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关于英语提升的英文句子 篇三

关于英语提升的英文句子 精选104句

1. 最近怎么样?How is it going?

2. 我很喜欢这个 I'm really enjoying this.

3. 那就更好了 That is even better.

4. 这是什么意思? What does it mean?

5. 这个帽子太紧了 This hat is too tight.

6. 这不可能是真的 This can't be real.

7. 我痴迷漫画书 I'm addicted to comic books.

8. 我今天运气不好 Today is not my day.

9. 我们叫辆出租车吧 Let's call a cab.

10. 一点也不 Not in the least.

11. 那是在两座楼之间 That's between the two buildings.

12. 今天几号?What's the date today?

13. 有点贵啊 That's kind of expensive.

14. 你会说普通话吗?Do you speak Mandarin?

15. 我马上就回来 I'll be right back.

16. 你需要打一针 You need an injection.

17. 你几点到那里的?When did you arrive there?

18. 我好得不能再好了 I couldn't be better.

19. 你要回家吗? Are you going home?

20. 外面的温度是多少?What's the temperature outside?

21. 这是你的咖啡 Here is your coffee.

22. 它们看起来几乎就是新的 They look almost new.

23. 它很适合我 It fits me well.

24. 我已经退烧了 My fever is gone.

25. 天气怎么样?How is the weather?

26. 我什么时候可以搬进来? When can I move in?

27. 我赶时间 I'm in a rush.

28. 我们可以重新开始吗? Can we start over?

29. 我更喜欢绿色 I like green better.

30. 折扣是多少?How much is the discount?

31. 你来这儿有什么事? What brings you here?

32. 你没告诉我 You didn't tell me.

33. 那家店今天营业吗?Is the store open today?

34. 让我们开始吧 Let's rock and roll.

35. 这些是我的东西 These are my stuff.

36. 他住在这附近吗? Does he live around here?

37. 我还需要5分钟 I need another 5 minutes.

38. 我被深深感动了 I was deeply moved.

39. 我理解得对吗?Did I get you right?

40. 给我个线索 Give me a clue.

41. 情况会好起来的 Things will get better.

42. 会议结束了 The meeting is over.

43. 这不

是什么大事 It's not a big deal.

44. 给我带点饼干来 Bring me some cookies.

45. 你能听见我吗? Can you hear me?

46. 我们什么时候开始?When shall we get started?

47. 它们状况非常好 They're in excellent condition.

48. 你为什么没告诉我?Why didn't you tell me?

49. 别误会我的意思 Don't get me wrong.

50. 我更喜欢小的那个 I prefer the smaller one.

51. 我周五的时候跟你碰面 I'll meet you on Friday.

52. 她是个有趣的人 She's a fun person.

53. 你们卖电饭锅吗?Do you sell rice cookers?

54. 我不敢苟同 I beg to differ.

55. 我也不喜欢它 I don't like it either.

56. 这个是在促销吗?Is this on sale?

57. 这不会太久的 It won't take long.

58. 我昨晚睡得不好 I slept badly last night.

59. 我会试试这些 I will try these.

60. 请稍等一下 Wait a moment, please.

61. 让我带你参观一下 Let me show you around.

62. 你真体贴 You are so considerate.

63. 我没明白你说的 I didn't get you.

64. 把那个东西拿走 Get that thing away.

65. 别往心里去 Don't take it to heart.

66. 说来话长 It's a long story.

67. 我是玛丽(电话用语)This is Mary speaking.

68. 信不信由你 Believe it or not.

69. 他们的答复是什么?What did they answer?

70. 你们有大号的这个吗?Do you have this in large?

71. 世界真小啊!What a small world!

72. 它就在马路对面 It's across the street.

73. 只剩下两天了 Only two days left.

74. 我刚刚看到这个新闻 I just watched the news.

75. 我摆脱不了它 I can't get rid of it.

76. 费用是多少?What is the charge?

77. 你觉得好就行 Whatever works for you.

78. 这是辆二手车 This is a pre-owned vehicle.

79. 就直截了当地说吧 Just get to the point.

80. 没问题了 You're good to go.

81. 明天会下雨吗?Will it rain tomorrow?

82. 在邮局停一下 Stop at the post office.

83. 你觉得怎么样?What do you think?

84. 我过不去 I couldn't get through.

85. 这个房间很华丽 The room is gorgeous.

86. 你为什么要那么做?Why would you do that?

87. 该吃晚饭了 It's time for dinner.

88. 今天是5月14日 Today is May 14th.

89. 天气真糟糕啊!What a horrible weather!

90. 那是一个可爱的名字 That's a lovely name.

91. 抱歉,我刚才没在听 Sorry, I wasn't listening.

92. 需要帮忙吗? May I help you?

93. 你在干吗? What are you doing?

94. 你什么时候回来的?When did you come back?

95. 把它给我 Send it to me.

96. 这是给谁的?For whom is it?

97. 你觉得这怎么样?How do you like it?

98. 我要用现金支付 I'll pay by cash.

99. 我笑得停不下来 I can't stop laughing.

100. 你更喜欢哪个?What do you prefer?

101. 我很后悔买了这个 I regret to buy it.

102. 她在打电话 She's on the phone.

103. 公交车来了 Here is the bus.

104. 我改变主意了 I've changed my mind.



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