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生日派对地道英语句子 篇一

Throwing a Birthday Party for a Friend

Have you ever wanted to throw a birthday party for a friend but didn't know where to start? Well, look no further! Here are some authentic English sentences you can use to plan the perfect celebration.

1. "Hey, I'm thinking of throwing a surprise birthday party for Sarah. Do you want to help me out?"

2. "Let's make a list of all the guests we want to invite. We can send out the invitations next week."

3. "I'm going to bake a cake for Sarah's birthday. What flavor do you think she would like?"

4. "We should decorate the party venue with balloons and streamers to make it look festive."

5. "I'll take care of the music playlist. Let's make sure to include all of Sarah's favorite songs."

6. "Don't forget to buy some party favors for the guests to take home as a souvenir."

7. "I think we should plan some fun games and activities to keep everyone entertained."

8. "Let's set up a photo booth so that guests can take pictures and capture memories from the party."

9. "I'll prepare a toast for Sarah and thank everyone for coming to celebrate her special day."

10. "We should have a designated area for presents so that Sarah can open them and thank her friends personally."

With these English sentences, you'll be able to organize a fantastic birthday party for your friend and create lasting memories for everyone involved. Happy party planning!

生日派对地道英语句子 篇二

Attending a Birthday Party in English-Speaking Countries

If you ever find yourself attending a birthday party in an English-speaking country, it's essential to know how to communicate effectively with the other guests. Here are some authentic English sentences you can use to navigate the celebration smoothly.

1. "Hi there, I'm thrilled to be here to celebrate John's birthday. How do you know the birthday boy?"

2. "I brought a gift for John. Where should I place it with the other presents?"

3. "The decorations are fantastic! Who was in charge of organizing them?"

4. "I heard there's going to be a cake cutting ceremony soon. I can't wait to sing 'Happy Birthday' to John."

5. "Do you know if there are any dietary restrictions I should be aware of for the party food?"

6. "I love the music selection! Who put together the playlist for the party?"

7. "Would you like to join me in playing a game of charades? It's a fun way to break the ice with other guests."

8. "I see a photo booth set up in the corner. Let's take some pictures together to remember this special occasion."

9. "I'm going to grab a drink from the bar. Would you like anything while I'm there?"

10. "Before the party ends, I want to make sure to wish John a happy birthday and thank him for inviting me to celebrate with him."

By using these English sentences, you'll be able to engage with other guests at the birthday party and show your appreciation for the host. Enjoy the festivities and make some new friends along the way!

生日派对地道英语句子 篇三


  这周我去叁加了一个老美的生日 party.这大概也是我这一辈子到目前为止所叁加过最热闹的生日 party 了! 他们把家 布置得如同童话世界一般, 而有些点子实在非常有趣, 例如他们把寿星的照片放大影印贴满整个屋子, 而且由於这个寿星是女生, 所以她们还把这些影印的照片涂上口红, 并且在胸前装上二个红色的小汽球. 大家可以想见这样子的景象是多麽地有趣了吧!!

  1. It''s a surprise party.


  由於大家的保密工夫到家, 所以生日的人事先并不知道有这麽一个 party, 而是到了那 , 灯一开发现居然有那麽多人在等她, 感动的只差没当场哭出来. 像这种的 party 就称为 surprise party (注意不是 surprising party!)

  我自已当时也蛮感动的, 自己从没见过那麽热闹的生日 Party. 有时一个人在美国的生活也是蛮孤单的, 要是能有人能记得你的生日就已经不错了, 哪 还敢奢求这样一个 Party?

  2. That''s a real eye-opening experience.


  Eye-opening 指的就是另人大开眼界, 像是这麽样一个别出心裁的宴会, 就可以算是 an eye-opening experince 或是你可以用 open my eye. 比方说人家带你去一个很豪华的别墅, 你就可以这麽说, That building really opened my eye.

  3. Who is going to organize the birthday party next time?


  我们说办什麽活动, 英文可以用 organize 这个动词, 比如说办个 party, 就可以说 organize a party.另外值的一提的是有些人很喜欢办活动, 这种人有一种特别的称呼, 叫 social coordinator. 就像是中文 的 "公关" 的意思.

  4. Got to get me one of these!


  当你看到一个很酷或很棒的东西, 你就可以这麽说 "Got to get me one of these!" 意思是: 我也想要一个.记得当天我露出一副很羡慕的表情时, 有个老美就对我说, "You wanna get one of those on your birthday?" 答案不用说当然是, "Yes." 的.

  电影中用到 Got to get me one of these 的句法也是屡见不鲜, 像是电影 ID4 面的男主角 Will Smith 第一次驾着外星人的飞碟一飞冲天时, 他就是兴奋地大叫, "Got to get me one of these!" (我也要一部像这样的飞机) 还有一部电影 Big Daddy, 有一个乞丐在法庭上听到男主角说他的律师女朋友赚很多钱, 是他的摇钱树等等, 他就叫了一声, Got to get me one of these! (我也要一个这样的'女朋友)

  5. I bought a cake about this big!


  讲这句话的时候记得要跟手势一起用, 所以如果不会形容一个东西有多大, 就把这句拿来变化一下就可以了! 因为在中文 要形容一个蛋糕有多大, 你可以说我买了一个几 的蛋糕别人立刻就懂了, 但是美国的蛋糕都是长方形的, 再加上他们都是用英 , 所以你要一边想英文还要一边作单位换算!这简直就是 mission impossible 说.所以有时老美自己也用比的比较快! 像那天他们买了一个蛋糕一个黑人就说, "I bought a cake about this big!" 或是可以说 "I bought a cake like this big."

  除了 big 之外你也可以换成其它形容词, 例如, I have a brother about this tall. 这样不也就蒙混过关了吗? 不过这句话有一个缺点, 就是讲电话时不能用, 因为讲电话时不能比动作, 比了对方也看不到.

  6. Pass me the clicker.


  一般人说遥控器会说 remote, 但是另外有些人会用 clicker 这个字, 算是口语 "遥控器" 的说法. 这也是那天随手记下来的一个口语用法.

  7. Knock yourself out.

  把这 当作自己的家一样.

  如果你去别人家 作客, 或是去叁加各种的宴会, 别人说, "Knock yourself out." 他的意思可不是要你自己打自己一拳喔! 他的意思其实是你可以尽情地玩, 作任何你想作的事情, 把这 当成自己的家一样, 不必客气.这句话我在电影 The house on the haunted hill 也有听过一次, 就是当所有的人都进到鬼屋之後, 主人就说了, "Knock yourself out."

  8. I am turning 23 tomorrow.


  英文 讲到明年几岁了有一个固定的用法, 就是要用 turn 这个动词, 而且多半是用现在进行式 be turning, (因为有将要, 即将, 未来式的含意在内)所以同样这句话如果你说, "I will become 23 tomorrow." 虽然文法上没错, 但听起来就是怪怪的.

  9. She is in her birthday suit.


  大家看到这个 birthday suit 可别以为只是单纯的特别为生日准备的服装喔! 其实一般人讲到 birthday suit 时, 他们指的是什麽也没穿. 原因是当人出生时不也是一丝不挂吗? 所以 birthday suit 指的就是你出生时所穿的那套服装, 也就是裸体的意思.

  10. You are a party pooper.


  那天虽然玩得很高兴, 可是我有事必须要先走, 我的朋友就跟我说, "You are a party pooper." 什麽是 party pooper 呢? 有二种解释, 第一种就是指那些很扫兴的人, 比如说人家要玩游戏你也不玩, 别人说笑话你也不笑, 这种人就是 party pooper. 另一种解释就是指那些 party 开到一半就中途开溜的人. 像我那天先走, 就被人说成是 party pooper.



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