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适合纹身的情侣英文句子 篇一

When it comes to getting matching tattoos as a couple, it's important to choose a design that symbolizes your love and commitment to each other. Here are some beautiful English phrases that are perfect for couples looking to get inked together:

1. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." This classic line from the popular song represents the light and happiness that your partner brings into your life.

2. "Forever and always." A simple yet powerful phrase that signifies your eternal love and devotion to each other.

3. "Two hearts, one soul." This romantic quote emphasizes the deep connection and unity between you and your partner.

4. "Love conquers all." A reminder that no matter what challenges you face, your love for each other will always prevail.

5. "In your arms, I find my home." A touching expression of comfort and security that your partner provides for you.

6. "Together we stand, divided we fall." This quote highlights the strength and support you provide for each other as a couple.

7. "I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart." A beautiful line from a poem by E.E. Cummings that speaks to the deep bond and connection you share with your partner.

8. "Love is a journey, not a destination." A reminder to cherish every moment and experience together as you navigate through life as a couple.

9. "You are my rock, my anchor, my everything." A heartfelt declaration of love and gratitude for everything your partner means to you.

10. "To the moon and back." A sweet and whimsical phrase that signifies the infinite love you have for each other.

These English phrases are not only perfect for matching tattoos, but they also serve as daily reminders of the love and bond you share as a couple. Choose a design that speaks to your hearts and will continue to symbolize your love for years to come.

适合纹身的情侣英文句子 篇二

Matching tattoos can be a beautiful way for couples to express their love and commitment to each other. If you're considering getting inked with your partner, here are some meaningful English phrases that are perfect for couples:

1. "One soul, two bodies." This poetic quote emphasizes the deep connection and spiritual bond that exists between you and your partner.

2. "Love is patient, love is kind." A timeless reminder of the qualities of love that are essential for a successful relationship.

3. "You are my forever." A simple yet powerful declaration of your eternal love and devotion to each other.

4. "Through thick and thin." A promise to stand by each other's side no matter what challenges come your way.

5. "I am yours, you are mine." A beautiful expression of the mutual love and commitment you share with your partner.

6. "Love never fails." A comforting reminder that true love is unbreakable and enduring.

7. "Soulmates forever." A declaration of the special bond and connection that exists between you and your partner.

8. "My heart beats for you." A romantic phrase that symbolizes the love and passion you have for each other.

9. "Together we are stronger." An affirmation of the strength and support you provide for each other as a couple.

10. "You are my sunshine on a rainy day." A sweet and uplifting phrase that signifies the joy and light your partner brings into your life.

These English phrases are not only perfect for matching tattoos, but they also serve as constant reminders of the love and bond you share as a couple. Choose a design that resonates with both of you and captures the essence of your relationship. Your matching tattoos will be a beautiful symbol of your love and commitment for years to come.

适合纹身的情侣英文句子 篇三

1. 梦里,那场花开不败。

2. 如是颠簸,生世亦无悔。

3. 爱的表达英文字母纹身也非常适合做情侣纹身。

4. 爱,让我们牵挂。

5. 我的未来,与你有关。

6. Love is eternal.

7. where there is love, there is hope.翻译:有爱就有希望

8. 没有你,饭菜都索然无味。

9. 之子于归,宜其室家。

10. 想你,食不甘味。

11. 饮一杯情话的烈酒。

12. 心里所念,所想是你。

13. Flower|Leaves

14. 卖萌的心,永不止步。

15. 共你挽手,这地球。

16. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

17. |Perfume染烟||Perfume引味

18. 城南花未开,愿君永常在。

19. 请许我来,温暖你。

20. Holding one person is the shore of the river、

21. 爱到最后,成全你的自由。

22. 我想你,想得无以复加。

23. 蒲苇纫如丝,磐石无转移。

24. 傻狗,我宠你啊。

25. 相守,是一种缘分。

26. 心里,装的都是你。

27. 港湾休憩,心靠岸。

28. 九九归一,追到你。

29. 旧人梦﹌Curtain°|旧情人﹌Curtain°

30. 你与平凡,皆浪漫。

31. 爱你,终生不渝!

32. 无尽未来,我相陪。

33. By falling we learn to go safely.吃一堑长一智。

34. 你的世界,全都是我我我。

35. 我会让你幸福的。

36. 余生,请多多关照。

37. North harbor(北港) ‖ South Bay(南湾)

38. 没有你,这一生是短暂的。

39. 我想我会爱他很久。

40. 情人眼里,你会很美。

41. Everything will be all right(一切都会好起来)

42. 希望世界,因你而美丽!

43. 梦醒十分,不见你。

44. 有一种爱情,叫白头偕老。

45. 你在梦里,我不愿醒来。

46. 八音迭奏,不如你。

47. Willian、 ||Tracy、

48. 白天,你在我心里。

49. 憧憧似有梦,此心谁人知。

50. Meet(相约) ‖ Fell in love(相恋)

51. 永恒永久,陪着你。

52. 嘟起小嘴,要亲亲。

53. 温柔cc-yok|柔情cc-yok

54. 一份思念,永延绵。

55. 爱或毁Extreme|恨或厌Extreme

56. 心里,总是想你。

57. 无一爱字,句句深情。

58. 永远,不会忘记你。

59. 红叶之盟,载明鸳谱。

60. 下雨的时候,想你。

61. Sunshine(阳光) ‖ Sunflower(向日葵)

62. 新欢旧爱,都是你。

63. The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色

64. idiot(笨蛋)|Afool(傻瓜)

65. Well begun is half done(好的开端是成功的一半)

66. Decease(死亡) ‖ Revive(复活)

67. 寥寥人生,我陪你。

68. 我会宠你,绝不会骗你。

69. 我会一直在你身边。

70. 诺一生,海枯石烂。

71. 你不离,我定不弃。

72. 我附庸,你的风雅。

73. No cross, no crown(不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹)

74. 男神,快到怀里来。

75. 你是哈密,我是瓜。

76. 几度细思量,情愿相思苦。

77. 有一朵云,为你飘。

78. 有你了,不想自由。

79. 你好,可以借一生说话吗。

80. Small Teenager(小骚年) ‖ Small mushroom cool(小姑凉)

81. 想你成歌,飞扬。

82. 缘份,让我遇上你。

83. 亲爱的,我想你了!



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