
国际海运英文合同范本 篇一

International Ocean Freight Contract Template

1. Parties to the Contract

This International Ocean Freight Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into by and between:


Name: [Shipper's Name]

Address: [Shipper's Address]

Contact Person: [Shipper's Contact Person]

Phone: [Shipper's Phone Number]

Email: [Shipper's Email Address]


Name: [Carrier's Name]

Address: [Carrier's Address]

Contact Person: [Carrier's Contact Person]

Phone: [Carrier's Phone Number]

Email: [Carrier's Email Address]

2. Shipment Details

2.1 Description of Goods:

- Commodity: [Description of the goods being shipped]

- Quantity: [Number of units/packages]

- Weight: [Total weight of the goods]

- Dimensions: [Dimensions of the goods]

2.2 Origin and Destination:

- Port of Loading: [Loading Port Name]

- Port of Discharge: [Discharge Port Name]

3. Freight Rates and Charges

3.1 Freight Rate: The freight rate for this shipment is agreed upon as [Freight Rate per Unit] per [Unit of Measurement] of the goods being shipped.

3.2 Additional Charges: In addition to the freight rate, the Shipper shall be responsible for paying any additional charges incurred during the transportation process, including but not limited to customs duties, taxes, storage fees, demurrage charges, and any other applicable charges.

4. Delivery Terms

4.1 Delivery Point: The Carrier shall deliver the goods to the agreed-upon port of discharge.

4.2 Delivery Time: The Carrier shall use reasonable efforts to deliver the goods within the agreed-upon time frame. However, the Carrier shall not be liable for any delays caused by events beyond its control, such as weather conditions, strikes, or governmental actions.

5. Responsibilities of the Parties

5.1 Shipper's Responsibilities:

- Packaging and Marking: The Shipper shall ensure that the goods are properly packaged and marked in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

- Documentation: The Shipper shall provide all necessary documentation, including but not limited to shipping instructions, commercial invoice, packing list, and any other required documents.

5.2 Carrier's Responsibilities:

- Transportation: The Carrier shall transport the goods from the port of loading to the port of discharge in a safe and timely manner.

- Documentation: The Carrier shall provide the Shipper with all necessary documentation related to the shipment, including but not limited to a bill of lading.

6. Insurance

The Shipper is responsible for procuring and maintaining appropriate insurance coverage for the goods during the transportation process. The Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the goods unless caused by its negligence.

7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

8. Entire Agreement

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and representations, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter hereof.

9. Amendments

Any amendments or modifications to this Contract shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.

10. Execution

This Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this International Ocean Freight Contract as of the Effective Date first above written.

[Shipper's Name]

[Shipper's Signature]


[Carrier's Name]

[Carrier's Signature]



国际海运英文合同范本 篇二

International Ocean Freight Contract Template

1. Parties to the Contract

This International Ocean Freight Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into by and between:


Name: [Shipper's Name]

Address: [Shipper's Address]

Contact Person: [Shipper's Contact Person]

Phone: [Shipper's Phone Number]

Email: [Shipper's Email Address]


Name: [Carrier's Name]

Address: [Carrier's Address]

Contact Person: [Carrier's Contact Person]

Phone: [Carrier's Phone Number]

Email: [Carrier's Email Address]

2. Shipment Details

2.1 Description of Goods:

- Commodity: [Description of the goods being shipped]

- Quantity: [Number of units/packages]

- Weight: [Total weight of the goods]

- Dimensions: [Dimensions of the goods]

2.2 Origin and Destination:

- Port of Loading: [Loading Port Name]

- Port of Discharge: [Discharge Port Name]

3. Freight Rates and Charges

3.1 Freight Rate: The freight rate for this shipment is agreed upon as [Freight Rate per Unit] per [Unit of Measurement] of the goods being shipped.

3.2 Additional Charges: In addition to the freight rate, the Shipper shall be responsible for paying any additional charges incurred during the transportation process, including but not limited to customs duties, taxes, storage fees, demurrage charges, and any other applicable charges.

4. Delivery Terms

4.1 Delivery Point: The Carrier shall deliver the goods to the agreed-upon port of discharge.

4.2 Delivery Time: The Carrier shall use reasonable efforts to deliver the goods within the agreed-upon time frame. However, the Carrier shall not be liable for any delays caused by events beyond its control, such as weather conditions, strikes, or governmental actions.

5. Responsibilities of the Parties

5.1 Shipper's Responsibilities:

- Packaging and Marking: The Shipper shall ensure that the goods are properly packaged and marked in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

- Documentation: The Shipper shall provide all necessary documentation, including but not limited to shipping instructions, commercial invoice, packing list, and any other required documents.

5.2 Carrier's Responsibilities:

- Transportation: The Carrier shall transport the goods from the port of loading to the port of discharge in a safe and timely manner.

- Documentation: The Carrier shall provide the Shipper with all necessary documentation related to the shipment, including but not limited to a bill of lading.

6. Insurance

The Shipper is responsible for procuring and maintaining appropriate insurance coverage for the goods during the transportation process. The Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the goods unless caused by its negligence.

7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

8. Entire Agreement

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and representations, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter hereof.

9. Amendments

Any amendments or modifications to this Contract shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.

10. Execution

This Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this International Ocean Freight Contract as of the Effective Date first above written.

[Shipper's Name]

[Shipper's Signature]


[Carrier's Name]

[Carrier's Signature]


国际海运英文合同范本 篇三

Certificates of Quality, Quantity, Weight and Qrigin are required. The Buyers have the right to have the goods re—inspected by the Guangzhou Entry—Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China at the prt fo discharge. The relevant Inspection Certigficates may serve as the basis of any claim to be lodged by the Buyers against the Sellers.

国际海运英文合同范本 篇四







Buyers:_____ cate:_____


Sellers:ChinaNationalMetals&MineralsImport& Exportcorporation







NameorcommodityandSpeci-│Qoantity│unitprice │Total





(ShipmentQoantity%more │││















infavourofChinaNationalMetals&MineralsImport& ExportCorporation


国际海运英文合同范本 篇五

托 运 方Shipper:____________________________________

地 址: 邮码:Zip____________ 电话:Tel____________

法定代表人:Legal representative____________ 职务:____________

承 运 方:Carrier____________________________________

地 址:Add____________ 邮码:Zip____________ 电话:Tel____________

法定代表人:Legal representative____________ 职务:____________


The Shipper and the Carrier hereby enter this Contract through discussion according to the national related regulation.

第一条 货物名称、规格、数量、价款

Article 1. Name of goods, specifications, quantity, price

第二条 包装要求

Article 2. Packing requirement


The shipper shall provide standard package as per the national standards. For the non-standard package, the shipper shall pack the goods by guaranteeing the safety of the goods. Otherwise the carrier has the right to refuse to transport.

第三条 货物起运地点 货物到达地点

Article 3. Place of departure, place of destination

第四条 货物承运日期 货物运到期限

Article 4. Date of dispatch, date of arrival

第五条 运输安全要求

Article 5. Safety requirement for transportation

第六条 货物装卸方法

Article 6. Method of loading and unloading

第七条 收货人领取货物及验收办法

Article 7. Reception and checking of the goods

第八条 运输费用、结算方式

Article 8. Freight and settlement

第九条 各方的权利义务

Article 9. Rights and Obligation of both sides

一、托运方的权利义务 The rights and obligation of the shipper


The shipper’s rights: Requesting the carrier to transport the goods to the destination on time stipulated in this contract. After transferring the goods to the carrier, if the shipper needs to change the destination or the consignee, the shipper shall have the right to change the contents of the contract or cancel the contract. However, the shipper shall inform the carrier before the arrival at destination, and pay the relevant charges to the carrier.


The shipper’s obligation: Paying the freight and other charges as the contract to the carrier. Otherwise, the carrier shall have the right to stop transporting, and claim to the shipper of the punishment. The shipper shall pack the goods according to standards, and abide by the transportation regulations of dangerous goods, and transfer the goods to the carrier as stipulated quantity and time in the contract.

二、承运方的权利义务The rights and obligation of the carrier


The carrier’s right: Charging the freight and other costs to the shipper and the consignee. If the consignee refuses to pay or fails to pay on time of the stipulated freight and costs, the carrier shall have the right to retain the goods. If the arrival notice cannot reach the consignee or the consignee refuses to receive the goods, the carrier shall have the right to custody the goods within the stipulated period and charge for it. In case the goods can not be delivered after the stipulated period, the carrier shall have the right to dispose the goods according to relative regulations.


The carrier’s obligation: Delivering the goods to the destination on time, and informing the consignee of the arrival in time. The carrier shall be responsible for the safety of the goods, protect the goods from shortage, damage, and contrived deterioration. Otherwise, the carrier shall be obliged to compensate the shipper or consignee. The carrier shall custody the goods for stipulated period after the arrival of the goods.

三、收货人的权利义务The rights and obligation of the consignee


The consignee’s right: Taking the goods at the destination by presenting bill of cargo.


The consignee’s obligation: Taking the goods on time upon receipt of the notice of arrival, and paying the charges. The consignee shall pay the custodial fees when the time is overdue.

第十条 违约责任

Article 10. Obligation for Breach

一、托运方责任: The shipper

1.未按合同规定的时间提供托运的货物,托运方应偿付给承运方违约金___ 元。

If the shipper does not delivery the goods to the carrier as per the stipulated time, the shipper shall pay to the carrier RMB___ as a penalty.


In the case of the shipper putting dangerous

goods together with the normal cargo, or concealing heavy items, thus result in breakage of hoisting tools, dropping of goods, turn-over of crane, explosion, corrosion, etc. the shipper shall take the obligation of compensation.


If other’s cargo or transport facilities are polluted or corroded, or persons are injured or dead due to the defect of package, the shipper shall take the obligation of compensation.

二、承运方责任:The carrier


If the carrier does not load or ship the goods as per the stipulated time, the carrier shall pay to the shipper RMB___ as a penalty.


If the carrier delivers the goods to wrong destination or wrong consignee, the carrier shall make correction. If the goods do not arrive at the destination on time, the carrier shall pay to the shipper RMB__ as a penalty.


If loss, shortage, deter operation, pollution or damage should occur to the goods, the carrier shall compensate for the loss (including the packing cost and freight) to the shipper.


The carrier shall not be obliged for loss, shortage, deter operation, pollution or damage resulted from the following reason(s):

①不可抗力;Force Majeur

②货物本身的自然属性;the nature of the goods

③货物的合理损耗;reasonable loss

④托运方或收货方本身的过错。Faults of the shipper or the consignee

本合同正本一式二份,合同双方各执一份.This contract has original of duplicate.

国际海运英文合同范本 篇六


All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case shall be submitted to the China intermational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing for arbitraiton in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration court.


All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached betweenthe two parties, the case shall be submitted for arbitration. The location of arbitration shall be in the country of thew domicile of the defendant. If in China, the arbitration shall be conducted by the Cjhinea International Economic and Trade Arbitratiton. If in------, the arbitration shall be conducted by------in accordance with its arbitral rules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shalll be borne by the losing paryt unless otherwise awarded bythe arbitration court.


All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case shall be submitted to------for arbitration in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded bythe arbitration court.


Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.


Earnest money

The Buyer shall pay --% of the total value of the cargo by T/T to the Seller as the earnest money. In the case that the Buyer fulfilled the obligations in the contract, the earnest money shall be deducted by the paying bank at the time of payment. Otherwise the earnest money shall not be returned. In the case that the Seller failed to fulfill any obligation the the contract, the Seller shall pay twice the earnest money to the Buyer.



Seller: Buyer:





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