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中考英语语音复习 篇一

When preparing for the middle school entrance examination in English, it is essential to review the phonetics section. Phonetics plays a crucial role in language learning, helping students improve their pronunciation and comprehension skills. Here are some tips for mastering English phonetics for the middle school entrance examination.

Firstly, familiarize yourself with the English phonetic alphabet. The English language has 26 letters, but it has 44 sounds. The phonetic alphabet helps students understand how each sound is produced and how it is represented in writing. Practice writing down the phonetic symbols for each sound to reinforce your memory.

Secondly, pay attention to stress and intonation. Stress refers to the emphasis placed on certain syllables in a word, while intonation refers to the rise and fall of the voice in a sentence. Understanding stress and intonation patterns in English will help you sound more natural when speaking and improve your listening comprehension.

Next, practice minimal pairs. Minimal pairs are pairs of words that differ by only one sound, such as "cat" and "bat." Practicing minimal pairs will help you distinguish between similar sounds in English and improve your pronunciation accuracy.

Additionally, listen to English audio materials regularly. By exposing yourself to authentic English speech, you will become more familiar with the rhythm and melody of the language. Listen to English songs, podcasts, and videos to improve your listening skills and phonetic awareness.

Finally, practice speaking English regularly. The more you practice speaking, the more comfortable you will become with producing English sounds. Find a language exchange partner or join a conversation group to practice speaking and receive feedback on your pronunciation.

In conclusion, mastering English phonetics is essential for success in the middle school entrance examination. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you will improve your pronunciation, comprehension, and overall English language skills. Good luck with your phonetics review!

中考英语语音复习 篇二

As students prepare for the middle school entrance examination in English, it is crucial to focus on phonetics. Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and their production, transmission, and reception. Here are some advanced tips for mastering English phonetics for the middle school entrance examination.

Firstly, focus on articulatory phonetics. Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech sounds are produced by the articulatory organs, such as the tongue, lips, and vocal cords. Understanding how sounds are physically produced will help you improve your pronunciation accuracy and sound more natural when speaking English.

Secondly, study phonological processes. Phonological processes are the rules that govern how sounds interact in a language. For example, in English, the sound /t/ can be pronounced as a flap sound [?] between vowels, as in the word "butter." By studying phonological processes, you will gain a deeper understanding of English phonetics and improve your pronunciation skills.

Next, learn about phonetic transcription. Phonetic transcription is the process of representing speech sounds with symbols. By learning phonetic transcription, you will be able to accurately write down the sounds of English words and improve your phonetic awareness.

Additionally, practice connected speech. In natural spoken English, words are often connected together in a continuous stream of sound. Practice linking words together and using reductions and elisions to sound more natural when speaking English.

Finally, study suprasegmental features. Suprasegmental features are aspects of speech that extend beyond individual sounds, such as stress, intonation, and rhythm. By studying suprasegmental features, you will improve your listening comprehension and sound more fluent when speaking English.

In conclusion, mastering advanced English phonetics is essential for success in the middle school entrance examination. By focusing on articulatory phonetics, phonological processes, phonetic transcription, connected speech, and suprasegmental features, you will improve your pronunciation, comprehension, and overall English language skills. Good luck with your phonetics review!

中考英语语音复习 篇三


  读句子时,并不是每个单词都重读,只有部分单词重读,另一部分不重读,这种现象叫句子重音。句子重音一般落到重读词的重读音节上。一般说来,句子中的名词、动词、形容词、副词多重读,而冠词、连词、介词等虚词和人称代词、助动词、情态动词等一般不重读。但具体问题具体分析,当说话者要把两种人、两件事进行对比时,对比的人或事要重读,如:It is `my mistake, not `yours. 助动词、情态动词等位于句末或与not结合在一起时要重读,如:Yes, we `are. That `isnt my classroom. 另外,在特定情景中,那些传递新信息的关键词要重读,如:-`What are they `looking at? -They are looking at a


  如果说话人要强调或突出某种意思,可将该词重读,如:He isnt `in.



  1. 陈述句、特殊疑问句、感叹句以及表示命令的祈使句一般用降调。

  2. 一般疑问句多用升调;表示请求的祈使句也用升调;列举事物或数数时,除最后那个并列成分用降调外,前面所有的并列成分都用升调。

  3. 选择疑问句的语调为前升后降,即or前的部分一般用升调,or后面的部分一般用降调。







  1. 同一个意群中,前一个词以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音(或半元音)开头,这两个词要连读。如:

  Take⌒ a look ⌒at⌒it .

  2. 如果前一个词以r(或re)结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这时r (或re)要读/r/音,且与后面的元音连读。如:

  There⌒ is⌒ a pair ⌒of black shoes.

  3. 如果前面的词以辅音结尾,后面的词以半元音/j/, /w/开头,也要前后连读。如:

  Would⌒ you like⌒ a glass⌒ of milk?


  There is a good market in the town. (market与 in 不连读)

  英语中的爆破音主要有/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/,/k/, /g/ 6个。在下列情况下,发生不完全爆破现象:

  1. 爆破音相邻时,前一个发不完全爆破音。如:no(t)e book; a re(d) pen

  2. 爆破音后面是/t/, /d/, /tr/, /dr/, /ts/, /dz/等破擦音时,爆破音失去爆破。如:tha(t) tree; Sto(p) drinking

  3. 爆破音后面是/f/,/v/, /s/, /z/, //, //, //, //, /r/, /h/等摩擦音时,爆破音失去爆破。如: I can(t) sing.

  连读、失去爆破是朗读或说英语过程中自然发生的语言现象,同学们要多听英美人录音,勤模仿, 这样,才能有效提高自己的英语听说水平。




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