
小白兔与大灰狼的故事童话作文 篇一

Once upon a time, in a peaceful meadow, there lived a little white rabbit named Cotton. Cotton loved to explore the meadow, hopping from one beautiful flower to another. He was known for his bravery and kindness, always helping his friends whenever they needed him.

One sunny morning, as Cotton was playing near a babbling brook, he heard a loud growl. He turned around and saw a big, scary gray wolf approaching. It was none other than the infamous Big Bad Wolf. Cotton's heart raced with fear, but he knew he had to be brave.

The wolf had a cunning plan. He wanted to capture all the rabbits in the meadow and make a delicious rabbit stew. He thought he could easily outsmart the little creatures with his slyness. But little did he know, he was about to face a rabbit like no other.

Cotton quickly gathered all his rabbit friends and explained the dangerous situation they were in. Together, they came up with a plan to outwit the Big Bad Wolf. They knew they had to work together if they wanted to save themselves from becoming a stew.

The rabbits decided to dig a maze of tunnels underneath the meadow. They worked day and night, using their strong paws to create a complex network of tunnels. Each tunnel led to a different exit, confusing the wolf and making it nearly impossible for him to catch them.

When the tunnels were finally completed, the rabbits put their plan into action. Cotton, being the bravest of them all, volunteered to lead the wolf into the maze. He hopped in and out of the tunnels, making the wolf chase him. The wolf, thinking he had caught Cotton, followed eagerly.

But as the wolf entered one tunnel after another, he found himself lost. The tunnels twisted and turned, leading him in circles. He couldn't find his way out, no matter how hard he tried. The rabbits had successfully trapped the wolf in their maze, outsmarting him completely.

With the wolf safely trapped, the rabbits celebrated their victory. They knew that they were safe from the Big Bad Wolf's clutches. Cotton was hailed as a hero, and the meadow animals praised his cleverness and bravery.

From that day on, the meadow was a peaceful place once again. The rabbits continued to explore and play, knowing that they had a guardian in Cotton. And the Big Bad Wolf? Well, he learned his lesson and never bothered the rabbits again.

And so, the story of Cotton the brave little rabbit and the Big Bad Wolf ended happily ever after.

小白兔与大灰狼的故事童话作文 篇二

In a dense forest, far away from the meadow, there lived a sly and cunning gray wolf named Fang. Fang was infamous for terrorizing the animals in the forest, using his strength and intelligence to get what he wanted. He had a particular fondness for hunting rabbits.

One day, Fang spotted a little white rabbit named Snowball hopping through the forest. Snowball was known for being quick-witted and resourceful, always finding a way to escape from danger. But Fang was confident that he could outsmart the little rabbit.

Fang decided to play a game with Snowball. He challenged him to a race, thinking that he could easily catch up to the rabbit and have him for dinner. Snowball, being a competitive rabbit, accepted the challenge without hesitation.

The race began, and Snowball darted through the forest, his white fur blending with the snowy surroundings. Fang, with his long legs, chased after him, determined to catch the rabbit. But no matter how fast Fang ran, Snowball always stayed one step ahead.

As the race went on, Fang grew tired and frustrated. He couldn't understand how a small rabbit like Snowball could outsmart him at every turn. Snowball, on the other hand, knew the forest like the back of his paw. He led Fang through thick bushes and tangled vines, making it difficult for the wolf to keep up.

Finally, Snowball reached a hidden burrow deep within the forest. He quickly hopped inside, disappearing from Fang's sight. The wolf, exhausted and defeated, gave up the chase. He realized that Snowball had used his wit and knowledge of the forest to outsmart him.

Inside the burrow, Snowball caught his breath and smiled. He knew that he had won the game and saved himself from becoming Fang's dinner. From that day on, Fang learned to respect the intelligence and resourcefulness of rabbits, and he never bothered them again.

Snowball became a hero in the forest, admired by all the animals for his quick thinking and bravery. He showed them that even the smallest creatures could outsmart the biggest and strongest predators.

And so, the story of Snowball the clever little rabbit and Fang the sly gray wolf spread throughout the forest. It taught the animals the importance of using their wits and being resourceful in the face of danger. And the forest lived in peace, thanks to the bravery of a little white rabbit.

小白兔与大灰狼的故事童话作文 篇三




小白兔与大灰狼的故事童话作文 篇四





小白兔与大灰狼的故事童话作文 篇五




小白兔与大灰狼的故事童话作文 篇六














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