PEP 小学英语四年级上册第四单元教案 孙维萍(经典3篇)

PEP 小学英语四年级上册第四单元教案 孙维萍 篇一

Title: PEP Primary School English Grade Four Unit Four Lesson Plan

In this lesson plan, students will learn about daily routines and the present continuous tense. The main objective is to help students understand and use the present continuous tense to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking.

1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Start the lesson by asking students about their daily routines. Encourage them to talk about what they usually do in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

- Play a game where students act out different daily routines (e.g. brushing teeth, eating breakfast) while the rest of the class guesses what they are doing.

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

- Introduce the present continuous tense by explaining that it is used to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking.

- Show examples of sentences using the present continuous tense (e.g. "I am eating breakfast", "She is watching TV").

- Have students practice forming sentences in the present continuous tense using verb + ing.

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of flashcards with pictures of different daily routines.

- Students take turns describing what the person in the picture is doing using the present continuous tense.

- Monitor the pairs and provide feedback on their use of the present continuous tense.

4. Production (15 minutes)

- Ask students to create a short skit where they act out different daily routines using the present continuous tense.

- Allow students to practice and rehearse their skits in pairs or small groups.

- Have each group perform their skit in front of the class.

5. Review and Homework (5 minutes)

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students if they have any questions.

- Assign homework where students have to write sentences using the present continuous tense to describe their own daily routines.

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to confidently use the present continuous tense to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking. This lesson plan provides a fun and interactive way for students to practice and improve their English language skills.

PEP 小学英语四年级上册第四单元教案 孙维萍 篇二

Title: PEP Primary School English Grade Four Unit Four Lesson Plan

In this lesson plan, students will focus on expanding their vocabulary related to daily routines and practicing the present continuous tense in context. The main objective is to help students use the present continuous tense to talk about what they are doing at the moment of speaking.

1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Start the lesson by playing a guessing game where students have to guess what the teacher is doing at the moment (e.g. writing on the board, drinking water).

- Encourage students to use the present continuous tense in their guesses.

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

- Review the present continuous tense and its uses with the students.

- Introduce new vocabulary related to daily routines (e.g. do homework, take a shower, play sports) and have students repeat after you.

- Show pictures of different daily routines and ask students to describe what is happening in each picture using the present continuous tense.

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into groups and give each group a set of cards with sentences in the present continuous tense.

- Students take turns reading the sentences aloud and guessing which daily routine each sentence describes.

- Provide feedback on pronunciation and sentence structure as students practice.

4. Production (15 minutes)

- Ask students to work in pairs and create a dialogue using the present continuous tense to talk about their daily routines.

- Encourage students to include as many new vocabulary words as possible in their dialogue.

- Have pairs perform their dialogues in front of the class.

5. Review and Homework (5 minutes)

- Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to summarize what they have learned.

- Assign homework where students have to write a short paragraph using the present continuous tense to describe their own daily routine.

Through this lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to practice using the present continuous tense in context and expand their vocabulary related to daily routines. This lesson provides a structured and engaging way for students to improve their English language skills.

PEP 小学英语四年级上册第四单元教案 孙维萍 篇三

PEP 小学英语四年级上册第四单元教案 孙维萍

PEP 小学英语四年级上册第四单元教案 Unit 4 My Home 北城小学 孙维萍 教学目标与要求: 1.能听懂,会说句子This is my home. Its big. I have a living room. This is my bed等并能在实际情景中运用 2.能运用所学句型询问,猜测人或物的位置,并做出相应的回答 3.能掌握四会单词home, room, school classroom, door, window, desk ,chair, bed 等 4.通过学唱歌谣,培养学生的语言节奏感 5.听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作 6.读懂英语故事,鼓励学生表演和扩展故事 7.了解西方国家的房屋结构以及各部分名称,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居 8.学唱歌曲,并通过歌曲巩固所学内容,同时培养学生对英语的兴趣 课时安排:6课时 第一课时:A(lets learn Lets do)C(Lets sing ) 第二课时:A(Lets talk Lets play ) C(Good to know) 第三课时:A(Read and write ,write and say)C(Lets play) 第四课时:B(Lets learn Lets do) C(Task time) 第五课时:B(Lets talk Lets cha

nt) Write and say) C(Story time ) 第六课时:B(Read and write ,Write and say) ) C(Lets check ) 第一课时 一.教学目标 1.能听懂,会说句子This is my home y home并能简单描述自己的房间 2.听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 3.能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作 4.会唱歌曲My Bedroom 二.教学重难点 1. 听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 2.学习表示指令的词组。 3.单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 三.教具准备: 1. 教材相配套的教学挂件[Unit 4 Let’s learn/A] 2. 教材相配套的教学录音带 3. 教师自制的单词词卡 4. 教师使用的study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen图片。 四.教学过程: 课前参与 一、热身、复习 (Warm-up / Revision) A. Learn these sentences Where is the doll? It is in the box. Where is the doll? It is on the box. Where is the doll? It is under the box. Where is the box? It is on the table. B. Ask and answer Where is the farmer? He is in the van. Where is the monkey? It is under the taxi. Where is the elephant? It is in the car. Where is the boy? He is on the train. Where is the nurse? She is on the bus. Where is the girl? She is in the truck. Where is the bird? It is on the bridge. 课中研讨 二、呈现新课(Presentation) 1. 教师出示study的图片,手指着书房里的书问学生:What are they? 学生回答:They are books. 教师接着自问自答:Where are the books? They are in the study. 教读单词 study, 并板书,让学生认读。教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:We read the books in the study. 2. 教师出示living room的图片,教师问学生:Are there many books here? Is it a study? 学生回答:No.教师肯定学生的回答:Good. This isn’t a study. It’s a living room. We watch TV in a living room. 教读单词living room, 并板书,让学生认读。 3. 教师出示bedroom的图片,问学生:What’s in it? 当学生回答出bed时,教师说:Yes, there is a bed in it. We sleep in a bedroom. (做动作帮助学生理解)This is a bedroom.教读bedroom, 并板书,让学生认读。 4. 教师出示bathroom的图片,问学生:Is this a study? Is this a living room? Is this a bedroom? 学生会回答:No. 教师告诉学生:This is a bathroom. We take a shower in a bathroom.(用动作帮助学生理解)教读单词bathroom,并板书,让学生认读。 5. 教师出示kitchen的图片,问学生:Is this a bathroom? 教师可让学生用中文说出这是哪儿。然后教读单词kitchen, 并板书,学生认读单词。教师可请学生看图片说句子:This is a kitchen. 6. 教师把第46页Let’s learn部分的挂图贴到黑板上说:This is my home. How many rooms can you see? What are they? 7. 让学生观看本部分教学挂件。 [使用Unit 4 Let’s learn/A] 8. 教师提问:Can you see a bedroom, a living room, a study, bathroom and kitchen? 学生回答:Yes. 教师:Oh, you can see a bedroom, a living room…并让学生重复这段话。 9. 让学生听录音,跟读课文。 10. 教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词。 11. 教师用动作和语言表达句子,让学生说出相应的房间。 教师:We watch TV in the_______. We read a book in the _________. We have a snack in the _________. We take a shower in the _________. We have a sleep in the ___________. 12. Let’s do: 1)教师播放录音,学生跟唱。 2)教师说前一部分的指令,让学生说后一部分的指令并做出相应的动作。 教师:Go to the living room. 学生:Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep. 3) 学生小组表演Let’s do部分的内容。 4) 教师奖励优秀小组。 三、趣味操练(Practice) 1. 抢读单词 这是训练学生认读单词能力的游戏,教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示一些单词 卡片或图片,学生们举手抢答,教师让最先举手的学生读出该单词并说出其中的意思,或将图片上的单词读出来拼出来,读对说对拼对的'给该组记10分,得分最多的组为优胜。 1.摸宝说英语  教师准备好本课的单词卡片(有的写中文,有的写英文)和图画。将卡片和图画放入一只 不透明的袋子里。游戏开始教师说,袋子里装的是许多宝物,让学生们上来轮流摸宝,如果摸到的是写有英文的卡片,则要英译汉;如果是中文,则要汉译英并拼读出来;如果是图片,则要看图说英语。  课后延伸 四、扩展性活动(Add-activities) Let’s sing: 《My Bedroom》 教材P55页 第二课时 一.教学目标 1.能听懂会说 Is it on your desk? Is it in your pencil-box? Is it in your desk? Is it under your book? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 并能应用 2.了解西方国家的房屋结构以及各部分名称 二.教学重难点 1. Is it in/on/under/…? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 2.词汇: isn’t is 连读,isn’t 三.教具准备 1.图片study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen 2教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 4 Let’s talkA] 3.教材相配套的教学录音带 四.教学过程 课前参与 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.做游戏:教师把图片study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen放在讲台桌上,让一个学生到前面来看教师指定好的图片,然后向全班同学做出在该房间可发生的动作,让其他同学来猜一猜他看到的是哪张图片。 2.做A部分Let’s do 的游戏。一个同学说指令,让其他同学根据指令做可能发生的动作。 3. Sing a song “My bedroom”. 课中研讨 (二)呈现新课 (Presentation) 1.教师对一个学生说:I have a new eraser. Do you have it? Where is it? 让学生回答以上问题。教师继续对其他学生说:I have…. Do you have it? Where is it? 让学生回答:It’s in/on/under… 2.教师分别指着书、本、铅笔、尺子、橡皮等实物凭借记忆再次询问以上学生:Is it on your desk? Is it in your pencil-box? Is it in your desk? Is it under your book? 在学生回答出Yes和No的基础上,引导他们用Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 来回答。 3.做猜一猜的游戏。教师告诉学生有一些东西(物体或动物)分别放在家中的各个房间里。让学生猜一猜他们到底在哪个房间中。把学生分为两大组,一组学生必须使用句型Is it in/on/under…?来猜,另一组学生看着图用Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 来回答。 教师所给的单词是:desk, bed, cat, chair, TV, sofa, book, bag. 4.教师通过叙述故事,导入课文对话。 教师:一天,Sarah来到Chen Jie的家中,在Chen Jie的卧室里,看到她家的猫把她的新橡皮给叼跑了。你知道,猫把橡皮叼到哪里去了吗?可让学生先用句型Is it in…?来猜一猜。 5.让学生观看教学课件。[使用Unit 4 Let’s talk/A] 看完课件后,让学生回答:Where is the cat? 6.听录音,跟读课文对话。 7.让学生做对话表演。 (三)趣味操练 (Practice) 1.做Let’s play部分的游戏。 让一个人蒙上眼睛,其他的人来藏一件物品。然后,让蒙上眼睛的同学猜Where’s…., 蒙上眼睛的同学用Is it in/on/under/…?来猜。其他同学用Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 来判断。如果猜对了,换人继续游戏。如果猜错了,要被罚演节目。 2.猜袋中物  教师从书包中拿出一件东西放入一只不透明的袋子里,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a banana(an apple, orange)?”猜对了为优胜。  课后延伸 (四)扩展性活动(Add-activities) 看图猜词 以每一纵行为一组进行竞赛,教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a plane (bus, bike)?”回答:Yes it is.或No,It isn’t.等。哪个组猜对了就给记10分,然后接着往下猜,第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜,最后得分最多的组为优胜。做游戏时,还可以找一位学生来主持,由他让学生们猜。 第三课时 一.教学目标 1.能听说读写单词home, room, school, classroom 2.能用英语介绍居室或学校 二.教学重难点 1.单词home, room, school, classroom的拼写。 2.home与house的区别 三.教具准备 1.图片study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 3.单词卡片 四.教学过程 课前参与 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.复习Let’s talk/A部分的对话。 2.做Let’s play的游戏。 课中研讨 (二)







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