英语教案-初中英语任务型教学初二:My favourite sport(精简3篇)

英语教案-初中英语任务型教学初二:My favourite sport 篇一

Title: My Favourite Sport: Basketball


In this lesson, students will learn about different sports and express their preferences for a particular sport. The focus will be on speaking and writing skills, as students will have the opportunity to talk about their favourite sport and explain why they like it.


- To introduce vocabulary related to sports

- To practice speaking and writing skills

- To express preferences for a particular sport


1. Warm-up: Begin the lesson by showing pictures of different sports and asking students to name them. Discuss as a class which sports they like and why.

2. Vocabulary: Introduce new sports vocabulary such as basketball, soccer, tennis, etc. Have students repeat the words and practice pronunciation.

3. Speaking activity: Divide the class into pairs and have them discuss their favourite sport. Encourage students to explain why they like that sport and what skills are needed to play it.

4. Writing activity: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favourite sport. They should include details such as rules, equipment needed, and their personal experiences playing the sport.

5. Share: Have students share their paragraphs with the class and discuss similarities and differences in their preferences.


- Participation in speaking activity

- Completion of writing activity

- Ability to express preferences and reasons for liking a particular sport


For homework, students can research famous athletes in their favourite sport and write a short biography about them.

英语教案-初中英语任务型教学初二:My favourite sport 篇二

Title: My Favourite Sport: Swimming


In this lesson, students will explore the sport of swimming and learn about its benefits. They will have the opportunity to discuss their favourite sport and share their experiences with swimming.


- To introduce vocabulary related to swimming

- To practice speaking and listening skills

- To express preferences for a particular sport


1. Warm-up: Show a video clip of a swimming competition and ask students to share their thoughts on the sport of swimming. Discuss as a class the benefits of swimming for physical fitness.

2. Vocabulary: Introduce new swimming-related vocabulary such as freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, etc. Have students practice saying the words and discuss the different swimming strokes.

3. Listening activity: Play an audio recording of a swimmer talking about their training routine and experiences. Have students listen and answer comprehension questions.

4. Speaking activity: In pairs, have students discuss their experiences with swimming. Encourage them to talk about any competitions they have participated in or their favourite swimming stroke.

5. Group project: Divide the class into groups and have them create a poster promoting the benefits of swimming. They should include information on physical fitness, mental health, and social benefits of the sport.

6. Presentation: Have each group present their poster to the class and explain why swimming is a great sport to participate in.


- Participation in speaking and listening activities

- Completion of group project

- Ability to express preferences for a particular sport and discuss its benefits


For homework, students can research famous swimmers and write a short biography about one of them.

英语教案-初中英语任务型教学初二:My favourite sport 篇三



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