物控常用英语句子 篇一
1. The temperature inside the warehouse should be maintained at 20 degrees Celsius.
2. Please check the inventory levels and update the system accordingly.
3. The production line is experiencing some issues, we need to troubleshoot immediately.
4. Make sure to follow the standard operating procedures when handling hazardous materials.
5. The quality control team will conduct random inspections to ensure product quality.
6. We need to schedule regular maintenance for the equipment to prevent breakdowns.
7. It is essential to track the shipment status and provide updates to the customers.
8. All employees must wear appropriate safety gear when working in the warehouse.
9. Please report any discrepancies in the inventory to the supervisor immediately.
10. The deadline for submitting the production report is by the end of the day.
物控常用英语句子 篇二
1. The supplier has informed us of a delay in the delivery of raw materials, we need to adjust our production schedule accordingly.
2. The forklift operator must undergo training before operating the equipment.
3. The packaging materials must be stored in a dry and clean area to prevent contamination.
4. We need to conduct a root cause analysis to identify the reason for the quality issue.
5. The maintenance team will perform routine checks on the machinery to ensure optimal performance.
6. The safety inspection revealed several violations that need to be addressed immediately.
7. Please coordinate with the logistics team to arrange for transportation of the finished goods.
8. The production line is operating at full capacity, we may need to consider expanding the facilities.
9. The inventory turnover rate is below the target, we need to find ways to improve efficiency.
10. It is crucial to maintain clear communication channels between all departments to ensure smooth operations.
物控常用英语句子 篇三
1. 有较强的工作责任心和团队合作意识
2. 了解基本的塑料模具结构.塑料材质物性.机械原理;
3. 具备基本的电路分析基础知识,可看懂并分析常规电气电路原理图和layout;
4. 本科及以上学历,电子.电气.通信类相关专业,5年以上电子相关领域工作经验,有研发设计背景,或该领域SQE/DQE工作经验者,有中大型家电行业工作经验优先;
5. 与建设单位做好沟通、交流工作,获得改进的信息,主要方式有函询、面谈等,同时帮助服务组做好相应协调工作。
6. 校语文阅读比赛一等奖2名,二等奖3名,三等奖6名,居段
7. 档案管理和硬件设施还存在不足之处。
8. 加强档案管理,抓好基础工作
9. 公司20xx年截止到10月份,实现设备租赁收入5170万元,其中大型设备及机电类收入4097万元,联锁块收入1073万元。预计截止12月份实现设备租赁收入5600万元。
10. 有良好的沟通和协助能力,会使用ERP软件
11. 《是“良师”更是“益友”》获全国一等奖。《用赏识的眼光评价学生的语文作业》获全国“爱满天下”论文优秀奖。劳技论文获市三等奖。
12. 根据建设集团设备台账进行账物跟踪,对我公司新购、到期报废、调出设备及时更新,并实现台账的分类管理。逐步完善设备的运行资料档案,每台设备配备一套运行资料,真实、按时记录每台设备的日常运行状况,维修换件与保养记录。
13. 具有专利产品研发经验者优先
14. 逻辑思维强,具备优秀的独立问题分析及处理能力
15. 具备数据分析或专利检索分析相关经验和知识者优先
16. 对竞争对手的信息只是初步了解,没有很深入,后期要深入:包括网站,内容网,SEO推广,及其它的推广方式.知己知彼百战百胜
17. 与上级主管部门:省市质监站、省市安监站、省市协会等做好纵向衔接,与兄弟单位做好横向沟通。根据以往经验,20xx年继续做好:示范监理企业复查,履行监理安全责任示范项目、优秀项目监理机构等预检工作。
18. 大专以上学历,专业不限,光电,电子科技.模具等专业优先;
19. 本科以上学历,计算机.电子.自动化等相关专业
20. 领导重视,措施得力
21. 加力度发展生产。
22. 县“苗苗杯”作文比赛,一等奖一名,二等奖两名。
23. 英语水平要求:与客户能进行简单的沟通交流,能看懂英文图纸等
24. 民主管理,让学生享受成功的快乐 作为一名班主任,我的管理原则是创建活而不乱,严而不死的良好班风班貌。这学年我觉得自己班主任工作最有特色是――民主管理,让学生享受成功的快乐。
25. 通过内部交流、重点指导、专向培训,力争各部协同发展。
26. 具有3年以上ARM.MCU等相关软件设计经验