Good Life歌词(实用3篇)

Good Life歌词 篇一

"Good Life"是由美国流行乐队OneRepublic演唱的一首歌曲,歌词中唱出了对美好生活的向往和追求。这首歌曲充满了乐观和积极的能量,让人感受到生活中美好的一面。

歌曲开头便是“Woke up in London yesterday,Found myself in the city near Piccadilly”,描述了主人公在伦敦的经历,这种突然的变化给人一种新鲜感和兴奋感。接着歌曲唱到“Got a little bit of money filled my pockets”,表达了主人公拥有一些财富,让他感到满足和幸福。

在歌曲的副歌部分,“This could really be a good life,A good, good life”这句歌词反复出现,强调了主人公对美好生活的渴望和向往。他相信生活可以变得更美好,可以充满幸福和快乐。歌曲中还唱到“Hopelessly,I feel like there might be something that I'll miss,Hopelessly,I feel like the window closes oh so quick”这句歌词,表达了主人公对可能错过的机会感到焦虑和不安,希望抓住生活的每一个机会。

整首歌曲充满了对美好生活的渴望和向往,让人感受到生活中的希望和乐观。无论遇到什么困难和挑战,只要心怀希望,相信美好的生活一定会降临。让我们一起跟随OneRepublic的旋律,追寻属于自己的Good Life!

Good Life歌词 篇二

OneRepublic的歌曲"Good Life"让人们感受到了对美好生活的向往和追求。这首歌曲充满了乐观和积极的能量,让人感受到生活中的美好和希望。

歌曲中唱到“When you're happy like a fool,Let it take you over”,表达了当人们感到快乐的时候,要尽情享受这种快乐,让它完全占据自己的心灵。在快乐和幸福的时刻,我们应该尽情享受,不要被烦恼和困难所困扰。

歌曲的副歌部分“This could really be a good life,A good, good life”反复出现,强调了对美好生活的向往。无论我们身处何种环境,面临何种困境,只要怀揣着希望和信念,相信生活会变得更美好,我们就能拥有好的生活。

OneRepublic的"Good Life"让人们感受到了生活中的美好和快乐,让人们对未来充满希望和信心。这首歌曲鼓舞着人们勇敢面对生活中的挑战,相信美好生活就在不远处等待着我们。让我们跟随着这首歌曲的旋律,迈向属于自己的Good Life!

Good Life歌词 篇三

Good Life歌词

  4月14日,电影《速度与激情8》正式上映,同时原声音乐也同时公开了。下面是Good Life歌词,快来围观吧。

  Good Life

  (电影《速度与激情8》插曲) - G-Eazy&Kehlani

  Raise up a cup up for all my day ones

  Two middle fingers for the haters

  Life's only getting greater

  Straight up from nothing we go up

  Higher than the highest skyscraper

  No little league we major

  The proof is in the paper

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the bad in the past now we alright

  Hey hey hey hey

  And it's a feeling that I can't explain

  How you make it and your team still stay the same

  Stay down from the jump and they never change

  Man this a moment I could never trade yeah

  I told my moms not to stress no more

  Go hit the bentley store and no credit card debts no more

  I bought the crib and it's in escrow now

  So you don't ever have to worry about how you gon' pay rent no more

  I put my team in position now they makin' a killin'

  Stackin' blue faces straight to the ceiling

  Out in vegas I'm with 'em

  Ordering bottles of that ace when they sit 'em

  'Til there ain't enough space up on the table to fit 'em

  Go ahead and

  Raise up a cup up for all my day ones

  Two middle fingers for the haters

  Life's only getting greater

  Straight up from nothing we go up

  Higher than the highest skyscraper

  No little league we major

  The proof is in the paper

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the bad in the past now we alright

  Hey hey hey hey


  Pour some clicquot in the glass have a toast to success

  No looking back from here no more being broke and distressed

  I put my heart into this game like I opened my chest

  We only pray for more M's while you hope for the best

  We make these plays man I'm finessin' these checks

  Times up for everybody I'm collecting on debts

  And I swear this champagne just tastes better on jets

  I'm just out here being great man this is as real as it gets

  I put my team in position now they makin' a killin'

  Stackin' blue faces straight to the ceiling

  Out in vegas I'm with 'em

  Ordering bottles of that ace when they sit 'em

  'Til there ain't enough space up on the table to fit 'em

  Go ahead and

  Raise up a cup up for all my day ones

  Two middle fingers for the haters

  Life's only getting greater

  Straight up from nothing we go up

  Higher than the highest skyscraper

  No little league we major

  The proof is in the paper

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the bad in the past now we alright

  Hey hey hey hey


  Damn right from the bottom we rise

  So high now we cover sky lights

  We're building an empire

  We owe it all to each other

  Just look at us right now destined

  We're so good right now legend

  Here's to you and I

  Raise 'em to the sky

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the bad in the past now we alright

  Hey hey hey hey

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the good in the good in the good life

  We put the bad in the past now we alright

  Hey hey hey hey

  Uh the good life



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