PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit2教案 篇一
Title: Fun Ways to Teach Unit 2 in PEP Primary School English Grade 4
Unit 2 in PEP Primary School English Grade 4 focuses on the topic of "My Family". In this unit, students will learn how to talk about family members, describe their appearances, and express their feelings towards family members. Here are some fun ways to teach Unit 2 to make learning enjoyable and engaging for students.
1. Family Tree Activity:
Start the lesson by introducing the concept of a family tree. Show students an example of a family tree with names of family members and their relationships. Then, have students create their own family trees using pictures and names of their family members. This visual representation will help students understand the relationships between family members better.
2. Family Member Flashcards:
Create flashcards with pictures of different family members such as grandparents, parents, siblings, and cousins. Show the flashcards to students and have them practice saying the names of each family member. You can also play games like "Who Am I?" where students have to guess which family member is being described on the flashcard.
3. My Family Album:
Ask students to bring in pictures of their family members and create a class "My Family Album". Have students introduce their family members by saying their names and describing their appearances. This activity not only helps students practice speaking skills but also strengthens their sense of belonging and connection to their family.
4. Feelings Chart:
Introduce vocabulary words related to feelings such as happy, sad, angry, and excited. Create a feelings chart with different facial expressions for each emotion. Have students take turns expressing how they feel about their family members using the vocabulary words and pointing to the corresponding facial expression on the chart.
5. Family Skit:
Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a role to play in a family skit. Students can act out different scenarios such as a family dinner, a birthday celebration, or a family vacation. Encourage students to use the vocabulary and expressions they have learned in Unit 2 to make the skit more realistic and engaging.
By incorporating these fun and interactive activities into the lesson plan for Unit 2, students will not only improve their English language skills but also develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for their families. Making learning enjoyable and meaningful will motivate students to actively participate and engage in the lesson, leading to a more successful learning experience.
PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit2教案 篇二
Title: Assessment Strategies for Unit 2 in PEP Primary School English Grade 4
Assessing students' understanding and progress in Unit 2 "My Family" is essential to monitor their learning outcomes and provide feedback for improvement. Here are some effective assessment strategies to evaluate students' performance in Unit 2 of PEP Primary School English Grade 4.
1. Vocabulary Quiz:
Conduct a vocabulary quiz to assess students' knowledge of key vocabulary words related to family members, appearances, and feelings. Provide students with a list of words and have them match each word to its corresponding picture or definition. This quiz will help determine if students have mastered the vocabulary introduced in Unit 2.
2. Speaking Assessment:
Organize a speaking assessment where students have to describe their family members and express their feelings towards them. Provide prompts or questions for students to respond to, such as "Who is your favorite family member?" or "How do you feel when you are with your family?". This assessment will evaluate students' ability to communicate effectively using the language learned in Unit 2.
3. Role-Play Activity:
Assign students different roles to play in a family scenario and conduct a role-play activity. Observe students' interactions, language use, and ability to convey emotions and feelings through their performances. This activity will assess students' comprehension and application of the vocabulary and expressions taught in Unit 2.
4. Writing Task:
Ask students to write a short paragraph about their family, describing each family member and expressing their feelings towards them. Provide a writing prompt with guiding questions to help students organize their thoughts and structure their writing. This task will evaluate students' writing skills and their ability to convey information and emotions effectively in written form.
5. Family Tree Project:
Assign students a family tree project where they have to create a visual representation of their family tree with names and pictures of family members. Students can present their family trees to the class and explain the relationships between each family member. This project will assess students' ability to apply the concepts learned in Unit 2 and demonstrate their understanding of family relationships.
By implementing these assessment strategies in Unit 2 of PEP Primary School English Grade 4, teachers can effectively evaluate students' progress and understanding of the lesson content. Providing a variety of assessment methods will cater to different learning styles and abilities, allowing teachers to gain a comprehensive view of students' language proficiency and skills development. Feedback from assessments can guide instruction and support students in achieving their learning goals in Unit 2.
PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit2教案 篇三
四上Unit Two My Schoolbag 2010.8 教材分析:本单元主要学习两个方面的内容。一是简单描述自己的书包并说出书包中物品的名称,主要指书和学过的文具用品。二是数量词和字母的学习。这些内容贴近学生的学习生活,很容易打动学生,激起他们学习的欲望。学生学习的积极性和主动性上来了,学习效率自然也会得到提高。 一、单元教学目标 1. 能够简单描述自己的书包,如:I have a new schoolbag .It’s black and white. My schoolbag is heavy.并能在实际情景中运用。 2. 能听、说、认读Chinese book, math book, schoolbag, story-book, notebook, twenty-one, thirty, thirty-one, forty, forty-one, fifty,并能结合句子进行使用。 3. 能听懂一些简单的指令并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 4. 能听、说、读、写字母Jj,----Rr,并能听懂、会说以这九个字母为首的单词。 5. 能听、说、读、写单词bag, pencil, pen, book, ruler, pencil-case . 6. 通过学习chant,熟悉词汇,同时培养学生的语言节奏感。 7. 学唱歌曲“Books and Pencils”,并通过唱英文歌曲培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 8. 了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 9. 让学生了解课本的重要性并教育他们要爱护课本。 10. 了解我国是一个文明古国,有着5000年的历史文化,其中最为著名的是四大发明:造纸术、火药、指南针和印刷术。 二、教学重点、难点 重点:1.能够灵活运用学过的语句简单描述自己的书包和书包中的物品。 2.数量词的学习。 难点:文具以及书本数量的表达方法。 三. 课时安排:六课时 第一课时:A Let’s learn Let’s do C Let’s sing 第二课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play C Good to know 第