雾都孤儿好句子英文 篇一
In the novel "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens, one can find a treasure trove of beautifully crafted sentences that capture the essence of the story and the characters. Here are some of the standout sentences from the book:
1. "Please, sir, I want some more." - This iconic line spoken by Oliver Twist himself captures the desperation and hunger of the orphan boy in just six simple words.
2. "I am not the person to be insensible to the credit of inspiring such reflections; but I am not the less happy on that account." - This sentence reflects the complex emotions of Mr. Brownlow, who is torn between his admiration for Oliver and his own happiness.
3. "It is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts, that I would spare them from being wounded." - This line spoken by Rose Maylie showcases her kindness and compassion towards others.
4. "The boy was lying, fast asleep, on a rude bed upon the floor; so pale with anxiety, and sadness, and the closeness of his prison, that he looked like death." - This sentence vividly describes the dire situation of Oliver, highlighting the harsh conditions he has to endure.
5. "I wish some well-fed philosopher, whose meat and drink turn to gall within him; whose blood is ice, whose heart is iron; could have seen Oliver Twist clutching at the dainty viands that the dog had neglected." - This powerful sentence contrasts the innocence of Oliver with the cruelty of the world around him.
6. "There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts." - This witty observation by Charles Dickens himself reflects his views on the importance of substance over style.
7. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." - While this famous opening line is not from "Oliver Twist," it encapsulates the themes of duality and contrast that are also present in the novel.
These sentences from "Oliver Twist" demonstrate the timeless appeal of Charles Dickens' writing, as well as his ability to evoke empathy and understanding for his characters. Each sentence is a masterpiece in its own right, showcasing the power of language to convey emotion and meaning.
雾都孤儿好句子英文 篇二
"Oliver Twist" is a classic work of literature that continues to captivate readers with its vivid descriptions and memorable characters. Here are some more examples of great sentences from the novel:
1. "The sun that lighted the youthful eyes, which now lay quenched beneath a film of death, lighted them too, but not in misfortune." - This poignant sentence describes the tragic fate of a young character in the book, highlighting the theme of innocence lost.
2. "There was a candle burning, but the door was ajar, and the street was empty." - This sentence creates a sense of suspense and mystery as Oliver finds himself in a precarious situation.
3. "In the obscure parlour of a low public-house, in the filthiest part of Little Saffron Hill; a dark and gloomy den, where a flaring gas-light burnt all day in the winter-time." - This sentence sets the scene for a crucial moment in the story, emphasizing the squalor and darkness of Oliver's surroundings.
4. "The child was exchanged for a large sum, down upon the counter of a small shop in the borough, and the coin paid down." - This sentence reveals the shocking truth about Oliver's true identity and the sinister forces at work in his life.
5. "What if he were cajoled into a snare by this woman, and carried to some strange place?" - This sentence reflects Oliver's growing sense of unease and fear as he navigates a world full of deceit and danger.
6. "He was hungry, but he was afraid to eat or drink; he was cold, and shivering with the damp and darkness of the place." - This sentence conveys Oliver's physical and emotional suffering, highlighting the harsh realities of his existence.
7. "There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast." - While not directly related to the plot of "Oliver Twist," this sentence reflects Dickens' keen insight into human nature and the desire for adventure and discovery.
These sentences from "Oliver Twist" showcase the breadth and depth of Charles Dickens' writing, as well as his ability to create a world that is both familiar and fantastical. Each sentence is a window into the rich tapestry of the novel, inviting readers to explore its themes and characters with fresh eyes.
雾都孤儿好句子英文 篇三
雾都孤儿好句子英文 精选82句
1. Thebookrevealsmanysocialproblemsatthattime,suchasalmshouse,childlabor,andgangsabsorbingteenagerstoparticipateincrimes.Thisbookhasbeenadaptedintomovies,televisionandstageplaysmanytimes.
2. 《OliverTwist》译名为《雾都孤儿》,是英国作家查尔斯?狄更斯于1838年出版的长篇写实小说。该书揭露了许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。
3. The coffin shop in Black Hole was desolate and dead, and Oliver stayed here alone. Only at this moment did he express the emotions that the experience of the day might arouse in the heart of a child.
4. 他??次回顾这些?孔。他已经将它们召唤到了眼前,要把遮挡了它们如此之久的这层幕布重新拉上可不是件容易的事。
5. 一阵骤雨僻哩啪啦地打在光秃秃的灌木丛中。
6. 当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。文字与感觉永远有隔阂。
7. “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver’s head; and then to the boy’s face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is.“他说,他指出,连忙向奥利弗头上的图像;然后对男孩的脸。
8. ?阵骤?僻哩啪啦地打在光秃秃的灌?丛中。
9. Oliverwasapoorboy.Hehadnoparents.Hegrewupinanorphanage.Attheworkhouse,hismasterswereverystrict.So,oneday,heescapedtoLondon.InLondon,hemetFaginandhisfriends,whotaughthimtostealfromrichpeople.Butoneday,thepolicefoundFaginandtheyarrstedhimandsenthimtoprison.Finally,MrBrunlowadoptedOliver
10. ?的本性是多么的美妙,同样美好的品质从不厚此薄彼,既可以在最出?的君??上发扬,?可以再最卑污的慈善学校学?的?上滋长。
11. 尽管离城已经差不多有五英里了,他仍然时而跑几步,时而溜到路旁篱笆后面去躲一躲,生怕有人赶上来把他捉回去,这样一直折腾到中午。
12. 人物赏析:
13. 举凡大户人家,遇到一个优越的位置,比方说财产、名分的拥有、复归、指定继承或者是预订继承,摊不到一个正在成长发育的子弟身上的时候,有一条非常普遍的习惯,就是打发他出海谋生。
14. 读后感:没有生存技能的奥利弗,就连当乞丐都会被约束和禁止,社会的残酷已经让诸多这样的孩子失去了生存的最后希望,而奥利弗只是当时英国社会里千万代表之一,可见那个社会体制被推翻已经是时间问题了。
15. 他又一次回顾这些面孔。他已经将它们召唤到了眼前,要把遮挡了它们如此之久的这层幕布重新拉上可不是件容易的事。
16. 一天下来,奥立弗走了二十英里,饿了啃两口干面包,渴了喝几口从路旁住户家里讨来的水。
17. ?暗中看上去模糊可怕的物体变得越来越清晰,逐渐恢复了为?熟知的形状。
18. 尽管急?打在?上,奥?弗却没有感觉到,他仍然直挺挺地躺在??的泥?床上,?依?靠,不省?事。
19. 这件事十分耐人寻味,它向我们表明,人的本性是多么的美妙,同样美好的品质从不厚此薄彼,既可以在最出色的君子身上发扬,又可以在最卑污的慈善学校学生的身上滋长。
20. 中心思想:
21. 他吃下去的佳肴美酒在肚??会化作胆汁,?凝成了冰,?像铁?样硬。
22. ??内?有?种正在增长的尊严,有了这种尊严,他才坚持到了最后,哪怕被他们活活架在?上烤,也不会叫?声。
23. 感悟:这段话写出了人内心深处的本身善良的一面,人走向何方,往往是因为生活和生存环境造成的,但并不影响人内心深处对善的向往,因此优秀的品质既可以存在于优秀的人身上,也可能会在卑劣的人身上得到体现。
24. 好?幅绝妙的写照,活现了仁慈为怀的英国法律。
25. 读后感:一个儿童为了生计苦苦的谋划着,我们试想,即便是在当今这个和谐的社会里,若是一个儿童流亡大街,又该怎么生活呢,何况奥利弗生活在那个吃人的社会里。
26. What a wonderful portrayal of the benevolent English law.
27. 这只不过是他善意的规劝发挥得有些过火罢了。
28. Although the hurricane hit him, Oliver didn't feel it. He was still lying upright on his mud bed, helpless and unconscious.
29. 一具未完工的棺材放在黑黝黝的支架上,就在店堂中间,每当他游移的目光无意中落到这可怕的东西上边,看到它是那样阴森死寂,一阵寒颤立刻传遍全身,他差一点相信真的看见一个吓人的身影从棺材里缓缓地抬起头来,把自己吓疯过去。
30. ?阵歇斯底?的狂笑。
31. 英语作文雾都孤儿:“Anorphaninfoggycity”
32. The food and wine he eats will turn into bile in his stomach, and his heart will freeze into ice, and his heart will be as hard as iron.
33. 有几个村子里张挂着油漆的大木牌,上边警告说,凡在本地行乞者,一律处以监禁。
34. 感悟:狄更斯用“揍”这个字描写了奥利弗遭受老板毒打的事情,而且不止一次两次,因此作者写“这一过程他领教了无数次了”,在这里的学徒们都饱受心灵和身体的双重摧残。
35. 有的时候,一支亲切的乐曲,一处幽静地方的潺潺水声,一朵花的芳香,甚而只是说出一-个熟悉的字眼,会突然唤起一些模糊的记忆,令人想起--些今生不曾出现过的场景,它们会像微风一样飘散,仿佛刹那间唤醒了对某种久已别离的、比较快乐的往事,而这种回忆单靠冥思苦想是怎么也想不起来的。
36. ?洞洞的棺材店堂??凄凉死寂,奥?弗独?呆在这?,直到此刻,他才将这?天的遭遇在?个孩??中可能激起的感情宣泻出来。
37. ?些意志坚定的?在经受?离死别考验时表现出令?羡慕的顺从与刚毅。
38. How wonderful is human nature, and the same beautiful qualities are never favored over others. It can be carried forward on the most outstanding gentleman, and can grow on the most despicable charity school students.
39. 黑洞洞的棺材店堂一片凄凉死寂,奥立弗独自呆在这里,直到此刻,他才将这一天的遭遇在一个孩子心中可能激起的感情宣泻出来。
40. He has a growing dignity within himself. With this dignity, he persisted until the end. Even if they were roasted alive on the fire, he would not cry.
41. Finally,withthehelpofgoodpeople,hefoundouthislifeexperienceandgainedhappiness.
42. 欢乐与忧伤交汇在命运之杯里,然而其中绝没有辛酸的眼;泪:因为就连忧伤本身也已冲淡,又裹在了那样甜蜜、亲切的回忆之中,失去了所有的苦涩,成了一种庄严的快慰
43. It's just that his well-meaning persuasion went a little too far.
44. Crying is God-given our nature - but how many people would shed tears in front of God at such a young age!
45. 雾都孤儿好词摘抄
46. 对于奥立弗来说,“揍”是一个极富表现力的字眼,这一过程他领教过无数次了,因而丝毫不存侥幸心理,管他是谁,反正那个声音的主人是要极其体面地履行诺言的。
47. A burst of hysterical laughter.
48. 苦难动荡坚持美妙羡慕承担麻烦维持
49. ?奥利弗多次率领葬礼?列,他配上了?条拖到膝盖的帽带,使城?所有做母亲的都?出?份说不出的感动和赞赏。
50. 狄更斯《雾都孤儿》摘抄
51. 他顾虑重重,步伐也随着放慢下来,心里老在琢磨自己到那儿去有些什么本钱。
52. 摇摆不定学识渊博背信弃义出类拔萃
53. Little Oliver led the funeral procession many times. He wore a chinstrap that was dragged to his knees, which made all mothers in the city have an indescribable emotion and admiration.
54. 雾都孤儿读书笔记摘抄好词好句及感悟赏析.jpg
55. 狄更斯堪称一位杰出的语言大师,擅长运用讽刺、幽默和夸张的手法,他笔下的人物风貌和语言风格富有浓厚的浪漫主义特色。
56. 傍晚,小奥立弗被带到了“绅士们”面前,他得知当天夜里自己就要作为一个普通的济贫院学童到一家棺材铺去了。
57. 赏析:这段话让我们看到了英国社会下的大户人家的财产等分配方式,并不是所有的孩子都能拥有继承权,获得遗产,因此对没有地位的孩子们来说,会被家族打发出海谋生,这样就不会和继承者争夺财产,造成纠纷和麻烦,可见财产会使人部分人丧失良心和理智。
58. 雾都孤儿描写了资本主义社会穷苦儿童的悲惨生活,揭露了贫民救济所和学校教育的黑暗。
59. ThisworkissetinLondon,afoggycity,andtellsthetragicstoryandexperienceofanorphan.Oliver,thehero,grewupinanorphanage,experiencedapprenticeship,fledhard,strayedintoadenofthieves,andwasforcedtoassociatewithviciousmurderers,experiencingcountlesshardships.
60. He reviewed the faces once again. He had already summoned them before his eyes, and it was not easy to pull back the curtain that had blocked them for so long.
61. 感悟:一个孩子被迫逃离艰苦的生活环境,却非常害怕追击者,这样的孩子在英国当时的社会背景下不仅不能得到应有的保护,而且成为了被压榨和剥削的对象,可见当时的社会统治阶层是多么的残酷和无情。
62. 喷嚏啼哭白皙战栗亟需棘手虐待饿痨
63. 赏析:棺材里面以后是要用来装死人的,奥利弗作为一个儿童,自然是非常害怕的,但是遭受了贪婪者的迫害之后,在这个黑暗的社会里,他别无选择,读后感www.simayi.net因为他要睡在棺材铺里,多么的可怜,我们不能身在福中不知福,要学会感恩和珍惜当下。
64. 赏析:奥利弗本来是遗产的继承者,却被坏人玩弄手段致使他丧失了权利,并被打发到棺材铺去当学徒,从此走上了艰辛的生活道路,这一切都是因为财富的原因,正应了那个句话“人不为己天诛地灭”,大多数人都是自私的,只分程度深浅。
65. 读后感:奥利弗一天走了二十英里路,却只啃了两口面包?难道是他不饿吗?显然不是,而是没有食物,一个流亡的儿童生存是多么的艰辛,面临着生存的压力,只得苟延残喘。
66. 海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光。
67. 雾都孤儿好句摘抄
68. 尚南像服了一帖清凉剂,满腔的燥热和烦闷都消逝了。
69. 这只不过是他善意的规劝发挥得有些过?罢了。
70. 在这本书中,奥利弗、南希、罗斯小姐都是善良的代表,他们都出生于苦难之中,在黑暗和充满罪恶的世界中成长,但在他们的心中始终保持着一偏纯洁的天地,一颗善良的心,种种磨难并不能使他们堕落或彻底堕落,反而更显示出他们出污泥而不染的光彩夺目的晶莹品质。最后,邪不胜正,正义的力量战胜了邪恶,虽然南希最后遇难,但正是她的死所召唤出来的惊天动地的社会正义力量,正是她在冥冥中的在天之灵,注定了邪恶势力的代表——费金团伙的灭顶之灾。因此在小说中,南希的精神得到了升华,奥利弗则得到了典型意义上的善报。而恶人的代表——费金、蒙克斯、邦布尔、塞克斯无不一一落得个悲惨的下场。
71. 人的本性是多么的美妙,同样美好的品质从不厚此薄彼,既可以在最出色的君子身上发扬,又可以再最卑污的慈善学校学生的身上滋长。
72. Some strong-willed people show admirable obedience and fortitude when they endure the test of life and death.
73. A sudden burst of slap in the bare bushes.
74. Objects that look blurry and terrible in the dark become clearer and clearer, gradually returning to their familiar shapes.
75. 赏析:这句话描写了小奥利弗工作环境的恶劣
76. 雾都孤儿读书笔记摘抄好句及感悟赏析:
77. 我穿过思念齐眉的年代,手指苍白。
78. 哭是上帝赋予我们的天性--但?有多少?会这般??年纪就在上帝?前倾洒泪?!
79. 一阵歇斯底里的狂笑。
80. 我一听见那细细脆脆的声儿,就像吃了蟠桃,喝了烧酒,嚼了花椒,那美劲,嗨
81. OliverTwist《雾都孤儿》,原名《奥立弗·退斯特历险记》,中国最早的译本是林琴南的《贼史》,我这里采用的还是更为读者熟悉的书名《雾都孤儿》。《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯的第一部伟大的社会小说,在世界文学史上占有重要位置。小说主要反映刚刚通过了济贫法的英国社会最底层生活。作者在创作上爱憎分明,形象生动的特点也得到了很充分的体现。他笔下的人物富有鲜明的个性,整个作品有着强烈的感染力。
82. 店铺里又问又热,连空气也似乎沾上了棺材的气味。奥立弗的一条破棉絮给扔在柜台底下凹进去的地方,那地方看上去跟坟墓没什么两样。