
新目标英语八年级上册第四单元教案一 篇一

Unit 4 Making the news

Teaching Goals:

1. Enable students to talk about news events and express their opinions.

2. Help students improve their reading and listening skills.

3. Encourage students to work collaboratively in groups.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up activity: Start the lesson by asking students to brainstorm different types of news events they can think of (e.g. sports news, weather news, entertainment news).

2. Reading activity: Provide students with a news article and ask them to read it silently. Then, have students discuss in pairs or small groups about the main idea of the article.

3. Listening activity: Play a news report for students to listen to. After listening, have students answer comprehension questions to check their understanding.

4. Vocabulary building: Introduce new vocabulary words related to news events and have students practice using them in sentences.

5. Speaking activity: Divide students into groups and have them create their own news report. Each group will present their news report to the class.

6. Follow-up discussion: Lead a class discussion on the importance of reliable sources in news reporting and the impact of fake news on society.


1. Participation in group activities and class discussions.

2. Completion of comprehension questions and vocabulary exercises.

3. Presentation of news report by each group.


1. Write a short news article on a current event of their choice.

2. Watch a news program and write a summary of the main stories covered.

新目标英语八年级上册第四单元教案一 篇二

Unit 4 Making the news

Teaching Materials:

1. News article for reading activity

2. Audio recording of news report for listening activity

3. Vocabulary flashcards

4. Whiteboard and markers

Differentiated Instruction:

1. For lower-level students, provide simplified news articles with vocabulary support.

2. For higher-level students, assign additional research tasks related to news reporting ethics and media bias.

3. Provide extra speaking practice for students who may struggle with expressing their opinions in English.

Extension Activities:

1. Organize a class debate on a controversial news topic.

2. Invite a guest speaker, such as a journalist or news anchor, to talk to students about the importance of journalism ethics.

3. Encourage students to create their own news blog or vlog where they can report on news events that interest them.

Overall, this lesson aims to not only improve students' English language skills but also to foster critical thinking and media literacy. By engaging students in discussions about news events and encouraging them to create their own news reports, they will develop a deeper understanding of the role of the media in society.

新目标英语八年级上册第四单元教案一 篇三


How do you get to school?教案高青县教研室 刘林华 陈永兵 郭丽佳    Section A   完成任务所需词汇和句型:    1.words and phrases: subway take the subway train minute kilometer how far school bus by boat car bicycle    2.sentences: How do you get to school? I ride my bike/ walk to school.    How does he/ she get to school? He/ She takes the bus.    How long dies it take? It takes about forty minutes.    How far is it from your home to school? It’s 3 miles.   活动任务一:    课前准备:    让学生搜集或绘制各种类型的交通工具的图片并标上英语单词。    课堂活动:    让学生展示自己搜集或绘制的有关交通工具的图片和英文单词。利用图片教学有关交通工具的英文单词。两人一组,一人出示图片,一人快速的说出相关的单词。然后做贴图游戏。在黑板上出示交通工具的'单词,分成两个大组,每组分别选派不同的代表,在规定的时间内,将图片贴在相对应的单词旁边,贴的数量多的小组获胜。    完成任务所需的词汇:    subway train school bus boat car bicycle bus plane motorbike…   活动任务二:    四人一组,调查家庭成员上学或上班的方式。完成下列表格,先在小组内交流,然后选择几名学生在班内作汇报。 Members How do you/ does your father… go to school/go to work? Father    Mother    Sister or brother    **       完成任务所需要的词汇和句型:    subway take the subway train school bus by boat car bicycle    How do you get to school?    How does your father/ mother/ sister/ brother go to work? 活动任务三:    四人一组,调查小组成员的上学方式及花费的时间。完成下表,先在小组内交流,然后每组选派代表在班内作汇报。 Name How How long    完成任务所需要的句型:    How do you get to school?    I ride my bike / walk to school.    How long dies it take?    It takes about forty minutes.    活动任务四:    听录音回答下面三个问题    Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school. He gets up at six o’clock every day, showers, and has a quick breakfast. Then he leaves for school at around half past six. First, he rides his bike to the bus station. That takes about ten minutes. Then the early bus takes him to school. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.    1.How does he get to school?    2.How long does it take?    3.How far is it from his home to school?    Section B    活动任务五    就自己同学的上学情况或同学父母的上班情况作一次采访,完成下表,然后形成一篇报道,向全班同学汇报。 Name How to get to school How long How far    完成任务所需要的句型:    How do you get to school?    I ride my bike / walk to school.    How long dies it take?    It takes about forty minutes.    How far is it from your home to school?    It’s 3 miles. 活动任务六:    阅读3a的短文,完成下面表格,并且复述。 place How to get to school North America    Japan    Big cities of China    Hongshanhu and Kaishandao       Self Check    活动任务 七 Free talk    Report your survey about your classmates in your group.    活动任务 八    1. Fill in the blanks with the words given.    2. Check the answers.    3. Make four sentences with each given word by using different people and places.    4.Pairwork Read the sentences that you made to your parts.    活动任务 九    1. Complete the conversation.    2. Pairwork Act out the conversation.    3. Act out Student A chooses student

B by himself or herself, and then act out the conversation.    Homework Survey and writing    Survey your family members about the following questions, and fill in the chart.    How do you get to work?    How far do you live from the workplace?    How long does it take to get to work?    What do you think of the transportation in your town?    Do you have any good idea for the transportation? Members Answers Father    Mother    Uncle    Aunt    Others


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