5年英语第一单元教案1到3课时 篇一
Unit 1 Lesson 1-3
Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions
- To introduce basic greetings and introductions in English
- To practice using the phrases "Hello", "How are you?", "I'm fine, thank you", and "What's your name?"
- To learn how to respond to these questions appropriately
- Start the lesson by greeting the students with "Hello" and asking them "How are you?"
- Have the students respond with "I'm fine, thank you" or "I'm good/I'm great/I'm okay"
1. Introduce the phrases "Hello" and "How are you?"
2. Model the conversation with a student:
Teacher: Hello, Sarah. How are you?
Student: I'm fine, thank you.
3. Teach the students to ask and respond to each other using the phrases.
- Pair up the students and have them practice greeting and asking each other how they are using the phrases learned.
- Monitor and provide feedback on pronunciation and fluency.
Lesson 2: Numbers 1-10
- To introduce numbers 1-10 in English
- To practice counting from 1-10
- To learn how to spell and write the numbers
1. Introduce the numbers 1-10 using flashcards or a number chart.
2. Teach the students how to pronounce and write each number.
3. Practice counting from 1-10 as a class.
- Have the students work in pairs to quiz each other on the numbers 1-10.
- Encourage them to write the numbers on the board or on a piece of paper.
Lesson 3: Colors
- To introduce basic colors in English
- To practice identifying and naming colors
- To learn how to describe objects using colors
1. Introduce the colors red, blue, green, yellow, and orange using flashcards or colored objects.
2. Teach the students how to pronounce and spell each color.
3. Practice identifying and naming the colors as a class.
- Show the students different colored objects and have them name the color.
- Have the students describe objects using colors, e.g. "The apple is red."
By the end of these three lessons, the students should be able to greet each other, ask how someone is, count from 1-10, and identify basic colors in English. Encourage them to practice these skills in and out of the classroom to reinforce their learning.
5年英语第一单元教案1到3课时 篇二
Unit 1 Lesson 1-3
Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions
- To review basic greetings and introductions in English
- To practice using the phrases learned in the previous lesson
- To introduce the question "What's your name?" and practice responding
- Begin the lesson by having the students greet each other and ask how they are.
- Review the phrases "Hello", "How are you?", and "I'm fine, thank you."
1. Introduce the question "What's your name?" and model the conversation with a student.
Teacher: Hello, what's your name?
Student: My name is Sarah.
2. Teach the students to ask and respond to each other using the new question.
- Pair up the students and have them practice greeting, asking how someone is, and asking for their name.
- Provide feedback on pronunciation and encourage the students to speak clearly.
Lesson 2: Days of the Week
- To introduce the days of the week in English
- To practice spelling and pronouncing the days
- To learn how to use the days of the week in sentences
1. Introduce the days of the week using flashcards or a chart.
2. Teach the students how to pronounce and spell each day.
3. Practice saying the days of the week as a class.
- Have the students work in pairs to quiz each other on the days of the week.
- Encourage them to use the days in sentences, e.g. "Today is Monday."
Lesson 3: Family Members
- To introduce basic family members in English
- To practice identifying and naming family members
- To learn how to describe relationships using family vocabulary
1. Introduce family members such as mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, and grandfather.
2. Teach the students how to pronounce and spell each family member.
3. Practice identifying and naming family members as a class.
- Show the students pictures of family members and have them name each one.
- Have the students describe their own family members using the vocabulary learned.
By the end of these three lessons, the students should be able to greet each other, ask for someone's name, identify the days of the week, and name basic family members in English. Encourage them to practice these skills regularly to improve their fluency and confidence.
5年英语第一单元教案1到3课时 篇三
Unit 1 My New Teacher 单元教学目标: 1、 能力目标: (1) 能够简单描述自己教师的体貌特征及性格特点,如:We have a new English teacher. He’s tall and strong. He’s very funny. (2) 能够询问并介绍学校里教师的情况,如:Who’s your Englis