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你们辛苦了的英语句子 精选73句

1. Keep up the good work!

2. You inspire me.

3. You should get some rest. 你要休息一下

4. You're looking sharp!

5. You're so smart.

6. You look so healthy.

7. This dress looks good on you.

8. Thanks. You’ve been a great help. 谢谢,你帮了我大忙

9. I really appreciate your help. 非常感谢你的帮助

10. You make me want to be a better person.

11. You look great today.

12. You are one of a kind.

13. Nice work. 做的不错

14. You are just perfect!

15. We two make a lovely couple.

16. You're beautiful/gorgeous.

17. That's a very nice hairdo you're wearing.

18. You are an amazing friend./You are such a good friend.

19. Great work/Job. 做的很好

20. You've got a great personality.

21. That looks difficult 很不容易啊

22. xxx你辛苦了xxx 怎么说?

23. You're a great listener.

24. I love/like your nails.

25. You did a great job.

26. You’re working your butt off. 你工作太卖力了

27. appreciate your hard work.感谢你的辛勤付出

28. Nice jacket!

29. Your hair looks amazing.

30. You're wearing a nice skirt.

31. How smart of you!

32. Nice jacket!

33. As long as we are together, the destination does not matter.

34. Keep up the good work!

35. You have a real talent.

36. I love seeing your smile, it brightens my day every time.

37. Thanks for your trouble. 谢谢,麻烦你了。

38. You must be so tired.你肯定累坏了

39. 怎样用英语赞美他人

40. Well done. 干的漂亮

41. You read a lot.

42. I would like to compliment you on your diligence.

43. You have really pretty eyes.

44. You look like a million dollars.

45. I love your cooking.

46. He has a long head.

47. Your strength of character impresses me.

48. You're a really strong person.

49. You kick ass.

50. Can you share your salad recipe with me?

51. Don’t work so hard. 不要太辛苦了

52. You have a good taste.

53. You're really good at what you do.

54. I'm very pleased with your work.

55. What's your skin regimen?

56. You are just perfect!

57. That was impressive.

58. Well, a good teacher makes good student.

59. We're proud of you.

60. We're so proud of you.

61. Keep up the good work, Everyone. 大家再接再厉,继续努力

62. You're really talented.

63. You are an amazing friend. / You are such a good friend.

64. I am impressed.

65. Your work on that project was incredible.

66. I appreciate it. 感谢你

67. You're beautiful / gorgeous.

68. I appreciate you.辛苦了

69. I love talking with you.

70. Thank you for your hard work. I appreciate it. 谢谢你的辛勤工作,非常感谢

71. You have a good sense of humor.

72. The food is delicious.

73. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.



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