
幼儿英语汇报课教案-幼儿英语汇报课教案 篇一

Title: Fun with Colors - Teaching Plan for Preschool English Presentation Class


In this lesson, we will focus on teaching preschool children about colors in English. Through a variety of interactive activities and games, we aim to help the children learn and remember the names of different colors in a fun and engaging way.


- To introduce and reinforce the names of basic colors in English (red, blue, yellow, green, etc.)

- To develop children's vocabulary and language skills through interactive activities

- To promote group interaction and cooperation among the children

Materials Needed:

- Flashcards with different colors

- Colorful objects (toys, art supplies, etc.)

- Music player with children's songs

- Whiteboard and markers

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Greet the children and sing a hello song together

- Show the children the flashcards with different colors and ask them to repeat after you

2. Introduction to Colors (10 minutes)

- Show the children the colorful objects and ask them to name the colors

- Introduce the names of the colors in English and have the children repeat after you

- Practice identifying colors by asking the children to point to objects of a specific color

3. Color Matching Game (15 minutes)

- Divide the children into small groups and give each group a set of color cards

- Play a color matching game where the children have to match objects with the corresponding color cards

- Encourage teamwork and cooperation among the children

4. Sing-along Time (10 minutes)

- Play a song about colors and encourage the children to sing along

- Use gestures and movements to help the children remember the names of the colors

5. Art Activity (15 minutes)

- Provide the children with coloring sheets and crayons

- Ask the children to color the objects on the sheet according to the colors you call out

- Encourage creativity and imagination in their artwork

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Review the names of the colors with the children

- Sing a goodbye song and thank the children for their participation


Through this lesson, the children have had the opportunity to learn about colors in English in a fun and interactive way. By incorporating various activities and games, we have engaged the children and helped them develop their language skills while having a great time together.

幼儿英语汇报课教案-幼儿英语汇报课教案 篇二

Title: Animal Friends - Teaching Plan for Preschool English Presentation Class


In this lesson, we will focus on teaching preschool children about animals in English. By introducing different animals and their names, we aim to expand the children's vocabulary and knowledge while engaging them in interactive and creative activities.


- To introduce and reinforce the names of common animals in English

- To develop children's language skills through interactive activities and games

- To foster curiosity and interest in learning about animals

Materials Needed:

- Animal flashcards

- Stuffed animals or animal toys

- Animal-themed storybooks

- Colorful pictures of animals

- Music player with animal songs

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Greet the children and sing a hello song together

- Show the children the animal flashcards and ask them to name the animals

2. Introduction to Animals (10 minutes)

- Introduce different animals to the children using the flashcards and stuffed animals

- Teach the names of the animals in English and have the children repeat after you

- Engage the children by making animal sounds and movements

3. Animal Guessing Game (15 minutes)

- Show the children pictures of animals and ask them to guess the names

- Encourage the children to describe the animals using simple English phrases

- Reward the children with stickers or small prizes for correct answers

4. Storytime (10 minutes)

- Read an animal-themed storybook to the children

- Encourage the children to listen attentively and ask questions about the story

- Discuss the different animals featured in the story and their characteristics

5. Sing-along Time (10 minutes)

- Play animal songs and encourage the children to sing along

- Use gestures and movements to help the children remember the names of the animals

- Have the children act out the animals in the songs

6. Art Activity (15 minutes)

- Provide the children with coloring sheets of animals

- Ask the children to color the animals and decorate the pictures

- Encourage creativity and imagination in their artwork

7. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Review the names of the animals with the children

- Sing a goodbye song and thank the children for their participation


Through this lesson, the children have had the opportunity to learn about different animals in English in an engaging and interactive way. By incorporating a variety of activities and games, we have stimulated the children's curiosity and creativity while helping them develop their language skills.

幼儿英语汇报课教案-幼儿英语汇报课教案 篇三


幼儿英语汇报课教案 每天学习1

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