经典电影英语名人名言 篇一
In the world of cinema, there are countless iconic movies that have left a lasting impact on audiences around the globe. Along with these films, there are also many famous quotes from the characters that have become ingrained in popular culture. Let's take a look at some of the most memorable English movie quotes from classic films:
1. "Here's looking at you, kid." - Casablanca (1942)
This quote, spoken by Humphrey Bogart's character Rick Blaine to Ingrid Bergman's character Ilsa Lund, has become one of the most famous lines in movie history. It perfectly captures the bittersweet romance between the two characters in this timeless classic.
2. "May the Force be with you." - Star Wars (1977)
This iconic line, spoken by various characters throughout the Star Wars franchise, has become a symbol of hope and courage for fans of the series. It embodies the epic battle between good and evil that is at the heart of the Star Wars saga.
3. "You can't handle the truth!" - A Few Good Men (1992)
In this courtroom drama, Jack Nicholson delivers a powerful performance as Colonel Nathan Jessup, who utters this unforgettable line during a tense confrontation. It has since become a popular catchphrase, symbolizing the harsh realities of the legal system.
4. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Gone with the Wind (1939)
Clark Gable's character Rhett Butler delivers this famous line to Vivien Leigh's character Scarlett O'Hara in this epic romance film. It perfectly encapsulates Rhett's disillusionment with Scarlett and their tumultuous relationship.
5. "I'll be back." - The Terminator (1984)
Arnold Schwarzenegger's character, the Terminator, utters this simple yet iconic line before embarking on his mission to track down Sarah Connor. It has since become synonymous with the Terminator franchise and Schwarzenegger's action hero persona.
These are just a few examples of the many memorable English movie quotes that have stood the test of time. Whether they evoke romance, adventure, drama, or suspense, these lines continue to resonate with audiences and remind us of the power of cinema to captivate and inspire.
经典电影英语名人名言 篇二
In the world of cinema, there are countless iconic movies that have left a lasting impact on audiences around the globe. Along with these films, there are also many famous quotes from the characters that have become ingrained in popular culture. Let's take a look at some more memorable English movie quotes from classic films:
1. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump (1994)
Tom Hanks' character Forrest Gump delivers this profound line in the eponymous film, reflecting on the unpredictability of life and the importance of embracing its uncertainties. It has since become a widely quoted and cherished piece of wisdom.
2. "You talking to me?" - Taxi Driver (1976)
Robert De Niro's character Travis Bickle delivers this iconic line in front of a mirror, capturing his descent into madness and alienation from society. It has since become a symbol of the film's gritty portrayal of urban alienation.
3. "To infinity and beyond!" - Toy Story (1995)
This catchy catchphrase, spoken by Buzz Lightyear in the Pixar animated film Toy Story, has become a beloved symbol of friendship and adventure. It embodies the spirit of imagination and possibility that defines the Toy Story franchise.
4. "I feel the need... the need for speed." - Top Gun (1986)
Tom Cruise's character Maverick utters this memorable line in the action-packed film Top Gun, capturing the adrenaline-fueled excitement of fighter jet pilots. It has since become a popular quote among fans of the film.
5. "Why so serious?" - The Dark Knight (2008)
Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight is legendary, and this chilling line has become one of the most quoted in the superhero genre. It encapsulates the Joker's chaotic and nihilistic worldview, making it a memorable and unsettling quote.
These are just a few more examples of the many memorable English movie quotes that have captured the hearts and minds of audiences over the years. Whether they inspire, entertain, or provoke thought, these lines continue to resonate with viewers and remind us of the enduring power of cinema to move and enlighten us.
经典电影英语名人名言 篇三
【经典英语】no matter how long night, the arrival of daylight association。 黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 words can not express true love, loyalty behavior is the best explanation。 真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。
【经典英语】you can get the whole world with love, you can also use hate to lose the whole world. 你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。
【经典英语】“only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and i’m not sure about the former.” - albert einstein “只有两件事是永恒的:宇宙和人类的愚蠢。对于前者我并不是太了解。”(爱因斯坦)
【经典英语】evil is unspectacular and always human.and shares our bed... and eats at our table. 恶魔通常只是凡人并且毫不起眼,他们与我们同床,与我们同桌共餐。
【电影经典英语】the farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see. 你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。
【经典英语】in delay there lies no plenty , then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , youth’s a stuff that will not endure . 迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。
i bogged down in a sea of blood back legs, unable to stop, go back, as far as like, people feel that there is no retreat. the future is a marshy area, people got in deeper and deeper我两腿早陷在血海里欲罢不能,想回头,就像走到尽头般叫人心寒,退路是没有了前途是一片沼泽地让人越陷越深
【经典英语】“never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” - napoleon bonaparte “当你的敌人犯错的时候,千万不要去打扰他。”(拿破伦)
【唯美英语】you cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 but if the while i think on thee, dear friend, all losses are rest
【唯美英语】when the words 'i love you' were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms. 第一次听到你对我说'我爱你',我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。 tell me you are mine. i'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time. 请告诉我你是我的'。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远
【经典英语】true love, should go beyond the length of life, the soul of the width of the depth of the soul. 真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。
【经典英语】the course of true love never did run smooth.真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。love, and the same charcoal, burning, need to find ways to ask cooling. allow an arbitrary, it is necessary to heart charred爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却让它任意着,那就要把一颗心烧焦
【唯美英语】love without end hath no end. 情绵绵,爱无边。 love's tongue is in the eyes. 爱情的话语全在双眼之中。
还记得吗? 我喜欢有淡淡阳光的地方, 我喜欢与阳光相拥着安静地睡去, 梦里 会有树的影子和花的芬芳。 你说我们会找到那样一个地方, 永远 淡然的、恬静的生活在那里; 你说 用篱笆隔开的世界,连泥土和雨露都是清香的。
it’s sad how quick some people can just forget about you, until they want something from you.. 有些人就是平常从来不会想着你,直到想从你这里获取什么时。这真教人悲伤。共4页,当前第1页1234文章来源:unjs.com