9A Unit 2 教案 篇一
本次课程将围绕Unit 2的主题展开,主要内容包括课文的讲解、词汇的学习和语法知识的讲解。我们将通过多种教学方法,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握相关知识。
通过本次课程的学习,相信学生将能够更好地理解Unit 2的内容,提高英语综合能力,为以后的学习打下坚实的基础。
9A Unit 2 教案 篇二
本次课程将以小组合作的形式展开,旨在激发学生学习的兴趣和培养他们的合作能力。我们将通过多种形式的教学活动,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握Unit 2的内容。
通过本次课程的小组合作学习,相信学生将能够更好地理解Unit 2的内容,提高英语综合能力,培养团队合作精神,为以后的学习和生活奠定基础。
9A Unit 2 教案 篇三
9A Unit 2 教案
9A Unit 2 教案 Period 1 Title 9A Unit 2 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit(P24-41) Teaching aims Practice the names of the colours. Learn the colours of the rainbow and the order of the colours Style Listening & Speaking (New) Period 1 Important Points Practice the names of the different colours. How to use: ①would rather … than …; ②there’s nothing wrong with pink. ③look… on sb.; look…in + 颜色 Step 1, lead-in 1. This summer, the 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing. Show some pictures about the 29th Olympic Games/rings. (奥运盛会一下子就会激发学生的兴趣,但是也要防止部分学生兴奋过度,所以相关图片请根据班级情况略做调整.) 2. Q: How many colours are there in the Olympic rings? A: Five. Q: What are they? A: blue, black, red, yellow, green. 3. Remind students of different colours.(Give some pictures about colours to help the students.) Step2, Welcome to the unit 1. Discuss the questions about a rainbow. Q: Have you ever seen a rainbow? Q: When does a rainbow appear? 2. Look at the pictures of rainbows and discuss how many colours there are in a rainbow. 3. Do Part A together. 4. Go through Part B together and then make similar dialogues in pairs. Step 3

, Comic strip 1. Hobo and Eddie are discussing the colours. Listen to the tape and answer some questions. 2. Read the dialogue and try to complete the short passage according to it. 3. Read it together and analyze the useful expressions. ①I’d rather wear blue than pink. ②There’s nothing wrong with pink. ③Blue looks good on you! (You look good in blue!) 4. Go through the main task (P24). Step 4, Extension activity Learn more about the different colours. (Just go through them.) Step 5, Homework 1. Remember the colours 2. Practice ①I’d rather wear blue than pink. ②There’s nothing wrong with pink. ③Blue looks good on you! (You look good in blue!) Period 2 Changzhou Zhengheng Secondary School Zhang ling Title 9A Unit2 Reading(I) Teaching aims 1. Skim and scan the text to learn something about it. 2.Recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions.(sleepy, relaxed, sadness, calm, satisfied, heat, difficulty, decision, deep, worried) 2. Understand what the different colours represent. Style Reading (New) Period 1 Important Points 1. Let students know the main idea of the article by learning the new expressions and reading it. 2. Recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions. Difficult Points Learn to use the new words. Step1, Revision 1. Look at the pictures and name the colours. 2. Practice the spelling of the words.(violet, pink, indigo, rainbow…) (Reading中的四会及部分三会单词将穿插在阅读过程中完成,每个单词出现都会有单独的链接。) Step2, Lead-in 1. Brainstorm: What’s your favorite colour? Do you know anything interesting about colours? 2. Play a game. What do you feel... when you see the following colours? 3. We call these feelings our moods. So we know colours can affect our moods. Do you think so? Step3, Skimming 1. Read the text quickly and answer questions. ①How many kinds of colours are talked about in the text? What are they? (Four. Calm colours, warm colours, energetic colours and strong colours.) ②What colours are mentioned in the article? 2. Practice: Match Column A with Column B Step4, Scanning 1. Paragraph 2 ①Read Paragraph 2 loudly and try to complete the notes one by one. ②Learn the new words by reading the notes. ③Give more examples about the new words and encourage students to read them again and again. 2. Paragraph 3 ①Read it loudly and finish the tables ②Learn the new words by finishing the tables. ③Encourage students to learn the new words by reading more sentences. 3. Paragraph 4& paragraph 5 ①Read it loudly and do T or F questions.(encourage students to correct the mistakes.) ②Learn the new words by reading the sentences. 4. Finish the exerciseB1(P28) 5. Go through the reading or listen to the tape and finish exerciseB2(p28) (for more able students: try to find out what the different colours represent.) ------Finish the form. 6. Read the article loudly after the tape then fill in the blanks. Step5 homework 1. Read the article again and again. 2. Underline the useful phrases. Period 3 Changzhou Zhengheng Secondary School Zhang ling Title 9A Unit2 Reading(II) Teaching aims 1. Match colours to characteristics 2. Improve students’ abilities to summarize, co-operate and participate. Style Reading (New) Period 1 Important Points 1. Make students understand the article correctly. 2. Help students to learn the new expressions naturally. Difficult Points 1. Encourage students to think about their own moods and emotions. 2. How to use colours to help ourselves and others when we are feeling sad. Step1, Revision 1.Give students some key words (for more able students, the key words can be omitted) Encourage them to fill in the blanks Try to retell the paragraph2 with the useful information. 2. Use the same way to retell the other paragraphs about colours. (笔者在教学中一直致力于让学生在课堂中/外有针对性的反复朗读来加深对所学内容的理解;而朗朗上口的`素材多了,学生在拓展活动中自然而然就能脱口而出了。 如果班级学生有良好的朗读及背诵习惯,这部分用于检查学生的口头作业就不会显得冷场; 如果学生平时疏于练习口头表达,则在这里用一些活动或比赛来达到尽量让学生在课堂上多开口练的目标) 2. Learn the important language points. (paragraph by paragraph) (说明:语言点在学生复述课文的时候,教师可以按照顺序进行板书。尽管课件上有讲解,但是书写在黑板上可以让学生接受的更好些。学生在复述时会出现两个极端。一是对新词组特别注意,这时只需要强化就可以了;二是对于有难度的词组,会有不同程度的错误,这时必须及时纠正,而且还要有详细的说明和对比。) Step2, Practice (deal with PartC) 1. Finish C1 and check the answers with their partners. 2. Ask five students to read out the complete sentences.(if there are some mistakes, explain why the answers are incorrect.) 3. Ask students to fill in the questionnaire with their own information. (P25 C2) 4. Encourage them to retell the questionnaire and to see if their favourite colour matches your characteristic. Step3,Extension activity. 1. Pair-work: discuss whether they agree with each other about their characteristics. 2. Share the knowledge about colours with others. What colours can help our female volley players? ① Wangyimei can’t sleep very well. She feels stressed. ② Zhaoruirui needs to practice for 15 hours every day. She is very tired and weak. ③ Our female volleyball players have failed some times. Chenzhonghe wants to succeed very much. Step4, Homework 1. Read the text again and again. 2. Finish some exercises. 3. Try to remember the language points. 4. Finish the exercise <learn English with you>. Period 4 Changzhou Zhengheng Secondary School Zhang ling Title 9A Unit 2 Vocabulary Teaching aims 1. Understand what synonyms are. 2. Learn more about synonyms. Style New Period 1 Important Points 1. Practice the synonyms. 2. How to use the words: influence, require, unhappiness. Step1, Revision (通常在阅读课之后,会对重要词组和句型进行检测。形式可以是口头检查或书面检查/即默写。) Step2, lead-in 1. Antonyms are words that have the opposite(这个单词已经在8B第一单元中学习过,学生应掌握) meanings of each other. 2. Encourage more able students to give an oral explanation. 3. Brainstorm: practice more Antonyms 4. Synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly the same thing. Step3, Practice (P30) Part A 1. First, do Part A by the student