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与老朋友们保持联系英文句子 篇一

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and lose touch with old friends. However, maintaining those connections is important for our mental and emotional well-being. Here are a few ways to keep in touch with old friends:

1. Schedule regular catch-up calls or video chats. Set aside some time each week or month to catch up with your old friends. It doesn't have to be a long conversation – just a quick check-in to see how they're doing can go a long way.

2. Send a handwritten letter or card. In this digital age, receiving a physical piece of mail can be a pleasant surprise. Take the time to write a thoughtful note to your old friends and let them know you're thinking of them.

3. Plan a reunion. If it's been a while since you've seen your old friends in person, why not plan a reunion? It could be a weekend getaway, a dinner party, or even just a casual meet-up at a local coffee shop. The important thing is to make the effort to see each other face-to-face.

4. Use social media to stay connected. Social media makes it easy to keep up with what your old friends are doing, even if you can't see them in person. Like and comment on their posts, send them a message, or tag them in funny memes – anything to show that you're still thinking of them.

5. Don't be afraid to reach out first. If it's been a while since you've talked to your old friends, don't hesitate to be the one to reach out. They'll likely appreciate the effort and be happy to hear from you.

Remember, maintaining friendships takes effort, but the rewards are well worth it. By staying connected with your old friends, you'll have a support system in place for when times get tough, and you'll always have someone to share your joys and triumphs with.

与老朋友们保持联系英文句子 篇二

As we go through life, our circles of friends may change, but the bond we share with old friends remains strong. Here are some tips on how to stay connected with those friends who have been with you through thick and thin:

1. Celebrate milestones together. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, make an effort to acknowledge and celebrate these milestones with your old friends. It could be a simple phone call, a video message, or a surprise gift – the important thing is to show that you care.

2. Share memories. Reminiscing about the good old days can help strengthen your bond with old friends. Share photos, stories, and inside jokes from your past adventures together. It's a great way to relive those special moments and create new memories in the process.

3. Support each other. Life can be challenging at times, and having a strong support system is crucial. Be there for your old friends when they need a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or a helping hand. And don't hesitate to reach out when you need support as well.

4. Plan regular get-togethers. In our busy lives, it can be easy to let months or even years go by without seeing our old friends. Make an effort to plan regular get-togethers, whether it's a monthly dinner, a quarterly outing, or an annual trip. Spending quality time together is essential for maintaining your friendship.

5. Be honest and open. Communication is key in any relationship, including friendships. Be honest and open with your old friends about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Trust and vulnerability are the foundations of a strong friendship.

Old friends are like a rare treasure – they've seen you at your best and worst, and they love you unconditionally. By making the effort to stay connected with them, you'll enrich your life with their love, support, and companionship.

与老朋友们保持联系英文句子 篇三


  Staying in touch with old friends


  I recently met an old friend I hadn’t seen in ages.


  He said that he had been busy and also didn’t really know to contact me.


  I told him the same.


  The truth is, we have a few mutual friends, if we had really wanted to contact each other, we could have.


  But with busy schedules, and family life--and all sorts of things going on --well, I guess we just lost touch.


  So, I got to thinking about the people I am in touch with now and those I’d like to contact.


  I have a lot of friends and acquaintances,


  I used to have many more. Somewhere along the line,


  we just lost contact with each other.


  I’d like to contact some of my friends from high school.


  I’d like to say hello to some of the people I used to know in New York and California,


  I know I could do it.


  It wouldn’t require me to bend over backwards,


  but I am not sure if I should.


  I mean, I have my hands full right now with family and work.


  Plus, I have people that I am in contact with now,


  and I fell kind of guilty that I am not able to spend more time with them.


  Who needs more guilt? Not me!




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