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以am为主的英语句子 篇一

I am a student at a local university. Every morning, I am filled with excitement as I head to class to learn new things and meet new people. I am grateful for the opportunity to further my education and pursue my dreams. In the afternoon, I am often busy with group projects and studying for exams. Despite the challenges, I am determined to succeed and make the most of my college experience. In the evening, I am usually tired but happy, reflecting on the day's accomplishments and planning for the next. Overall, I am grateful for each day and the opportunities it brings.

以am为主的英语句子 篇二

I am a passionate artist who loves to create beautiful works of art. In the morning, I am inspired by the colors of nature and the sounds of the city as I sketch and paint in my studio. I am constantly experimenting with new techniques and styles to push the boundaries of my creativity. In the afternoon, I am often busy with commissioned projects and preparing for art exhibitions. Despite the deadlines and pressure, I am driven by my love for art and the joy it brings me. In the evening, I am often lost in my thoughts, reflecting on my latest creations and planning for future projects. I am grateful for the gift of creativity and the opportunity to share my passion with the world.

以am为主的英语句子 篇三

以am为主的英语句子 精选30句

1. I am a student我是个学生。

2. I am eager to study in America. However, the cost of living there is really a burden to my parents.我渴望到美国学习。然而,那里的生活费用对我的父母来说确实是一个负担。

3. Second to him, I am the fastest runner on our team.我仅次於他,是队中跑得第二快的人。

4. Sorry, I am afraid that they are overweight.对不起,您的行李超重了。

5. Flora: I am neither. I am just a noob.我两者都不是,我只是一个菜鸟.

6. So tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended.因此今晚,我宣布美国在伊拉克的战斗任务结束。

7. You are young and so am I.你年轻,我也年少。

8. I am a total believer in water as a form of therapy.我相信浸泡在水中是一种治疗。

9. He is a basket-ball fan, so am I.他是个篮球迷,我也是。

10. I must mug up some facts about Shakespeare's language if I am to take the exam.如果我要参加下周的考试,那就得拼命死记一些有关莎翁在 遣词造句方面的知识。

11. I am worried by his illness.我为他的身体担心。

12. I am pretty good at water skiing.滑水橇我很在行。

13. I am your guardian, though I am a poor one for any child.我是你的监护人,虽然对任何孩子来说我都不太称职。

14. However, I am also crazy about Pili Hand Puppet Shows.然而,我也疯狂于霹雳布袋戏。

15. I am forwarding you a new dictionary.奉上新词典一部。

16. I can not tell you how grareful I am to you.真不知道怎样感谢您了。

17. I am scared (that) she may not come back.我担心她不回来了。

18. I am ready for whatever comes.无论发生什麽事我都有准备。

19. What am I bid (for this painting)?(这幅画)给我个价,诸位愿意出多少钱?

20. I am aiming at becoming a guard.我打算将来作后卫。

21. I am so sorry for what I said.我对我所说的表示非常抱歉。

22. I am a car beautician, Guangdong would like to know which side do you good?我是一名汽车美容师,想知道现在广东哪边好做吗?

23. P: I am allergic to sea food.我对所有海产食物都过敏。

24. I AM NOT A JEW—CAN GOD SAVE ME?我不是犹太人,神会拯救我吗?

25. I a

m knocking at your door.我正在敲著你们家的大门。

26. That is why I am on intimate term with Mr. Aoki.那是我与奥基先生关系亲密的原因。

27. I am building a website for my Auntie's small hotel in Spain.我正在为我阿姨在西班牙的小旅馆建一个网站。

28. I am flattered by his commendation. He seems an excellent man; and Ithink him uncommonly pleasing.受到他的赞扬,我感到荣幸。他似乎是个极好的人,我觉得他异常可爱。

29. I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.我因一直渴望着遥遥无期的事情而倍受折磨。

30. xxxI either behold a fata morgana, or I am regularly tipsy,xxx whimpered out the Councillor.“要不是我出现了幻觉,就是我喝醉了。”司法官呜咽着说。



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