
初一英语优秀教案 篇一

Topic: My Family


1. Students will be able to introduce their family members in English.

2. Students will be able to describe their family members' appearance and personality.

3. Students will be able to use possessive adjectives to talk about their family.

Materials: Pictures of family members, flashcards with possessive adjectives

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by asking students to share about their own families. Encourage them to talk about their parents, siblings, and any other family members they have.

- Show pictures of family members and have students describe each person's appearance and personality.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, our, their) to the students. Explain when and how to use them in sentences.

- Use flashcards to practice using possessive adjectives in sentences about family members. For example, "This is my brother. His name is Jack."

Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the students into pairs or small groups and have them create dialogues about their families using possessive adjectives. Encourage them to include descriptions of their family members' appearance and personality.

- Walk around the classroom to monitor and assist students as needed.

Production (15 minutes):

- Ask each group to present their dialogues to the class. Encourage them to use possessive adjectives correctly and provide feedback on their pronunciation and grammar.

- Have a class discussion about the similarities and differences in each student's family. Encourage students to ask questions and learn more about their classmates.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the key vocabulary and grammar points covered in the lesson. Encourage students to practice using possessive adjectives when talking about their families outside of the classroom.

- Assign homework to write a paragraph about their family using possessive adjectives.

Extension activity:

- Have students create a family tree using possessive adjectives to describe each family member's relationship to them. Display the family trees around the classroom for all students to see.

初一英语优秀教案 篇二

Topic: My Daily Routine


1. Students will be able to talk about their daily routines in English.

2. Students will be able to use time expressions to describe their daily activities.

3. Students will be able to create a daily schedule using the present simple tense.

Materials: Flashcards with daily routine activities, clock visuals, worksheets with daily schedules

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by asking students to share about their morning routine. Encourage them to talk about what they do when they wake up and before they go to school.

- Show flashcards with different daily routine activities (e.g. brush teeth, eat breakfast, go to school) and ask students to match them with the correct time of day.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce time expressions (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening) to the students. Explain how to use them to talk about daily routines.

- Use clock visuals to practice telling time and describing daily activities at specific times. For example, "I wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning."

Practice (20 minutes):

- Give students worksheets with blank daily schedules and ask them to fill in the activities they do at different times of the day. Encourage them to be creative and include a variety of activities.

- Walk around the classroom to monitor and assist students as needed.

Production (15 minutes):

- Have students pair up and take turns sharing their daily schedules with each other. Encourage them to use time expressions and the present simple tense correctly.

- Ask students to create a mini-dialogue with their partner about a typical day in their lives. They should include at least five different activities and the times they do them.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the key vocabulary and grammar points covered in the lesson. Encourage students to practice talking about their daily routines with their classmates.

- Assign homework to write a diary entry about a day in their life, using time expressions and the present simple tense.

Extension activity:

- Have students create a poster of their daily routine using drawings or pictures. Display the posters around the classroom for all students to see and ask them to present their daily routines to the class.

初一英语优秀教案 篇三


知识目标:words: what is your name afternoon mr

sentences: good afternoon. what’s your name? i’m …

技能目标:i can ask about people’s name and i can answer.



难点:学会用 “good afternoon”问候下午好;会用 “what’s your name?”询问他人姓名。


课前准备:单词卡 录音机 多媒体



一、i can read the words:

what is your name afternoon mr

二、i can say the sentences: good afternoon.

what’s your name? i’m …

三、i can greet others and ask about their names.


一、warm up

1. greeting 老师单独与学生用不同的方式打招呼

greet several students using different way. for example:

good morning! / hi, i’m mr/ms…how are you? / hello, how are you?

二、lead in

1. 老师用双手模拟太阳的形状,分别放在自己身体的左侧、头顶、身体右侧,代表上午、中午、下午,向学生问好。由good morning引入good afternoon/ good evening 的学习。连续操作几遍,让学生说出相应的问候语。

2. 老师告诉学生:进入新学校后,我们会遇到许多新朋友。大家想知道怎样用英语询问新朋友的姓名吗?看过今天的课文你们就知道了。

三、text teaching

1. ask and answer. teacher asks one student: “what’s your name?” lead students to answer: “i’m …” then one student asks, another student answers, and after that the second student asks another student… 开火车游戏。老师先示范,然后请一名学生问另一名学生,回答完毕后第二名学生问另外一个学生,以此类推。。。

what’s your name? i’m …

2. listen and repeat.

3. read after the teacher.

4. read by roles.

5. role play.

6. practise: activity 3 act it out比一比,哪组读的最快、最好!

a: hello/hi, i’m … what’s your name?

b: hi, i’m …

四、sum upxkb1.com

words: what is your name afternoon mr

sentences: good afternoon. what’s your name? i’m …

五、homework:sing the song “good morning, sam” to your parents.

六、blackboard design

words: what is your name afternoon mr

sentences: good afternoon. what’s your name? i’m …

初一英语优秀教案 篇四

教学内容: JEFC Book II Unit 12 What's the weather like? Lesson 45 背景描述: 本校是我市最早实行小班化教学的农村试点之一,我们英语组抓住有利契机,一直在探索小班教学模式,给每位同学创造均等的表现机会,敢想、敢说、敢用英语表达自己的思维,培养语言交际的能力,资料共享平台

《初一英语优秀教案》(https://)。教学内容、情景创设尽可能贴近学生生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,热爱生活、关注生活、用英语思维生活。因此,我选择了谈论天气的话题,与学生的现实生活密切相关,能有效地展示这一理念。 教材、学生分析: 本节课由日期开始谈到天气,用一组插图引出描写天气的形容词,并发出感叹,介绍 How cold it is today! What a cold day! 要求学生能用英语谈论天气,以提高学生综合运用英语语言的能力。 教学对象是八(3)班32位学生。本班学生有较强的学习兴趣,模仿能力强,但实际运用英语的能力有待提高。 教学设计 教 学 目 标 知识与技能 1. 使学生掌握有关描绘天气的词汇与句子; 2. 能与同学编对话,谈论有关天气的话题; 3. 能运用感叹句表达自己强烈的感情,写一篇含感叹句的文章,培养表达能力。 情感目标 1. 充分利用小班优势,培养学生运用英语的思维方式和行为习惯; 2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,善于表达自己的情感并理解他人的情感; 3. 积极参与活动,互帮互助,培养合作精神,乐于与他人分享学习资源; 4. 建立融洽民主的师生交流渠道,和学生互相学习,做到教学相长。 文化意识 1. 能了解有关天气的话题,培养学生热爱生活、体验情感; 2. 通过对英国天气的了解和气候对人的影响,学习背景知识,不断扩展文化视野,加深对本民族文化的了解,发展跨文化交际的意识和能力。 任 务 型 活 动 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 教学重点、难点: 1. 重点:描写天气的形容词、感叹句 sun + y = sunny, wind + y = windy. cloud + y = cloudy, snow + y = snowy. etc. 2. 难点:感叹句的运用,感叹句的结构和用法 What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + S. +V.! How + adj. + S.+ V.! 教学准备:1. CAI 课件;2. 学生的有关过去几天的天气变化的日记;3. 有关当天的天气话题;4.八本英汉汉英字典。 教学过程: Step 1 Revision T: There are four seasons in a year. They are... Ss: spring summer autumn winter T: Well, I like summer best. Ss: Why? T: Because I like swimming. What about you, S1? S1: I li

ke winter best, because I like making snowmen. T: (Asking the Ss.) Which season does S1 like best? Ss: He likes winter best. (小组活动,谈论对方最喜欢的季节及原因。)



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