
自信的英语名人名言 篇一

Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. - Samuel Johnson

Self-confidence is the key to success in any endeavor. When we believe in ourselves and our abilities, we are more likely to take on challenges and pursue our goals with determination. Without self-confidence, we may hesitate to take risks or put ourselves out there, limiting our potential for growth and achievement.

Many successful individuals throughout history have attributed their accomplishments to their self-confidence. Samuel Johnson, an English writer from the 18th century, understood the importance of believing in oneself. He knew that in order to achieve great things, one must first have confidence in their own abilities.

Self-confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone. It may require practice and effort to develop, but the results are well worth it. When we have confidence in ourselves, we are more likely to take on new challenges, push past our comfort zones, and ultimately achieve success in our endeavors.

So the next time you find yourself doubting your abilities, remember the words of Samuel Johnson. Self-confidence is the first step towards achieving your goals and making your dreams a reality. Believe in yourself, take risks, and watch as you accomplish great things.

自信的英语名人名言 篇二

The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you. - William Jennings Bryan

Self-confidence is not something that can be gained overnight. It requires taking risks, facing fears, and building a track record of successful experiences. When we push ourselves out of our comfort zones and overcome challenges, we prove to ourselves that we are capable of achieving great things.

William Jennings Bryan, an American politician from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, understood the importance of pushing past fear in order to develop self-confidence. He knew that the only way to become truly confident in oneself is to take action and build a history of success.

One of the best ways to develop self-confidence is to start small and gradually work your way up to bigger challenges. Each time you face a fear and come out successful on the other side, you are strengthening your belief in your abilities. Over time, these experiences will build up and contribute to a greater sense of self-confidence.

So the next time you are feeling unsure of yourself, remember the words of William Jennings Bryan. Take a leap of faith, face your fears head-on, and start building a record of successful experiences. With each small victory, your self-confidence will grow, and you will be one step closer to achieving your goals.

自信的英语名人名言 篇三


in real life, each pile by albert confidence, confidence step by step. - augusto mr legwaila history

belief, you do not approach it to, but did not you do anything into it. - samuel butler

everyone should have self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, or else i. but young people are not self-esteem, self-confidence is not complacent, independent not-arc legislation. - xu teli

we love our nation, this is the source of our self-confidence. - zhou enlai

li ancient event, and not only the world super-talented ambition certainly have the fortitude. - su shi

health人杰as dead also ghost-hung, si xiang yu has refused to have jiangdong. - li qingzhao

a person



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