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英语用some造5个句子 篇一

1. I have some good news to share with you.

2. Could you please pass me some salt?

3. There are some interesting books in the library.

4. Would you like some coffee with your dessert?

5. I need to buy some groceries before we run out of food.

英语用some造5个句子 篇二

1. There are some beautiful flowers blooming in the garden.

2. Could you please bring me some water from the kitchen?

3. I have some important documents to review before the meeting.

4. Would you like some help with your homework?

5. I need to make some phone calls to confirm our plans for tomorrow.

英语用some造5个句子 篇三

1. No probIem. I need some markers, some color pencis, a pair of scissors, some highlighter, rult…没问题,我需要一此马克笔、一些彩色笔、一把剪刀、一些荧光笔和尺了等。

2. Some suggest that this salutation is best suited for notes, not e-mails, due to its formal tone.由于此词语气正式,一些人认为它最适用于信件而非电子邮件。

3. Jane doesn't have _____ friends.

4. There aren't_____apples left.

5. Modern sleuthing can overcome some of the most devious destruction.现代的侦探工作能化解一些最为狡猾的破坏手段。

6. My mum doesn't read_____poetry .

7. I've got some bread, some butter, some jam, some sugar, some fruit, some water, some milk, some chocolate and some coffee.

8. The gold price is also seen by some economists as a leading indicator of inflation.黄金价格被一些经济学家认为是通货膨胀的首要指数。

9. Even some in the industry are nervous about the profusion of new vehicles.甚至行业内的一些人也对这新工具的缤纷多样感到担忧。

10. any

11. It takes some guts!

12. I've got_____news for you.

13. Some students is a good guide希望你们好好努力。

14. Some of the most famous names of the20th century.20世纪的一些最有名望的名字

15. Some colors contrast and some harmonize.

16. some

17. Yes, some this is likely hype from the luxury industry没错,这其中可能有奢侈品行业自我炒作的成分(三成的中国富人都购买蒂芙尼?)

18. I'd like some Coke.

19. Sue went to the cinema with _____ of her friends!

20. Some are plain, some are colorful, some speckled or scribbled.

21. Try making some lighthearted plans.

22. Archaeologists have uncovered some ancient earthwork.考古学家发现了一些古代的土建工程。

23. I must go to the bank and get some money.我得上银行取点儿钱。

24. He needs to make_____friends.

25. Below, enjoy a collection of some of his phenomenally unpredictable quotes from the last decade.以下,来看看一些他近十年来出人意料的言语集锦吧。

26. Fade and die as in some fitful dream.而彷佛在捉摸不定的梦中消退。

27. I wanna take some photos first.我想先拍一些照片。

28. There are some deer and zebras near the Insect House.昆虫馆附近有些鹿和斑马。

29. Some will tell the doorstep stranger, some won't.有些会告诉门口的那个陌生人他们是,有些则不会。

30. I need some more ten or five yuan notes.我想要10元或5元的钞票。

31. It is always possible that some unknown or unmeasured factors confounded these results, he added.它始终是可能的,一些不明或衡量因素混淆这些结果,他补充说。

32. There're some bowls.

33. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine.

34. Some kinds of qualitative and agronomical traits are correlative.某些品质性状与农艺性状指标之间存在相关关系。

35. Some employees will have to hot-desk until more accommodation can be found.一些雇员将不得不轮用办公桌,直到能够找到更多的办公场所为止。

36. I once received an email telling me about some holocaust revisionist website.我有一次收到过一封关于燔祭修正主义者网站的邮件(我只是众多被抄送者之一)。



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