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小学五年级英语上册句子表 篇一

In the first of the fifth grade English textbook, there are many interesting and useful sentences that can help students improve their English skills. Let's take a look at some of them.

1. My name is Amy. - This sentence is a simple introduction that students can use to introduce themselves to others.

2. How old are you? - This sentence is used to ask someone about their age. It's important to remember to use the correct verb form "are" when asking this question.

3. I have a pet dog. - This sentence introduces the concept of possession using the verb "have." Students can replace "dog" with any other noun to practice forming sentences with different possessions.

4. She likes to play basketball. - This sentence introduces the verb "like" and shows how to use it to talk about someone's preferences or interests.

5. What is your favorite color? - This sentence is used to ask someone about their favorite color. It's a good way to practice forming questions with "What" and talking about preferences.

By practicing these sentences and understanding their structures, students can improve their English speaking and writing skills. It's important to practice using these sentences in different contexts to become more comfortable with them.

小学五年级英语上册句子表 篇二

The second part of the fifth grade English textbook is filled with more complex sentences that challenge students to expand their English language skills. Let's explore some of these sentences and how they can help students improve their English proficiency.

1. My family and I went on a vacation to the beach last summer. - This sentence introduces the concept of past tense and using prepositions to talk about locations. It's a great way for students to practice forming longer and more detailed sentences.

2. He is the tallest student in our class. - This sentence introduces the superlative form of adjectives and shows how to compare different people or things. Students can practice using this sentence structure with other adjectives to talk about different characteristics.

3. They are going to the park to have a picnic this weekend. - This sentence introduces the future tense and using infinitive verbs to talk about plans or intentions. Students can practice using this sentence structure to talk about their own future plans.

4. The cat is sleeping peacefully on the couch. - This sentence introduces adverbs and shows how to describe actions in more detail. Students can practice using different adverbs to describe how someone or something is doing something.

5. Can you help me with my homework? - This sentence introduces the modal verb "can" and shows how to ask for assistance or help. Students can practice using this sentence structure to ask for help in different situations.

By practicing these more complex sentences, students can improve their English language skills and become more confident in their ability to communicate in English. It's important for students to continue practicing these sentences in different contexts to reinforce their understanding and improve their fluency.

小学五年级英语上册句子表 篇三

小学五年级英语上册句子表 精选83句

1. 滑稽的;可笑的________

2. we’ll=________

3. 面条。面条很好吃。

4. 美味的;可口的________

5. 在(或向)后面________

6. 约翰,你会武术吗?

7. 新鲜的;刚摘的________

8. 高山________

9. 星期六________

10. 辛辣的________

11. 做体育运动________

12. 孩子们,你们能为联欢会做什么?______________________

13. 汉堡包________

14. 自然公园里有高楼吗?

15. 在......中间________

16. 口渴的________

17. 不,森林里没有河。

18. 害羞的________

19. 体贴的;慈祥的________

20. 弹琵琶________

21. 打乒乓球________

22. 江;河________

23. 他年轻吗?

24. 星期四你有什么课?

25. 你想吃什么?

26. 含糖的________

27. 不,自然公园里没有高楼。

28. 居住________

29. 看电视________

30. 冰激凌________

31. 在旁边(附近)________

32. 周末________

33. 练武术________

34. 村庄________

35. 时常;常常________

36. 小山;山丘________

37. 茶________

38. 植物________

39. 星期五________

40. 在......前面________

41. 喝;饮________

42. 森林;林区________

43. 唱英文歌曲________

44. 房子________

45. 老的;年纪大的________

46. 水瓶________

47. 蔬菜沙拉________

48. 特别喜爱的________

49. 工作努力的________

50. 严厉的________

51. 愿意帮忙的________

52. 自行车________

53. (这里)有张大床。

54. 星期日________

55. 湖泊________

56. 树木________

57. 星期二________

58. 这里有这么多幅画。

59. 打篮球________

60. 健康的________

61. 我会唱英文歌。

62. 是的,我会。

63. 去划船________

64. 星期四________

65. 三明治________

66. 照片________

67. 有礼貌的________

68. aren’t=________

69. 瓶子________

70. 星期一________

71. 建筑物________

72. 时钟________

73. 星期三________

74. 说英语________

75. 森林里有河吗?

76. 在(或向)......上面________

77. 有时____


78. 聪明的;聪颖的________

79. 洗我的衣服________

80. 画漫画________

81. 写作业________

82. 年轻的________

83. 桥________



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