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生病的英语句子 篇一

Being sick is never fun. When you're under the weather, everything seems a little bit harder. From getting out of bed in the morning to completing simple tasks, being sick can really take a toll on your body and mind. But, as they say, "This too shall pass." Here are some English sentences to express how you're feeling when you're sick:

1. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

2. My head is pounding and my throat feels like sandpaper.

3. I have a fever and chills that won't go away.

4. I can't stop coughing, and my chest feels tight.

5. My body aches all over, and I can barely move.

6. I'm so tired, even after sleeping for hours.

7. I have no appetite and everything tastes like cardboard.

8. I feel so weak and dizzy, I can't even stand up straight.

9. I'm constantly blowing my nose and my eyes are watery.

10. I just want to crawl into bed and sleep until I feel better.

Remember, it's important to take care of yourself when you're sick. Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and don't hesitate to see a doctor if your symptoms worsen. And most importantly, be kind to yourself - you'll be back to feeling like yourself in no time.


生病的英语句子 篇二

Being sick can be a real downer. Whether you're battling a nasty cold, a stomach bug, or something more serious, feeling under the weather can really put a damper on your day. But it's important to remember that being sick is just a temporary setback. Here are some English sentences to help you express how you're feeling when you're not feeling your best:

1. I'm feeling really lousy today.

2. My stomach is doing somersaults and I can't keep anything down.

3. I have a splitting headache that just won't quit.

4. I'm so congested, I can't even breathe through my nose.

5. I feel like I've been run over by a steamroller.

6. I'm so nauseous, I can't even think about food.

7. My throat is on fire and swallowing feels like torture.

8. I'm so dizzy, I can't even walk in a straight line.

9. I have the chills and can't seem to get warm.

10. I'm so exhausted, even the thought of getting out of bed is overwhelming.

Remember, it's okay to take a break and focus on your health when you're sick. Listen to your body, rest as much as you need, and don't be afraid to ask for help. And most importantly, be patient with yourself - you'll be back on your feet before you know it.

生病的英语句子 篇三


  No one goes through life without getting ill.没有人一生从不生病的。

  We usually think of illness as a bad thing.我们总认为生病是件坏事。

  Sometimes, though, it is necessary to be ill, especially when we are young.有时,生病是必须的,特别是小时候。

  Thatrsquo;s because we need to build up immunity against disease and sickness.那是因为我们必须建立起抵御病毒和疾病的免疫力。

  Most children will get measles and mumps etc. when they are quite young.大多数孩子小的'时候会出疹子,得腮腺炎。

  Then the effect of these illnesses is not usually very bad.这些病的后果并非不好。

  If we get them when we are older, it can be much worse for us.如果大一点的时候才得这些病,对我们更不好。

  Throughout history, we have fought against diseases and illnesses and many will have been eradicated from most countries by the end of this century.有史以来,我们已经同疾病做了许多斗争,许多疾病也将在本世纪末在许多国家完全被消除了。

  But new ones seem to come along to challenge us, or perhaps these new ones were always there but we did not identify them.但是似乎又有新的疾病袭来,向人们提出挑战。也许,这些新的疾病一直都存在,只是我们没有发现。



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