U2 教案及词组 篇一
今天我们来讨论一下关于 U2 的教学内容和相关词组。U2 是一个非常有趣和充实的课程单元,其中包含了许多重要的主题和概念。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍一些可以用来帮助学生更好地理解和掌握 U2 内容的教学方法和词组。
首先,我们可以通过引入一些与 U2 主题相关的视觉资料,如图片、视频和地图等,来激发学生的兴趣和好奇心。比如,我们可以展示一些关于 U2 内容的图片,让学生通过观察和描述来了解更多相关信息。这种方法可以帮助学生更直观地理解 U2 的内容,同时也可以提高他们的观察和表达能力。
其次,我们可以利用一些与 U2 主题相关的词组来帮助学生扩展词汇量和提高语言能力。比如,我们可以教授一些关于 U2 的专业术语和常用表达,让学生能够更准确地表达自己的观点和想法。同时,我们也可以引导学生将这些词组运用到实际情境中,帮助他们更好地理解和应用这些词汇。
最后,我们可以通过一些互动和合作的教学活动来加深学生对 U2 主题的理解和记忆。比如,我们可以组织学生进行小组讨论或角色扮演活动,让他们在实践中学习和应用 U2 的知识。这种互动和合作的学习方式不仅可以提高学生的学习积极性和参与度,还可以促进他们的团队合作和沟通能力。
总的来说,通过以上这些教学方法和词组,我们可以帮助学生更全面地理解和掌握 U2 的内容,同时也可以提高他们的语言能力和学习效果。希望这些内容对您有所帮助,也希望学生们在学习 U2 的过程中能够取得更好的成绩和进步。

U2 教案及词组 篇二
在这篇文章中,我们将继续探讨关于 U2 的教学内容和相关词组。U2 是一个涵盖广泛主题的课程单元,其中包含了许多重要的概念和知识点。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍一些可以帮助学生更好地理解和掌握 U2 内容的教学方法和词组。
首先,我们可以通过引入一些与 U2 主题相关的实践活动,如实地考察、实验和调查等,来帮助学生将理论知识与实际情境相结合。比如,我们可以组织学生去实地考察一些与 U2 主题相关的地点或现象,让他们通过亲身经历来感受和理解 U2 内容。这种实践活动不仅可以帮助学生更深入地理解 U2 的内容,还可以培养他们的观察和独立思考能力。
其次,我们可以通过一些与 U2 主题相关的案例分析和讨论来引导学生思考和分析问题。比如,我们可以给学生提供一些真实的案例或问题,让他们通过讨论和分析来找出解决方案。这种案例分析和讨论的方式可以帮助学生培养批判性思维和问题解决能力,同时也可以拓展他们的知识视野和思维方式。
最后,我们可以通过一些与 U2 主题相关的跨学科内容来帮助学生建立更全面和深入的认识。比如,我们可以引入一些与 U2 相关的文化、历史和艺术知识,让学生通过多方面的学习来理解 U2 的内容。这种跨学科的教学方式可以帮助学生建立更丰富和综合的知识体系,同时也可以提高他们的综合素养和学习能力。
总的来说,通过以上这些教学方法和词组,我们可以帮助学生更全面地理解和掌握 U2 的内容,同时也可以提高他们的学习效果和能力。希望这些内容对您有所启发,也希望学生们能够在学习 U2 的过程中取得更大的进步和成就。
U2 教案及词组 篇三
U2 教案及词组
Section A Deep Concern Teaching Objectives: 1 To learn and talk about generation gap; 2.To master the basic usage of the words and expressions of the unit; 3.To develop a paragraph of sequenced order of events; 4.To grasp writing skill: sequenced order of events ; 5.To master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 6.To conduct a series of listening, speaking, writing and translation activities related to the theme of the unit. Background Information. 1) Rock and Roll (摇滚乐) Rock and Roll, also called Rock, is a form of popular music, usually characterized with vocals (often with vocal harmony backing, electric guitars and saxophones in the early days) and a strong back beat. Rock and Roll emerged(显现)as a defined musical style in America in the 1950s, though the elements of rock and roll can be traced in rhythm and blues records as far back as in the 1920s. Early rock and roll combined elements of blues, boogie-woogie(一种爵士乐), jazz and rhythm and blues together, and it was also influenced by traditional folk music, gospel(福音)music, black and white, and country and western music. Going back even further, rock and roll can trace a direct lineage(世系)back to the old Five Points district of mid-1800s New York City, the scene of the first fusion between heavily rhythmic African shuffles and san dances with melody driven European genres, particularly the Irish jig(快步舞). 2.) Generation gap (代沟) Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the young. It is a common phenomenon that exists everywhere in the world and influences both the old and the young. Generally speaking, generation gap results in different understanding and appreciation of the great and constant changes of the world, different reactions to new things, and different attitudes to traditional principles and beliefs. 3) Six Different Generations (in USA) According to some report from abroad, there are five different generations in American history and even one more in the future, and each generation receives a particular name. ①G.I. Generation(Born 1901 to 1924) Members of G.I. Generation are high achiever, fearless but not reckless, patriotic, idealistic, and morally conscientious. General/Government Issue ② Silent Generation (Born 1925 to 1942) Members of Silent Generation are considered cautious, unadventurous, unimaginative, withdrawn and silent. ③ Boomer Generation( Born 1943 to 1960) The Boom Generation developed under parents’ care dedicated to nurturing their children to success. Boomer

s seemed to develop personalities that mixed high self-esteem with self-indulgence. (Beetles) ④ 13ER Generation ( Born 1961 to 1981) Generation “X” or the “13ER” appear shocking to others on the outside and unknown on the inside. ⑤ Millennial Generation( Born 1982 to 2003) This is the generation where the “Class of 2000” is born. This new generation is being treated as precious. This is the generation of hope, hope to correct the errors of their parents. ⑥ Futuristic Generation (Born after 2003 ) Fantastic opportunities are sure to be part of the Futuristic Generation’s future, but deciding which one to pursue and which one to bypass will be a difficult choice. 4) tattoo (参考教参P33及本单元听力教案) Warm-up Questions / Activities 1.Quotations about Generations:Try to put these quotations into Chinese. Twenty can’t be expected to tolerate sixty in all things, and sixty gets bored stiff with twenty’s eternal love affairs. — Emily Carr What one generation sees as a luxury, the next sees as a necessity. — Anthony Crosland From the earliest times the old have rubbed it into the young that they are wiser than they, and before the young had discovered what nonsense this was they were old too, and it profited them to carry on the imposture. — Maugham, W. Somerset 2. Listen to A Poem: Generation Gap 1)Listen carefully, and try to figure out the differences in the poet’s eyes when he was a boy and later when he is an adult; 2)We may cross out some words and make the practice an compound diction. (Tips for Understanding: At the beginning and in the middle of the poem, you will find the repetition of a place and time: platform and “it’s quarter to eight”, which marks the 2 different periods of the poet’s life: one is when he was a child, the other, when he has grown up.) The Generation Gap We’re all on the platform it’s quarter-to-eight A handful of schoolboys—our train’s running late But we couldn’t care, oh no, not at all We’re scratching our names on the dusty brown wall. The scene never changes—it’s always the same The people the posters, the station, the train, The bloke with the hotdogs who walks up and down, And that fat little bloke with the permanent frown. There’s the woman who stands in her own special place And stares at the rails—not a smile on her face. Some people do crosswords and others read books There are boring old adults wherever we look. Now the books are all closing, the newspapers rustle The train’s coming in and they’re starting to bustle, Then strangely, each one (every day it’s the same) Walk down the old platform to get on the train. We like to play “chicken” and “last person in” The train starts to leave, but we all want to win. We mustn’t give in—it’s our unwritten law Then all of us suddenly bolt for a door. We bundle aboard—what a laugh, what a game! The “stick-in-the-muds” don’t agree and complain. We think they’re so boring, so dull and so thick. At least we like fun: get a thrill, get a kick. I swear when I’m older that I’ll never be A boring old twit like the adults I see. I’m down at the station it’s quarter-to-eight I should be at work, but my train’s running late. I’m thinking this grubby old place needs a clean When a handful of schoolboys arrive on the scene. They spit and they swear and they call us rude names They’re noisy, abusive and play silly games. I find myself thinking, “when I was a lad, I simply had fun—I was never that had.” But all of a sudden—to my great dismay, I recall that was just what my dad used to say. 七点四十五分,我们都在站台上, 我们这群学童——火车又晚点了。 我们才不介意呢!晚点又有什么关系呢? 我们可以将名字划在积满灰尘的墙上。 这些的场景永远不会改变――天天如此。 同样的人,同样的海报,同样的'车站,同样的火车。 同样一个手拿热狗,在站台走上走下的家伙, 同样一个整天眉头紧锁的矮胖男人。 有个女人每天总是固定地站在一个地方, 茫然地看着铁轨――脸上没有半点笑容。 有些人在做填字游戏,有些人在看书, 放眼过去,尽是枯燥无味的成年人。 书和报纸都被快速地收了起来, 火车来了,人们忙碌了起来。 如此奇怪,为赶着上车,每个人(天天如此) 又在残阳的站台上走开了。 我们喜欢玩“鸡仔跳”和,“看谁最后一个上车”的游戏, 火车就要开了,可我们都想赢。 我们不能放弃的――这是我们不成文的原则。 突然间,大家急匆匆地往车门奔跑。 我们开心地挤在一起,嚷了起来――多好玩的游戏啊! 那些守旧的大人们看不惯,斥责我们。 我们觉得他们又闷又蠢, 至少我们玩得很开心,想怎么玩就怎么玩。 等我长大的时候,我绝对不要像 我看见的那些成年人那样。 七点四十五分,我在车站等车。 我要赶着去上班,可火车又晚点了。 我正想着――这个邋遢的车站真应该好好清洗了, 一群学童也跑了出来。 他们吐口水,说脏话,还用很难听的名字称呼我们, 他们大声喧哗,任性妄为,玩的都是无聊的游戏。 我不禁在想:“在我小的时候, 我也喜欢玩,可我没那么坏!” 突然之间,连我都觉得不可思议, 我想起这些正是我父亲常挂在嘴边的话。 3. Watch some video clips and find out the conflict between folks and Kids. Movies about Generation Gap