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接受道歉的英语句子 篇一

Accepting Apologies in English Sentences

Apologies are an important part of human interactions. When someone apologizes to you, it is often necessary to accept their apology graciously. Here are some English sentences you can use to accept someone's apology:

1. "Apology accepted, let's move on from this."

2. "I appreciate your apology, thank you."

3. "No worries, I understand mistakes happen."

4. "I forgive you, let's put this behind us."

5. "It's all good, don't worry about it."

It is important to remember that accepting an apology does not necessarily mean that you have to forget what happened. It is okay to still feel hurt or upset, but accepting the apology is a way to move forward and not hold onto negative feelings.

In some situations, it may be difficult to accept an apology right away. If you need some time to process your emotions before accepting the apology, you can say something like, "I need some time to think about this, but I appreciate your apology."

Remember that accepting an apology is a personal decision, and you should do what feels right for you. It is also important to communicate openly with the person who apologized to you and let them know how you are feeling.

In conclusion, accepting apologies is an important part of maintaining healthy relationships with others. By using these English sentences to accept someone's apology, you can show understanding and forgiveness while also taking care of your own emotions.

接受道歉的英语句子 篇二

Responding to Apologies in English Language

When someone apologizes to you, it is important to respond in a way that acknowledges their apology and shows your willingness to move past the issue. Here are some English sentences you can use to respond to someone's apology:

1. "Thank you for apologizing, I appreciate your sincerity."

2. "I accept your apology, let's put this behind us and move forward."

3. "It's okay, I understand that mistakes happen."

4. "I forgive you, let's not dwell on this any longer."

5. "I appreciate your apology, let's work towards resolving this issue together."

It is important to respond to apologies with kindness and understanding. Even if you are still feeling hurt or upset, responding in a calm and respectful manner can help diffuse the situation and show that you are willing to forgive and move on.

If you need some time to process your emotions before responding to the apology, you can say something like, "I need some time to think about this, but I will get back to you soon."

Remember that responding to apologies is a way to show empathy and compassion towards the person who apologized to you. It is also an opportunity to communicate openly and honestly about how you are feeling.

In conclusion, responding to apologies in English language is an important part of building and maintaining healthy relationships. By using these English sentences to respond to someone's apology, you can show understanding and forgiveness while also taking care of your own emotions.

接受道歉的英语句子 篇三

接受道歉的英语句子 精选42句

1. A: “Okay then I’ll say sorry for this last time, I sorryxxx我最后一次跟你说对不起,对不起啦!

2. 我当然会原谅你,那没什么,别放在心上.

3. 每个人都有同样的愿望 ,i think是口语的插入语,“我认为”..就是相信大家也想这案子快点了结

4. B:xxxOh, what's wrong? Why do you apologize?xxx有什么问题吗?你干嘛道歉?

5. A:xxxDon't you remember that last time...?”难道你不记得上次了吗?

6. 表达歉意的句子

7. A:xxxBut I'm feeling so bad for it, you need to accept my apologizexxx

8. B:xxxOh, what's wrong? Why do you apologize?xxx有什么问题吗?你干嘛道歉?

9. 你这样断句有问题,宾语是innocents and all the young.动词短语是protect from。是指我们需要保护所有无辜的人和所有年轻人,让他们远离这种麻烦。

10. A:xxxDon't you remember that last time...?”难道你不记得上次了吗?

11. B: xxxI'm glad for you thinking thatxxx很高兴你能那样想。

12. 表达歉意句子

13. 不要那样想,你已经被宽恕了。

14. be being表示正在进行的被动语态 就是statement正在被发表。我相信当我们在谈论我律师给我建议的同时一份媒体的报道正在印发。

15. B: xxxOh that's okay. No problem for thatxxx哦,那没什么,不要紧的。

16. A:” Thank you so muchxxx 非常谢谢你!

17. B: xxxOh that's okay. No problem for thatxxx哦,那没什么,不要紧的.

18. 表示歉意的英语句子

19. B:xxxYou are fine; I will bless you for your honestxxx没关系,为你的诚实祈福。

20. B: xxxOf course, I forgive for that, its all right, don't keep it in mindxxx

21. We promise that kind of thing would not happened again .Hope we can still cooperate happily.

22. This is not an example to be set for you就是要所有的年轻人注意,这不是一个你们应该模仿的对象。(就是千万别学冠希哥!!

23. 我怎么样才能挽回我的错误呢?

24. 都是我乱说惹的祸,对不起,我再也不乱说了,请你原谅我吧!

25. 但我感觉很抱歉,请你务必接受我的道歉。

26. 我当然会原谅你,那没什么,别放在心上。

27. 事情闹成这样并非我的本意。

28. 你好像生气了,我心里也不好受!如果是我酿成了此错,希望你能原谅!如果不能原谅,我自己也就无法原谅我自己了。

29. Forgive me, I didn’t mean to offend you .

30. 这个应该还可以吧,如果有什么错误你自己纠正一下。

31. A : I'm sorry for last time上次很抱歉

32. 我怎么样才能挽回我的错误呢?

33. 但我感觉很抱歉,请你务必接受我的道歉.

34. also就是一个口语的习惯而已..没特别的用意

35. 不要那样想,你已经被宽恕了。更多有没有少点的

36. 愧疚的我不知道该怎样开口,但还是要说声对不起。可是我是要英文

37. B:xxxI don't think that is a good idea, you're forgivenxxx

38. B: xxxLet this off, please, if you keep this going, then I'll not forgive you anymorexxx让这件事过去吧,如果你继续这样的话,我就不原谅你了。

39. A: “You’re a good friend for mexxx你是我的好朋友。

40. A: “What can I do for you to regret?xxx

41. 一些表达歉意的英文句子

42. I didn’t mean it that way. 请原谅,我不是有意惹您生气。



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