
德国留学乌尔姆大学申请书 篇一:追逐梦想,踏上德国留学之路







德国留学乌尔姆大学申请书 篇二:开启跨文化之旅,展望未来的发展







德国留学乌尔姆大学申请书 篇三



Dear x,

  I am applying to The City University of New York as a Visiting GraduateStudent for one term of study in the fall of 20xx, non-degree. I completed my BAin English and Danish from x x x in Denmark in June, 20xx and for the time beingI am studying for my master's degree.

  My love for language determined my field of study. Originally, I wanted tostudy French, but a half year stay in England completely changed my mind.

  In the summer of 20xx I applied at the National Center for Young Peoplewith Epilepsy (NCYPE) in Surrey, England as a student support worker. I workedin a residential house taking care of eight boys with severe disabilities, and Iloved being able to manage this responsibility and being challenged everyday.

  Life in England was not entirely different to my life in Denmark, but moreso than I thought. And what I loved the most was learning the language properly.To feel how my vocabulary was extended every day and to explore new dialects ofEnglish I did not know existed.

  During my education at the English department of x x x I have found aninterest in the American side to the English language. Earlier in my studies Itook a course with the subject of Autobiography about writers in exile inAmerica, such as Jack Kerouac and Andrei Codrescu. This semester I took a coursein American Studies which provided a historical perspective to the Americanliterary history and this course opened the door to American literature for me.I was deeply moved by the incredible Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglassand T. S. Elliot's The Waste Land inspired me to explore an unknown world ofpoetry. In my Bachelor Project I wrote about the US Governor Mike Huckabee andhis use of rhetorics in the US Primary Elections of 20xx, where I explored thedepths and intentions of his use of language.

  Besides studying I am a volunteer translator for a trans-European politicalorganisation, Neweuropeans, founded by Franck Biancheri, who is also the manbehind the student network Erasmus, and my work consists of helping themtranslate their English website into Danish. I am very fond of linguistics, andI have a special interest in the subject of Communicative Translation. I enjoyworking with a text and making the native English intention become clear in myown language, and since every single word has its own ambiguous connotation, tome it is as fun as a good Sunday crossword puzzle to find the right word thatsuites the context.

  My university has a tradition of incorporating group work into every areaof student studies and each semester students form groups of 3-8 students andwrite a project on the basis of a lecture or a subject that is rooted in thestudents' field of study.

  The experience of working in groups has taught me the skill of working inclose connection with my fellow students; to be flexible and to takeresponsibility for not only my own work, but also the work of my group members.I find that my role in this constellation has often been to take the initiativeto get started and get things done on time and to keep the breadth of view. As aperson I am very sociable and therefore I have found that working in groups isthe perfect way to combine my independent studying with exciting groupdiscussions and a common interest in our specific course of study.

  In the whole I feel that my bachelor degree has given me a solidunderstanding of the theoretical part of the English language area. Equally, mystudies have included practical work, so I'm prepared for future work in myfield of study. In that respect, I have structured my education so that I alsoattain a teacher competence in Danish and English along with my Master'sdegree.

  But my studies at have been hard at times. In the end of 20xx I wasdiagnosed with Crohn's disease (inflammatory bowel disease). Today I am happy tosay that I am much better and my illness is under control. Though it was a toughtime, it taught me that I have the strength to pull through in a crisis. Andmost importantly, I have proven to myself that I am a fighter.

  My motivation for wanting to study in America is that I through my studieshave gotten an exciting insight into American literature and culture and I amfascinated with American history, which encompasses a proud tradition ofliberty.

  I feel that I can contribute to The City University of New York with anambitious and hardworking spirit, and believe the adventure of studying abroadand experiencing my field of study up close will provide me with a purposeful,different and international angle to my English studies and will be rewarding inregards to my further studies and work in Denmark.

  Yours sincerely,



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