
《Welcome》小学英语教案 篇一

Topic: Greetings and Introductions

Grade Level: 1st grade


- Students will be able to greet each other using "hello" and "goodbye".

- Students will be able to introduce themselves using "My name is ____".

Materials Needed:

- Flashcards with pictures of children waving and saying hello/goodbye

- Whiteboard and markers

- Worksheets with fill-in-the-blank sentences for practice


1. Greetings (10 minutes)

- Start the lesson by showing the students the flashcards of children waving and saying hello/goodbye.

- Teach the students the words "hello" and "goodbye". Have them practice saying these words with a partner.

2. Introductions (15 minutes)

- Show the students a picture of a child and ask them to repeat after you, "My name is ____". Have them practice introducing themselves to each other in pairs.

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Hand out the worksheets with fill-in-the-blank sentences for practice. Students should fill in the blanks with the correct greeting or introduction phrase.

4. Review (5 minutes)

- Review the lesson by having students come to the front of the class and greet the rest of the students. Encourage them to use the phrases they have learned.

5. Assessment (5 minutes)

- Have students take turns introducing themselves to you individually. Assess their ability to use the correct phrases and correct any mistakes.

6. Homework (optional)

- Assign students the homework of practicing greetings and introductions with their family members at home.

This lesson is a fun and interactive way to teach young students how to greet each other and introduce themselves in English. By using visual aids and hands-on activities, students will be engaged and eager to learn.

《Welcome》小学英语教案 篇二

Topic: Classroom Rules and Expectations

Grade Level: 3rd grade


- Students will be able to understand and follow classroom rules and expectations in English.

- Students will be able to express their own ideas about classroom behavior.

Materials Needed:

- List of classroom rules written in English

- Flashcards with pictures illustrating good and bad behavior

- Whiteboard and markers

- Worksheets with scenarios for discussion


1. Introduction (10 minutes)

- Start the lesson by discussing the importance of following classroom rules and expectations. Ask students to share their ideas about why it is important to have rules in the classroom.

2. Classroom Rules (15 minutes)

- Introduce the list of classroom rules written in English. Go over each rule with the students and make sure they understand what is expected of them.

3. Behavior Scenarios (20 minutes)

- Show students the flashcards with pictures illustrating good and bad behavior. Present them with different scenarios and ask them to identify which behavior is appropriate and which is not.

4. Class Discussion (10 minutes)

- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a worksheet with scenarios for discussion. Have students discuss the scenarios and come up with solutions for how to handle each situation.

5. Role Play (10 minutes)

- Have students role play different scenarios in front of the class. Encourage them to use English to communicate their ideas and solutions.

6. Review and Reflection (10 minutes)

- Review the classroom rules and expectations with the students. Ask them to reflect on the lesson and share what they have learned about behavior in the classroom.

7. Assessment (5 minutes)

- Assess students' understanding of classroom rules by asking them to write down one rule they will follow in the classroom.

By teaching students about classroom rules and expectations in English, they will be able to communicate effectively and participate actively in the learning environment. This lesson encourages students to think critically about their behavior and develop good habits for success in the classroom.

《Welcome》小学英语教案 篇三

  Period One Welcome to the unit

  Teaching aims:

  To deepen Ss’ understanding of friendship

  To practice Ss’ oral English by getting them involved in the discussion of friends and friendship

  To learn the way to describe the characteristics of a true friend

  Teaching procedures:


  1. Listen to the song called Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久天长)

  2. Show students some pictures about friends

  3. Brainstorming questions:

  1) Have you enjoyed the song? Can someone name the song ?

  2) Can you guess the relationship between the ones in the pictures?

  3) Do you have any good friends? How many are they?

  4) Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with others? Why?

  5) Do you know the concept of “friendship”? Try to explain.

  6) In your opinion, what does a real friendship consist of ?

  Ⅱ. Picture talking:

  Talk about the pictures and proverbs with your partner. Try to discuss the following questions:

  Picture 1,

  1) Where are the two girls?

  2) What are they doing ?

  3) How long they spend speaking to each other?

  4) Do you think they enjoy each other’s company?

  5) What do you think ‘Friends are thieves of time.’ mean?

  Picture 2,

  1) What do you use a mirror for?

  2) What are the two girls doing?

  3) Do you think the girl on the right is a good friend? Why?

  4) Do you have a good friend? Does he/she often give you advice?

  5) What do you think the proverb ‘The best mirror is an old friend’ mean?

  Picture 3,

  1) What is the taller boy doing ?

  2) Why does he do so?

  3) Do you think it possible for a person to buy friendship?

  4) In your opinion, what is the base of a good friendship?

  Picture 4,

  1) Do you think friends should be the same age and share the same hobbies and interests?

  2) What does the proverb ‘True friends have hearts that beat as one.’



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