哈姆雷特英语读后感 篇一
其次,剧中的对话和独白给我留下了深刻的印象。莎士比亚以其卓越的语言天赋创造了许多经典的台词和独白。我特别喜欢哈姆雷特的“to be or not to be”这段独白,这段独白揭示了他对生活的矛盾态度和对死亡的思考。这些对话和独白不仅展示了人物的内心世界,也引发了我对生命、死亡和存在的思考。
哈姆雷特英语读后感 篇二
其次,剧中的哲学思考让我对生命和命运有了更深刻的理解。哈姆雷特的“to be or not to be”这段独白揭示了他对生活的矛盾态度和对死亡的思考。这段独白引发了我对生命的意义和存在的思考。莎士比亚通过这段独白让我思考生命的脆弱性和世界的无常性。
哈姆雷特英语读后感 篇三
“To be, or not to be, that is the question”。 But after answering this question, what comes next? To be in what kind of ways may bring you the value of life? And is the value precious enough for you to continue living? These are questions that can never be solved. Hamlet chose to live, in order to revenge the tragic death of his honest father, the Danish king. On account of Hamlet was so kind, he missed the best chance of killing his uncle, the murderer of his father. The uncle, who was the new king, devised several plans to kill Hamlet, indirectly killed Hamlet’s beloved Ophelia、Ophelia’s brother and father, and Hamlet’s mother, the new queen who was married to his uncle. These tragedies finally forced Hamlet to make his decision, and stabbed the sword of revenge to his uncle. Unfortunately, Hamlet was already hurt by a sword with poison on it and would be dead quickly at the moment. It was the kindness and hesitation made him fail. For his father, died while having a grasping dream and went to hell for that. Hamlet didn’t kill his uncle while he was praying because if he killed him at that time, he would have gone to heaven. Hamlet didn’t want to return good for evil, this irresolute nature caused the failure of his revenge. But why would god send a person to heaven or hell only considering what he’s thinking about at the last moment of life? Is that really fair? There is no doubt that Hamlet lived in a period of time that everybody was “crazy” and everybody except Hamlet was unaware of the truth. Hamlet even had to fake madness to prevent others from having suspicion. So why being sober when everybody else is drunk? Why being normal when everybody else is mad? It’s to keep your soul clear from being stained, it’s to stop cheating yourself when the truth is already out. It’s worthwhile to die for bringing out the truth, cause living with the concealed truth is worse than dying, especially when the truth that everyone should see is buried with your own hands. “To die - to sleep! But in that sleep of death what dreams may come”, who knows? The heaven loss of life in the play brought us shock, and in a short while, kept us from making the same mistake. But even this does not last too long. Time flies, but even flying time can not stop us from making the tragedy happens again and again. Instead, time took the sadness and regret away, weakened the memory. No more left but the sad touching story and the melody from fair Ophelia when she drowned in running stream. It’s not just a play, it’s something that is happening on the earth every moment. People never learn, soon the laughter and cheers may replace the lamentation, like the newborn roses covered the dead branches in spring. It’s the law of nature, living people continue living, death brings several days of weeping, but what remains? Nothing but dust and soil. This happened before, it’s happening now, but in the future (we hope) this shall never happen again.
哈姆雷特英语读后感 篇四
Were one to have the profound hatred, were one to avenge and harm his family who seems too far to harm, he would be either a hero or a monster. Should he fight the unbeatable foe and right the wrong, should he bear with unbearable sorrow, should he ruin himself in twisted enthusiasm, he would be Hamlet.
Among all the masterpieces of William Shakespeare, “Hamlet”, undoubtedly is worshipped and as one of the most successful and admired tragedies, while the character Hamlet remains one of the most loved dramatis personas in all-time history of literature.
To have read Shakespeare's “Romeo and Juliet” by the age of 16, I was moved to tears, while having no empathy with his another great one “Tempest”。 Presumably when I get 60 or older, I could be wise enough to understand the latter, but find it nothing worthwhile to go over the former one, where lays a ro



