新目标英语Go for it九年级上Unit 6教案(通用3篇)
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新目标英语Go for it九年级上Unit 6教案 篇三
新目标英语(Go for it)九年级上Unit 6教案
Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to Unit 6 第1课时 Teaching aims 学习由关系代词who, that引导的定语从句,并且能运用它们描述自己的喜好。 Teaching of new lesson 1. Warm-up : Train work T: What kind of weather do you like ? S: I like sunny days. T: I like weather that is sunny, too.(板书) 引导学生以I like weather that is warm / cool……句型进行练习。 运用句型: What kind of clothes do you like ? I like clothes that are comfortable / soft / not expensive 2. Pair work 让学生谈论音乐,运用句型: What kind of music do you like ? I like music that is gentle. / I like music that I can dance to I like music that I can sing along with. / I like music that has great lyrics 3. Ask the students to work in pairs. A: What kind of music do you like ? B: I like music that I can sing along with. A: What kind of musicians do you like ? B: I like musicians who play different kinds of music. Ask the students to use other target language instead of music, musician to practice. 4. 教学听力训练(Listenign) 明白听力任务,现让学生听对话,按要求完成1b,由学生做答案,教师检查学生答案。 再播放一遍录音,学生跟读。 5.教学 1)操练(Practice)1c小组练习(group work) 根据所听到的对话,模仿练习 2)拓展(Extension) 教师问一学生:Which kind of music do you like better, music that has great lyrics or music that you can dance to ? S: I like music that I can dance to. T: You mean “I prefer music that I can dance to”.(板书引出本课重点词汇: prefer) 6. 教学2a, 2b听力训练 1)让学生明白4句话的意思; 2)听力训练。听第一遍,完成2a,再听第二遍,将答案填写在2b的空格里。 3)强化定语从句中that, who的用法。注意学生填写2b时句子是否完整,进行更正。 4)跟读对话 Extension I like the ruler which / that I bought yesterday. The room that / which is behind me is my bedroom. Homework 用that, who, which填空 1. I prefer apples _______ are sweet. 2. He has some friends _______ can help him a lot. 3. The orange skirt ______ is hanging there is my favorite. 4. No one likes books ______ are boring. 5. We prefer singers ________ write their own lyrics. Unit 6 第2课时 Teaching aims 1、熟练掌握who, that引导的从句的用法; 2、学会理解他们在句子中的含义,学会用句型表达自己的`喜好。 Teaching of new lesson 1、Ask the students to practice using the target language. music sing along with musicians play different kinds of music clothes be comfortable to wear movies be sad movie stars songs be energetic singers 2. 3a Read Jennifer’s CD review. Then match the sentence parts 1) 导入( Lead-in ),播放两张风格各异的CD,问学生对这些音乐的感受,更喜欢哪一种,为什么? 2)泛读。让学生阅读Jennifer’s CD review,如果有生词,在生词上画圈(remind of, Brazilian)。 语言点remind of 的用法。可通过例句来分辨: The story reminds me of my childhood. It means the story makes me think of my childhood. 3)完成练习 由学生单独完成,帮有困难的学生进行理解,引导他们完成任务。 4)归纳总结 请一组学生给出答案,其他组如有不同意见,讨论谁是谁非。(发挥学生自主学习的能力,让他们自主地去发现,达到自主学习的目的) 3. 教学3b Pairwork Ask the students to complete this chart Movie: The fisherman’s wife was funny, It’s too long and really boring. Exhibition: There are many great photos of people and of the countryside. The few city photographs are less successful. Band: They play the kind of music that I love to hear. Every song is really loud and you don’t often understand the words. 结合3a的问题以及相关的信息,谈谈自己最近听的CD。 1) What CD did you listen to recently ? 2) What do you think about it ? 3) Why do you like / dislike it ? 由学生自由讨论,再让一些小组表演他们的对话。 4.Ask the students to work in paris using the target language. 1) A: What’s the name of your favorite ……? B: The name of my favorite…is… A: Why do you like …… B: …… A: What does it remind you of ? 2) CD “Dance, Dance, Dance” great can dance to it Homework 用30字左右的文字谈谈你对CD的看法。 (你喜欢什么样的CD?你喜欢什么样的音乐?你为什么喜欢?你不喜欢的是那些?为什么不喜欢) 熟记本课所学的新单词 Unit 6 第3课时 Teaching aims 1、学会灵活运用引导的定语从句,熟练掌握定语从句的表达; 2、引导学生培养审美情趣,增强审美意识; Teaching of new lesson 1. Ask the students to work in pairs using the target language A: Do you like …..who……? B: Yes, I do A: Do you like ……that……? B: Yes, I do. 2. Read the review. Write down the things the reviewers like and dislike on your notebooks then ask some of the students to write on the board. Yellow River Fisherman. Like : He’s made some great movies. The fisherman’s wife was really fun. Dislike: Yellow River Fisherman is too long and it’s really boring. Amy Kim, Photograph Like: Her best loved photos are on display…… great photos of people and of the countryside. Dislike: The few city photographs are less successful. Wild and Windy Like : The band has lots of energy…… they play the kind of music that I love to hear. These musicians make us happy. Dislike: Every song is really loud and often you can’t understand the words ……the lyrics aren’t very good. 3. 教学听力训练2a, 2b 谈论图片:T: What can you see in the picture? S: We can see two boys, a T-shirt, a football, a jacket, two books, a hat and a poster (通过问题让学生既对对话内容有整体了解,为听力练习做好准备,又培养学生的注意力和观察力) 要求学生快速阅读2a, 2b的要求,引导学生进行分析信息,听选相关信息。接着,进行听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成2a and 2b. 如有错误,纠正答案,最后,重新放一遍录音内容,学生跟读。 4. Practice target language 2c Group work 根据掌握的对话内容,参考1部分表格里的信息,谈谈你喜欢的东西以及你为什么喜欢的理由。 补充练习 1、我喜欢能自己写歌词的乐队I like bands __________________________________ 2、他有很多和他爱好一样的朋友He has many friends ________________________ 3、那个穿红色裙子的小姑娘是我妹妹The little girl ___________________________ 4、我更喜欢冬天去游泳I prefer _________________________________ 5、他更喜欢画画He prefers ________________________________ Homework 读熟本课时所学对话 熟记单词 Unit 6 第4课时 Teaching aims 1、通过对who, that引导的定语从句的熟练掌握,运用到阅读理解之中。 2、通过对别人喜好的了解,培养自己的审美情趣。 Teaching of new lesson 1. Ask the students to fill in the blanks Self Check 1 on their own. 1) Ask some of the students to make sentences using the target language prefer …… of remind ……of can’t stand look for 2) Ask these students to say in class 让学生用所给单词进行填空,检查答案,再用这些词语分别造句 2. Read this e-mail Self Check 2 and answer the questions. 1) Where’s Lingling now? 2) Which place does Lingling like better ? 3) Why does Lingling stay in Hong Kong ? 4) What course does he study ? 5) What kind of music does he prefer ? 6) Why does he like the music ? 7) Is there many different kinds of food in Hong Kong ? 8) Do you know what his favorite food is? 9) Has he seen an Indian film ? 10) Does he like Indian films ? 阅读信后,给Lingling写一封加信。模仿她的内容,写自己的学习、生活、饮食习惯、业余爱好,鼓励学生用比较的方式进行描述。先自己单独写作,再在小组间进行交流互相改正存在的语法和其他错误,选取一些代表作展示给全班同学。 3. 1) Let the students to discuss the article after they have read. a. What languages would you like to learn ? b. What kinds of music do you like ? c. What kinds of food do you prefer ? d. What kind of film do you prefer ? 2) Ask the students to work in pairs in class. 3) Then write a reply to Lingling according to their talk. 4. Ask the students to read “I only eat food that tastes good” 5. Ask the students to answer the questions. 1) What is the best way to keep healthy ? 2) What kind of food do you like best ? 3) Do you like to eat