Let It Go的歌词(实用3篇)
Let It Go的歌词 篇一
迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘》中的一首主题曲《Let It Go》一经推出就广受欢迎,成为了许多人心目中的经典之作。这首歌曲的歌词表达了放下过去,追求自由与真实自我的主题,深受听众喜爱。
在歌曲中,主人公艾莎在面对自己的能力和身份时,选择了放下过去的枷锁,勇敢地追求自己的梦想和自由。她唱道:“Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore”,表达了不再隐藏自己真实的一面,勇敢地迈出一步的决心。这句歌词深深触动了许多人,让他们也愿意勇敢地面对自己的内心世界,释放内心的束缚,追求真正的自己。
除此之外,歌曲中还有一句“I am one with the wind and sky”,表达了艾莎渴望自由的心情,想要与天空和风一起自由飞翔的愿望。这句歌词也让人感受到了自由的力量,激励人们敢于追求内心真正的渴望和梦想。
总的来说,《Let It Go》这首歌曲以其深刻的主题和动人的旋律吸引了无数听众,让人们感受到了追求自由和真实自我的重要性。无论是面对挑战还是困难,我们都可以通过这首歌曲找到勇气和力量,勇敢地向前迈进,追求自己的梦想和幸福。
Let It Go的歌词 篇二
《Let It Go》这首歌曲不仅在电影《冰雪奇缘》中赢得了广泛的好评,也成为了许多人生活中的启示。歌词中的“Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore”这句歌词,传达了一个重要的信息:放下过去的包袱,勇敢地迈向未来。
人们常常会被过去的错误与伤痛所困扰,无法释怀,难以前行。但是,如果我们能够学会放下,接受过去的自己,释放内心的负担,我们就能够更加轻松地面对未来的挑战。正如歌曲中所唱的,“I'm never going back, the past is in the past”,过去的过去,我们无法改变,但是我们可以选择放下,让自己重新开始。
总的来说,《Let It Go》这首歌曲以其深刻的主题和动人的旋律,成为了许多人生活中的灵感。通过放下过去的包袱,勇敢地面对内心真实的一面,我们可以找到属于自己的幸福和成就,迎接未来的挑战。让我们一起学会放下,追逐属于自己的梦想和自由吧!
Let It Go的歌词 篇三
Let It Go的歌词
【James Bay 新单《Let It Go》】
From walking home and talking lows
Seeing chirps in evening clothes with you
From nervous touch and getting drunk
To staying up and waking up with you
Now we're slipping near the edge
Holding something we don't need
Oh, this delusion in our heads
Is gonna bring us to our knees
So come on, let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
And I'll be me
From throwing clothes across the floor
To teeth and clothes and slamming doors at you
If this is all we're living for
Why are we doing it, doing it, doing it anymore?
I used to recognize myself
It's funny how reflections change
When we're becoming something else
I think it's time to walk away
So come on, let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
And I'll be me
Tryna fit your hand inside mine
When we know it just don't belong
There's no force on earth
Could make it feel right, no
Tryna push this problem up the hill
When it's just too heavy to hold
Think now is the time to let it slide
So come on, let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Let the ashes fall
Forget about me
Come on, let it fall
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
And I'll be me