Born Free的歌词(推荐3篇)
Born Free的歌词 篇一
《Born Free》是一首由美国歌手Andy Williams演唱的经典歌曲,歌词中传递着自由、勇气和坚强的精神。这首歌曲在1966年推出后即迅速赢得了广泛的赞誉和喜爱,成为了一首代表自由与希望的经典之作。
歌曲的歌词中描述了一个自由的灵魂,一个不受拘束的个体,一个追求梦想和自由的人。歌曲中唱道:“Born free, as free as the wind blows, as free as the grass grows, born free to follow your heart.”这句歌词表达了每个人都有权利追求自己的梦想和自由,无论外界环境如何,我们都应该坚持内心的信念,勇敢地去追求自己想要的生活。
《Born Free》这首歌曲不仅是一首优美动听的歌曲,更是一种精神的象征,激励着人们勇敢地去追求自由和梦想。在面对生活的挑战和困难时,我们可以通过这首歌曲找到力量和勇气,坚定地走向自己想要的生活。让我们牢记这首歌曲的歌词,勇敢地做自己,追求自己的梦想,活出真正的自由和快乐。
Born Free的歌词 篇二
《Born Free》这首歌曲以其深刻的歌词和优美的旋律而备受人们喜爱。歌曲中传递着自由、勇气和坚强的精神,激励着人们勇敢地去追求自己的梦想和生活。
歌曲的歌词中反映了人们对自由的向往和追求。唱道:“Born free, and life is worth living, but only worth living, 'cause you're born free.”这句歌词表达了生命只有在自由的状态下才有意义,只有在追求自己的梦想和自由的过程中才能真正体验到生活的价值。
《Born Free》这首歌曲不仅是一首动听的音乐作品,更是一种精神的象征,激励着人们坚定地走向自己想要的生活。在面对生活的挑战和困难时,我们可以通过这首歌曲找到力量和勇气,勇敢地做自己,追求自己的梦想,活出真正的自由和快乐。愿每个人都能像歌曲中所唱的那样,勇敢地追求自己的梦想和自由,活出真正的生命的价值。
Born Free的歌词 篇三
Born Free的歌词
Fast on a rough road riding
High thru the mountains climbing
Twistin’, turning, further from my home
Young like a new moon rising
Fierce thru the rain and lightning
Wandering out into this great unknown
And I don’t want no one to cry
But tell ‘em if I don’t survive
I was born free
I was born free
I was born free
Born free
Free like a river raging
Strong as the wind I’m facing
Chasing dreams and racing Father Time
Deep like the grandest canyon
Wild like an untamed stallion
If you can’t see my heart you must be blind
You can knock me down and watch me bleed
But you can’t keep no chains on me
I was born free
I was born free
I was born free
Born free
And I’m not good at long goodbyes
But look down deep into my eyes
I was born free
Calm, facin’ danger
Lost, like an unknown stranger
Grateful for my time with no regrets
Close to my destination
Tired, frail and aching
Waiting patiently for the sun to set
And when it’s done, believe that I
Will yell it from that mountain high
I was born free
I was born free
I was born free
Born free
And I will bow to the shining seas
And celebrate God’s grace on thee
I was born free
I was born free
I was born free
Born free