liability for compensation.
6. 中文:我们已经遭受了巨大的经济损失。
英文:We have suffered significant financial losses.
7. 中文:我们要求贵公司赔偿我们的经济损失和其他相关费用。
英文:We demand compensation for our financial losses and other related expenses from your company.
8. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够尽快给予回复。
英文:We hope your company can respond promptly.
9. 中文:我们已经保留采取法律行动的权利。
英文:We reserve the right to take legal action.
10. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够妥善解决此事,以避免进一步争议。
英文:We hope your company can resolve this matter properly to avoid further disputes.
11. 中文:我们要求贵公司提供详细的解释和证据。
英文:We demand your company to provide detailed explanations and evidence.
12. 中文:我们已经向相关机构报案。
英文:We have reported the case to the relevant authorities.
13. 中文:我们要求贵公司立即停止销售有质量问题的产品。
英文:We demand your company to immediately cease the sales of products with quality issues.
14. 中文:我们要求贵公司退还我们的款项。
英文:We demand your company to refund our payment.
15. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够对此事给予重视,并采取切实的解决措施。
英文:We hope your company can take this matter seriously and implement effective solutions.
16. 中文:我们要求贵公司赔偿我们的损失,并承担相关的法律责任。
英文:We demand compensation for our losses from your company, as well as the legal liabilities.
17. 中文:我们要求贵公司进行全面的产品回收和更换。
英文:We demand a comprehensive product recall and replacement from your company.
18. 中文:我们要求贵公司向我们道歉,并承担相应的赔偿责任。
英文:We demand an apology from your company and the corresponding compensation.
19. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够认真对待此事,并采取积极的解决措施。
英文:We hope your company can take this matter seriously and implement proactive solutions.
20. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够尽快给予回应,并解决我们的索赔要求。
英文:We hope your company can respond promptly and resolve our claim.
索赔信函写作中20个经典中英文例句 篇二
1. 中文:我方代表公司向贵公司提出索赔。
英文:We, on behalf of our company, hereby file a claim against your company.
2. 中文:我方发现贵公司提供的服务存在问题。
英文:We have identified issues with the services provided by your company.
3. 中文:我方要求贵公司立即采取改进措施。
英文:We request your company to take immediate measures for improvement.
4. 中文:我们已经对贵公司的服务进行了详细评估。
英文:We have conducted a detailed assessment of the services provided by your company.
5. 中文:根据合同条款,贵公司应承担相应的责任。
英文:According to the terms of the contract, your company should bear the corresponding responsibility.
6. 中文:我们已经遭受了严重的影响。
英文:We have suffered significant impact.
7. 中文:我们要求贵公司赔偿我们的损失和其他相关费用。
英文:We demand compensation for our losses and other related expenses from your company.
8. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够尽快回复。
英文:We hope your company can respond promptly.
9. 中文:我们已经保留采取法律行动的权利。
英文:We reserve the right to take legal action.
10. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够妥善解决此事,以避免进一步争议。
英文:We hope your company can resolve this matter properly to avoid further disputes.
11. 中文:我们要求贵公司提供详细的解释和证据。
英文:We demand your company to provide detailed explanations and evidence.
12. 中文:我们已经向相关机构报警。
英文:We have reported the case to the relevant authorities.
13. 中文:我们要求贵公司立即停止提供有问题的服务。
英文:We demand your company to immediately cease the provision of problematic services.
14. 中文:我们要求贵公司退还我们的款项。
英文:We demand your company to refund our payment.
15. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够对此事给予重视,并采取切实的解决措施。
英文:We hope your company can take this matter seriously and implement effective solutions.
16. 中文:我们要求贵公司赔偿我们的损失,并承担相关的法律责任。
英文:We demand compensation for our losses from your company, as well as the corresponding legal liabilities.
17. 中文:我们要求贵公司进行全面的服务回收和改进。
英文:We demand a comprehensive recall and improvement of the services provided by your company.
18. 中文:我们要求贵公司向我们道歉,并承担相应的赔偿责任。
英文:We demand an apology from your company and the corresponding compensation.
19. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够认真对待此事,并采取积极的解决措施。
英文:We hope your company can take this matter seriously and implement proactive solutions.
20. 中文:我们希望贵公司能够尽快给予回复,并解决我们的索赔要求。
英文:We hope your company can respond promptly and resolve our claim.
索赔信函写作中20个经典中英文例句 篇三
1、I’m afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract.
2、We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500.
3、I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee.
4、There are some different types of claims.
5、This is a claim on quality.
6、We have already made a careful investigation of the case.
7、I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E.
8、We are not in a position to entertain your claim.
9、But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim.
10、Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods.
11、We’ve given your claim our careful consideration.
12、We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight.
13、The Chinese representative and Mr.Bake discussed the claim.
14、We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim.
15、I’ll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.
16、This is a claim on shortweight.
17、This is a claim on delayed shipment.
18、Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading.
19、Claim on delayed shipment is th
20、Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.