英语教案:Language Focus(精简3篇)

英语教案:Language Focus 篇一

Title: Using Modal Verbs for Possibility and Probability

Objective: Students will be able to use modal verbs to express possibility and probability in sentences.

Warm-Up Activity: Begin by asking students to brainstorm different modal verbs they know and their meanings. Write their answers on the board.

Presentation: Introduce the modal verbs "might," "could," "may," and "can't" to express possibility and probability. Provide examples for each modal verb and explain the differences between them.

Practice: Have students work in pairs to create sentences using the modal verbs for possibility and probability. Encourage them to use a variety of subjects and verbs in their sentences.

Production: In groups, have students create a short dialogue where they use the modal verbs to express possibility and probability. They can then perform their dialogues for the class.

Wrap-Up: Review the correct usage of the modal verbs for possibility and probability with the class. Encourage students to continue practicing using these modal verbs in their daily conversations.

Homework: Assign students to write a short paragraph using at least three different modal verbs to express possibility and probability.

英语教案:Language Focus 篇二

Title: Differentiating Between Present Simple and Present Continuous

Objective: Students will be able to differentiate between the present simple and present continuous tenses in sentences.

Warm-Up Activity: Write a variety of sentences on the board using both the present simple and present continuous tenses. Have students identify which tense is being used in each sentence.

Presentation: Explain the differences between the present simple and present continuous tenses, including when each tense is typically used and the structure of each tense.

Practice: Provide students with a worksheet containing sentences in either the present simple or present continuous tense. Have them identify the tense of each sentence and rewrite them in the opposite tense.

Production: Have students work in pairs to create a short story using both the present simple and present continuous tenses. They should pay attention to the context in which each tense is used.

Wrap-Up: Review the correct usage of the present simple and present continuous tenses with the class. Encourage students to pay attention to the time indicators that signal which tense to use.

Homework: Assign students to write a diary entry for a day in their life, using both the present simple and present continuous tenses to describe their activities.

英语教案:Language Focus 篇三

英语教案:Language Focus

  Language Focus:

  do well in; keep your classroom clean and tidy; Collect waste paper for recycling; pick flowers; Step on the grass; cut down trees

  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they should do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions.

  2. Revise the contents of Unit 3.

  3. Train their listening ability.

  4. Improve their writing ability.

  5. Go through Checkpoint 3.

  II. Revision

  1. Revise the useful expressions in Unit 3. Ask

the students to do some translations, translate some sentences into English.

  2. Revise the Present Perfect Tense. Ask: How long have you been a … ? What have you done since you became …? Get the students to ask and answer in pairs.



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