三年级英语1-4课教案 篇一
Lesson 1: Greetings
- Students will be able to greet each other in English.
- Students will be able to respond to greetings appropriately.
Materials: Flashcards with greetings (hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, good evening)
- Greet students as they enter the classroom, encouraging them to respond in English.
- Play a fun greeting game such as "Simon Says" using the greetings on the flashcards.
1. Introduce and practice each greeting with the class, having students repeat after you.
2. Use role-play activities to practice greetings in different scenarios (meeting a friend, greeting a teacher, etc.).
- Pair students up and have them take turns greeting each other using the flashcards.
- Encourage students to use the greetings in everyday interactions throughout the day.
- Observe students during the pair activities to assess their ability to greet each other in English.
- Use a simple worksheet where students match the greetings to the correct pictures.
- Encourage students to practice greetings with their family members at home.
- Have students write a short journal entry about a time when they used English greetings outside of the classroom.
Lesson 2: Numbers 1-20
- Students will be able to count from 1 to 20 in English.
- Students will be able to recognize and write numbers 1-20.
Materials: Number flashcards, whiteboard, markers
- Review numbers 1-10 with a quick counting game.
- Introduce numbers 11-20 by showing the flashcards and having students repeat after you.
1. Practice counting from 1-20 as a class, emphasizing correct pronunciation.
2. Write the numbers 1-20 on the whiteboard and have students practice writing them.
- Play a number recognition game where students hold up the correct number flashcard in response to your call.
- Have students work in pairs to quiz each other on counting from 1-20.
- Give students a simple worksheet with missing numbers for them to fill in.
- Observe students during the number recognition game to assess their ability to recognize numbers 1-20.
- Encourage students to practice counting from 1-20 at home with their family members.
- Have students create a number chart from 1-20 and hang it up in their room for reference.
三年级英语1-4课教案 篇二
Lesson 3: Colors
- Students will be able to identify and name basic colors in English.
- Students will be able to use color vocabulary in simple sentences.
Materials: Color flashcards, construction paper, markers
- Review colors by showing flashcards and having students shout out the color names.
- Play a quick game of "I Spy" with colors around the classroom.
1. Introduce and practice each color with the class, having students repeat after you.
2. Use color mixing activities to show how different colors can be made (blue + yellow = green, etc.).
- Have students create a color wheel using construction paper and markers, labeling each section with the correct color name.
- Play a color matching game where students match objects of the same color together.
- Give students a worksheet with pictures of objects in different colors for them to label.
- Observe students during the color matching game to assess their ability to identify colors correctly.
- Encourage students to look for objects of different colors at home and practice naming them in English.
- Have students write a short paragraph describing their favorite color and why they like it.
Lesson 4: Family
- Students will be able to name and describe family members in English.
- Students will be able to talk about their own family in simple sentences.
Materials: Family flashcards, family tree template, markers
- Review family vocabulary by showing flashcards and having students say the names of each family member.
- Play a game of "Who Am I?" where students act out a family member for the class to guess.
1. Introduce and practice each family member with the class, having students repeat after you.
2. Have students create their own family tree using the template provided, labeling each family member in English.
- Pair students up and have them take turns describing their own family members to each other.
- Play a memory game where students match family member flashcards with their names.
- Give students a worksheet with a family tree outline for them to fill in with the correct family members.
- Observe students during the pair activities to assess their ability to describe family members in English.
- Encourage students to talk to their family members about their lesson on family vocabulary.
- Have students write a short paragraph about their favorite family member and why they admire them.
三年级英语1-4课教案 篇三
Unit1 Hello Lesson1 一、教学内容 1、 Just speak本部分主要从两个方面进行会话练习,一方面通过打招呼、自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的。 2、 Just read学习动物的英文名称:cat,monkey.. 3、 Let’s sing学唱Hello英文歌曲,巩固本课教学内容。 二、 课前准备: 1、 制作头饰 2、 为男女生准备常用英文名字卡。 三、 教学步骤; 1、 热身/复习Warm—up/Revision 1) 课前播放歌曲,渲染课堂学习气氛。 2) 收集一些常用的英文单词缩写,诸如WTO、TV、HK、CD等,让学生了解一些身边的英语,并请同学说一说他们知道的生活中英语。 2、 新课导入(presentation) 1) 以自然的方式配合以恰当的手势动作向学生说Hello,引导学生向老师说Hello,,表示问候。练习问好。 2) 胸前佩戴英文名字卡进行自我介绍:Hello,I’m…借助手势让学生理解句子含义,并通过戴头饰介绍书中的主要人物Li Yan,Peter,让学生进一步感知I’m…的含意。 3) 让学生到讲台来,戴上头饰说Hello,I’m…然后,向老师介绍真实的.自己。 4) 出示本课挂图,为学生提供话题情景,然后依次戴面具进行表演。 5) 听录音,投影展示Just speak和Just read部分内容,跟读模仿。 3、 趣味操练 1) 猜人物游戏 2) 强调语音语调 3) 游戏:找朋友。 4、 课外活动(Additional activities) 1) 鼓励学生下课后遇到老师用英语问候; 2) 在实际中运用所学知识。 Lesson2 一、教