
考六级作文范文 篇一






考六级作文范文 篇二






考六级作文范文 篇三

There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful, but only a few can climb to the top and be admired by the world. However, it doesn’t mean that most of us are losers. Actually everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way.

We have to admit that there are something that we cannot accomplish right now, but it isn’t the excuse for us to stop trying. Being great needs time and patience, so only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities. At least, one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal. For example, one may doesn’t have the resources or training on how to be a world-class musician, but by constant practice of every short piece of music, he can still bring happiness, comfort and inspiration to his family members and friends, then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences.

Therefore, never cease the pace on the road to our dreams. As long as we stick to our goal and be serious to whatever related to it, we can be considered as great.

考六级作文范文 篇四

Online Learning

Perhaps there is something you don't know how to doTTn the past, you might turn to a friend or a relative, attend a night class or go to the local library to find the answer. But at present a lot of websites are springing np to offer free practical advice on these subjects aod actually anything else you can imagine.

Why is online learning so popular among people? The answer is obvious: online learning is nuich more convenient. In the past, you perhaps had to spend pienp of lime learning m a night class or going to the library to look for relevant materials. However, now when you run into a problem, yotijust need to click the mouse, then a lot of related websites will appear in front of you.

However, not all the materials on the Internet are correct; sometimes they are false. Thus, if you want to lcam something from the Internet, you should make sure what you will leam is completely correct.

考六级作文范文 篇五

Looking Forward to the 21st Century

I am eagerly waiting the arrival of the 21st century, because it promises exciting new developments in science and technology. First of all, it is likely that telecommunications will expand by leaps and bounds. Secondly, more progress will be made in medicine, and thirdly the coming century will see mankind really come to grips with environmental pollution.

As far as communications is concerned, e-mail and the Internet will probably become available all over the globe, enhancing mutual understanding and making wars less frequent. Advances in medicine will enable us to live longer and healthier lives, and science and technology will provide more tools for tackling the pollution problem.

However, there will be new challenges to face in the new century. Population will continue to grow, putting pressure on the food supply. Moreover, there is a danger that people will become too dependent on machines to look after them, leading to a weakening of their spiritual lives.

I intend to prepare myself for the 21st century by keeping abreast of the latest developments in science and technology. But at the same time, I will not neglect cultural pursuits.

考六级作文范文 篇六

Online course, as a new teaching method based on computer and Internet,allows teachers to give classes from a distance is becoming more than popular in colleges and universities,and acts as an effective complement to traditional teaching.

However, opinions on it differ from teachers to , teachers support it for two reasons: Firstly, online course can be conducted at home or office and this offers great convenience to , online course releases teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again.

However, many students have opposite standpoints: In the first place, with online course, they lack face-to-face communications with teachers and their confusion cannot be solved addition, the computer system cannot be guaranteed to work stably all the ’s more, they do not have 100 percent confidence in their self-discipline without teachers being around to supervise.

Personally, with the college students growing up, if the traditional teaching method and the modern ones like on-line course can be combined together, more fruitful education is sure to be realized.




在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编整理的迎新年的作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。  迎新年的作文...


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在我们平凡的日常里,大家对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的幸福的家庭作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。  幸福的家庭作...


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时间: 2013年9月13日 地点:人民公寓(自己家) 人物:我和爸爸 儿子:爸爸,老师布置了一很项特殊的任务,就是采访自己身边的亲人的创业经历与梦想。我想还是找你来谈吧。 爸爸:(微微一笑)这么光荣...