人性的丑陋的英文句子 篇一
Human nature can be incredibly cruel and selfish. It is a dark side that is often hidden beneath a facade of kindness and compassion. When push comes to shove, people will do whatever it takes to protect themselves, even if it means hurting others in the process. This ugly truth about human nature can be seen in countless examples throughout history.
One of the most chilling examples of human cruelty is the Holocaust, where millions of innocent people were systematically exterminated by the Nazis. The sheer brutality and inhumanity of this event is a stark reminder of how far people are willing to go in order to assert their dominance and power over others. The Holocaust serves as a haunting reminder of the depths of human depravity.
But it is not just on a large scale that human ugliness is displayed. In everyday life, people can be just as cruel and selfish. From bullying in schools to backstabbing in the workplace, the dark side of human nature is constantly on display. People will lie, cheat, and manipulate in order to get ahead, regardless of the consequences for those around them.
It is a sobering thought to realize that beneath the veneer of civilization lies a deep well of darkness. The capacity for cruelty and selfishness is inherent in all of us, waiting to be unleashed under the right circumstances. It is a reminder that we must constantly strive to overcome our baser instincts and strive for a more compassionate and empathetic way of living.
In conclusion, the ugly truth about human nature is that we are capable of great cruelty and selfishness. It is a side of ourselves that we must acknowledge and confront in order to truly understand the complexities of our own existence. Only by recognizing our own capacity for darkness can we hope to overcome it and strive for a better, more humane world.
人性的丑陋的英文句子 篇二
The dark side of human nature is a pervasive and disturbing reality that we must all come to terms with. It is the part of ourselves that we would rather ignore, the side that is capable of unspeakable acts of cruelty and selfishness. It is a side that is often kept hidden, lurking beneath the surface until circumstances bring it to light.
One of the most troubling aspects of human ugliness is the way in which people can turn on each other in times of crisis. Whether it is a natural disaster, a war, or a pandemic, the veneer of civilization can quickly crumble, revealing the true nature of humanity. People will hoard resources, betray one another, and abandon their fellow human beings in order to survive.
The phenomenon of "mob mentality" is another example of the dark side of human nature. When people are caught up in a group dynamic, they can easily be swayed to commit acts of violence and cruelty that they would never consider on their own. The power of the group can override individual conscience, leading people to do things that they would never do as individuals.
But perhaps the most insidious aspect of human ugliness is the way in which it can be justified and rationalized. People will twist their moral compass in order to justify their actions, convincing themselves that they are acting in the best interests of themselves or others. This ability to justify cruelty and selfishness is a chilling reminder of the depths to which human nature can sink.
In conclusion, the dark side of human nature is a reality that we must all confront. It is a part of ourselves that we must acknowledge and strive to overcome in order to create a more compassionate and just society. By recognizing our own capacity for cruelty and selfishness, we can work towards a world in which the better angels of our nature prevail. Only by acknowledging the darkness within ourselves can we hope to overcome it and move towards a brighter future.
人性的丑陋的英文句子 篇三
人性的丑陋的英文句子 精选34句
1. 他没有问你的意见,也不想知道,为什么要和别人争论呢?要永远避免和他人正面冲突。
2. 比自身生命更高贵的奉献精神,会带来真正的成功与快乐,会带来更多朋友。
3. 三流的化妆是脸上的化妆;二流的化妆是精神的化妆;一流的化妆是生命的化妆。()
4. 只谈论自己的人,永远只会在自己的立场考虑问题。
5. 童年的无知可爱,少年的无知可笑;青年的无知可怜;中年的无知可叹,老年的无知可悲。
6. “让我们记住,我们所相处的对象,并不是绝对理性的动物,而且充满了情绪变化成见自负和虚荣的东西。”无论你再怎么崇拜的人,他都有这样东西,只是明显与不明显而已。
7. 我想未来去爱一个能给我正能量的人。和ta在一起,有足够安全感,不会担心下一秒就失去;和ta在一起,我变得积极乐观,觉得整个世界都充满爱;和ta在一起,我不用小心翼翼生怕说错做错换来争吵和冷战;关键是,和ta在一起,我终于又笑容常挂脸上了。这样的ta,让我很知足安心。 曾轻叹,如果,有这样一
8. 世界上%的人是吃小亏而占大便宜,而%的人是占小便宜吃大亏。大多数成功人士都源于那%。
9. 能够把心中的烦闷向知心朋友倾吐的人,通常既是能够把握快乐,减少疲劳,精力充沛的人。
10. 一个女人喜欢一个男人时,她希看听到谎言;当一个女人厌恶一个男人时,她希看听到真理。
11. 这就是人类的天性,人做错了事情之后只知道责怪别人,绝不会责怪自己。
12. 对别人好不是一种责任,它是一种享受,因为它能增进你的健康和快乐。你对别人好的时候,也就是对自己好的时候。
13. 若是我们对了,我们要巧妙婉转地让别人赞同我们的观点。可是当我们错误的时候,我们要快速坦直地承认我们的错误。
14. But the person who has technical knowledge plus the ability to express ideas to assume leadership and to arouse enthusiasm among people—that person is headed for higher earning power
15. 凡不关心别人的人,必会在有生之年遭受重大困难,并且大大伤害到别人。也就是这种人,导致了人类的种种错失。
16. 地球是运动的,一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置。
17. 一入职场,便入江湖。江湖之险,在于人心的深不可测;职场之恶,在于只要这个江湖存在,其中的是非恩怨,你争我斗,优胜劣汰就永远纠缠。人性与道德的挣扎, 智慧 和胆识的拼杀,一次次狭路相逢,成王败寇。一场场明争暗斗,输赢沉浮。一部职场史,就是一部江湖恩怨史。
18. 批评是徒劳的,因为它只会使人采取防御,并常常为自己的错误竭尽全力的辩护。批评是危险的,因为它常常伤害一个人宝贵的自尊,伤害他的自尊感,并激发他的怨恨。
19. 人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。
20. 一个人炫耀什么,说明内心缺少什么。
21. 与人相处时,应该记住。我们不是应付理论的人,而是在应付感情的人。
22. 如果成功有诀窍的话,这个诀窍就在于洞悉他人的立场,并能够同时兼顾自己和他人的立场。
23. 不要批评别人,别人才不会批评你。如果我们处在同样的情况下,可能也会跟他们一样
24. 我们多数人的毛病是,当机会朝我们冲奔而来时,我们犹兀自闭着眼睛;很少人能够去追寻自己的机会,或甚至在绊倒时,还能看得见它。
25. 假如你借太多的钱给一个人,你会令此人变成坏人。
26. 对那些不成熟的人来说,他们永远都可以找到一些借口,以掩饰他们自身的某些缺点或不幸。
27. “总xxx要为爱人着想,“经xxx得起爱人唠叨,“理xxx应对爱人谦让,男人应当“总经理xxx。
28. 如果有什么成功的秘诀的话,就是了解对方的观点,并且能站在对方的角度和你自己的角度来看事情。
29. 世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。
30. 如果你期望致富,你就会致富。
31. 行动看似跟随在感觉之后产生的。但事实上,它与感觉同时进行,行为更多的是受控于意念而非感觉,通过调节行为,我们就能间接地调节感觉。所以,如果我们不快乐,有一种强烈的意愿让自己快乐起来,那就是快乐的行动,快乐的说话,假装已经很快乐的样子。
32. 只有愚蠢的人,才会批评人斥责人和抱怨人,但若要宽恕和了解他人,那就需要在人格及克己上下工夫了。
33. 佛洛依德说过,我们做任何事,都是源于两个动机:性的渴望和做伟人的欲望
。34. 有整整十年的时间,我曾经是一名囚犯。不是在一般xxx里,而是在忧虑自己低劣的狱墙和惧怕批评是其狱舍的xxx中。