
教案unit10L1 篇一

Title: Exploring Animal Habitats: A Lesson Plan for Unit 10 Lesson 1


In this lesson plan, students will be introduced to the concept of animal habitats and the different types of habitats that animals live in. They will learn about the importance of habitats for animals and how they provide food, shelter, and other resources necessary for survival. Through a combination of classroom activities and interactive discussions, students will gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between animals and their habitats.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Identify different types of animal habitats.

2. Understand the importance of habitats for animals.

3. Describe how animals rely on their habitats for survival.

4. Recognize the impact of human activities on animal habitats.

Materials Needed:

- Pictures or illustrations of various animal habitats

- Videos or documentaries showcasing different animal habitats

- Worksheets for students to complete

- Classroom whiteboard and markers

- Interactive online resources for further exploration

Lesson Activities:

1. Introduction (15 minutes): Start the lesson by discussing what habitats are and why they are important for animals. Show pictures or illustrations of different habitats and ask students to identify them.

2. Video Presentation (20 minutes): Show a video or documentary that highlights different animal habitats around the world. Encourage students to take notes on the different types of habitats they see.

3. Group Discussion (20 minutes): Divide students into small groups and have them discuss the ways in which animals rely on their habitats for survival. Each group can then present their findings to the class.

4. Worksheet Activity (20 minutes): Distribute worksheets that require students to match animals with their respective habitats. This activity will help reinforce the concept of animal habitats and the relationship between animals and their environment.

5. Conclusion (15 minutes): Wrap up the lesson by discussing the impact of human activities on animal habitats. Encourage students to think about ways in which they can help protect animal habitats in their own communities.


- Monitor students' participation in group discussions and their ability to identify animal habitats.

- Review completed worksheets to assess students' understanding of the material covered in the lesson.

- Encourage students to ask questions and seek clarification on any concepts they find difficult.


By the end of this lesson, students will have a better understanding of the diversity of animal habitats and the importance of protecting these environments. They will be able to recognize the impact of human activities on animal habitats and the need for conservation efforts to preserve these critical ecosystems.

教案unit10L1 篇二

Title: Hands-On Habitat Exploration: A Creative Approach to Unit 10 Lesson 1


In this lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to explore animal habitats in a hands-on and interactive way. By creating their own mini habitats and observing the interactions between animals and their environment, students will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of habitats for animal survival. Through a combination of creative activities and collaborative learning, students will develop a greater appreciation for the natural world around them.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Create mini habitats for different types of animals.

2. Observe and document the interactions between animals and their habitats.

3. Discuss the importance of preserving animal habitats.

4. Reflect on ways in which they can help protect animal habitats in their own communities.

Materials Needed:

- Shoeboxes or small containers for creating mini habitats

- Assorted craft materials (e.g. paper, markers, cotton balls, twigs)

- Plastic toy animals representing different species

- Magnifying glasses for observing animal interactions

- Cameras or tablets for documenting observations

- Field guides or reference books on animal habitats

Lesson Activities:

1. Habitat Creation (30 minutes): Divide students into small groups and provide them with materials to create mini habitats. Encourage them to be creative and think about the specific needs of the animals they are representing.

2. Animal Interactions (20 minutes): Have students place plastic toy animals in their habitats and observe how they interact with the environment. Encourage them to document their observations through drawings or written notes.

3. Group Discussion (20 minutes): Bring the class together to discuss their observations and share insights on the importance of habitats for animal survival. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in critical thinking.

4. Reflection and Action (20 minutes): Have students reflect on ways in which they can help protect animal habitats in their own communities. Encourage them to brainstorm ideas and develop a plan for taking action.

5. Presentation (10 minutes): Each group can present their mini habitats and share their reflections with the class. This will provide an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity and demonstrate their understanding of animal habitats.


- Evaluate students' mini habitats based on creativity and attention to detail.

- Review students' observations and reflections to assess their understanding of the importance of animal habitats.

- Encourage students to actively participate in group discussions and share their ideas with their peers.


By engaging in hands-on habitat exploration, students will develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world and the importance of preserving animal habitats. They will be inspired to take action and make a positive impact on the environment around them, ultimately becoming stewards of the planet and advocates for wildlife conservation.

教案unit10L1 篇三


Unit10 Lesson 1 A Material World Teaching aims: 1. To practise scanning the text to extract specific information 2. To find out the words with the help of English meaning and practise the use of phrasal verbs with give, go

and drop. 3. Emotion or moral objects: Money is not everything. Teaching focal points: 1. How to arouse the students’interest in speaking English as more as possible. Teaching methods: “Communicative” Approach in reading, practising method, and TBLT method. Teaching aids:Tape, Pictures,Chalk & blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Greetings & Revision. Step 2. Pictures and Lead-in. Group/pair-work: do Ex1. Step 3.Reading.  1). Inpidual work Skimming: Read the material fast to find out the reason why Charles Gray doesn’t wants to be a Millionaire, while listening to the tape.  2). Inpidual work Scanning: to extract specific information in text and do ex.2  (Answers 1 F 2 NI 3 T 4 T 5 NI 6 F) Step 4.Language points. Pair/Class-work:do Ex3.(Answers1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a) If the time permits, get ss to go through the whole text together and clear each part,sentence and even words with them, according to their language level. Step 5. Voice your opinion and do Ex4( Homework) Re: i dont want to be a millionaire, although i am very poor now. i dont want to be a millionaire, although i hope i will be rich. i dont want to be a millionaire, although i want to make my family live a better life. i dont want to be a millionaire, although i want to have a big house. i dont want to be a millionaire, although i want to travel all over the world. i dont want to be a millionaire, because only these wishes are not enough.?? i dont want to be a millionare, because i...i.....i.......i.........i want to be a billionaire, even much richer.(from someone on the internet )



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