英语关于宝宝的句子 篇一
Babies are the most precious gifts in the world. Their innocent smiles and pure hearts can melt anyone's heart.
Babies have a special way of bringing joy and laughter into our lives. Their giggles are like music to our ears.
Watching a baby grow and develop is a truly magical experience. From their first smile to their first steps, every milestone is a cause for celebration.
Babies have a way of teaching us the true meaning of unconditional love. Their dependence on us reminds us of the importance of nurturing and caring for those we love.
There is nothing more heartwarming than holding a sleeping baby in your arms. The peaceful look on their face is enough to make all your worries melt away.
Babies have a way of making even the simplest moments feel special. Whether it's playing peek-a-boo or blowing bubbles, their laughter is contagious.
The bond between a parent and their baby is one of the strongest connections in the world. The love that grows between them is unbreakable and everlasting.
Babies may be small in size, but their impact on our lives is immeasurable. They have a way of filling our hearts with love and our lives with meaning.
In the eyes of a baby, the world is a magical place full of wonder and possibility. Their curiosity and sense of wonder remind us to appreciate the beauty in the world around us.
Babies are a reminder of the beauty and innocence that still exist in the world. Their presence is a gift that should never be taken for granted.
英语关于宝宝的句子 篇二
The sound of a baby's laughter is like a symphony of happiness. It can brighten even the darkest of days.
Babies have a way of making us see the world through fresh eyes. Their sense of wonder and curiosity remind us to appreciate the beauty in the simplest of things.
There is something truly magical about watching a baby discover the world around them. From the feel of grass beneath their feet to the taste of their first bite of food, every experience is a new adventure.
Babies have a way of bringing out the best in us. Their innocence and purity remind us of the importance of kindness, compassion, and love.
The unconditional love that a baby gives is unlike any other. They love without judgment or reservation, teaching us the true meaning of acceptance and forgiveness.
Babies are a precious reminder of the miracle of life. They remind us of the beauty and wonder that exists in the world, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.
The bond between a baby and their parents is a sacred connection that transcends words. It is a love that is felt deep in the soul, a bond that can never be broken.
Babies have a way of teaching us patience and resilience. From sleepless nights to endless diaper changes, they challenge us in ways we never thought possible.
The joy that a baby brings into our lives is immeasurable. Their smiles, their laughter, their love – these are the things that make life truly worth living.
In a world filled with noise and chaos, the sound of a baby's heartbeat is a reminder of the peace and beauty that still exist. Their presence is a gift that should be cherished and celebrated every day.
英语关于宝宝的句子 篇三
1. Fabulous! 太妙了!
2. Good writing/drawing。 画的真不错!
3. See you in the evening. 晚上见。
4. 儿童节,过家家,回想当年盼放假;小长大,不回家,成天在外打打架;短信至,翻翻看,猪头只把键盘按;不服气,回短信,国际儿童真喜庆!
5. You’ll do better next time. 下次一定会更好!
6. That’s neat. 好棒哦!
7. 宏伟理想鼓斗志,幼小心灵开红花。好孩子!今天是你的节日,叔叔给你准备了适合你吃不伤牙齿的糖,送给你,社会主义的小红花!儿童节快乐!
8. Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!
9. 踢毽子的女同学手脚轻快,小毽子上下飞舞,就像有一只只小燕子在脚上飞去又飞回。
10. I love you so much. 我好爱你!
11. “六一”猜个字谜,谜面儿童不宜。保持一颗童心,谜语猜出童趣。如果脑筋想歪,确实少儿不宜。不要少见多怪,马上公布谜底。奇!儿童节快乐!
12. 处处体现对孩子的尊重和理解,这是爱的基础工程。站在孩子的角度思考问题、处理问题。
13. 孩子其实并不是你们的孩子。他们是生命对自身渴求的儿女。他们借你们而生,却并非从你们而来。
14. You're looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)与众不同的表扬!
15. 远远的脑袋下一双大眼睛闪着智慧的光芒,小脸红扑扑的,就像一个半熟的桃。
16. That’s it. 那就是了!
17. Pretty good! 很不错!
18. 一张张活泼的儿童的笑脸,像春天里娇艳的鲜花在开放。
19. You did a wonderful job. 做得漂亮。
20. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)
21. You worked so hard. 你好认真哦!
22. I admire your work.
23. What a beautiful picture. 真是好美的一幕!
24. You’ve been very good today. 你今天好乖哦!
25. Bye-bye mum/daddy. 再见妈妈/爸爸。
26. 宁愿像个孩子,不肯看太多的事,听太多的不是,单纯一辈子。 Rather like a child, and would not see too many things, listen to is not too much, just for a lifetime.
27. 毽子调皮地向右边飞去,眼看就要着地了,就在这千钧一发的时刻,绢绢机灵地向右边一弯腰一伸腿,毽子就像被磁铁吸住了似的,又让她给控制住了。
28. 愿我的宝贝永远在爱的海洋里遨游,在幸福的天空翱翔,平安 快乐--永恒!
29. That’s a very good point. 真是好主意!
30. That’s correct. 那就对。
31. 宝宝已经五个月了,听到妈妈的声音会睁大眼睛张望,并露出甜蜜的微笑。
32. I understand what you’re saying。 我明白你说的。
33. Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快!
34. Hello/Hi! 你好!
35. Keep going. 继续保持!
36. That is very good writing. 写得真好喔!
37. You can do it、你办得到的`!
38. 六一儿童节,祝福短信到,愿好运把你围绕,愿快乐把你拥抱,愿困难从你身边溜掉,愿幸福时时把你关照,愿好梦天天伴你睡觉!六一节快乐!
39. 成长,是每个孩子的权力,也是他们必经的征程,或平坦、或崎岖,有悲欢,有离合。
40. Very nice! 很好!
41. We have plenty of time. 还有时间喔,别担心啦!
42. 孩子噗哧一声笑了,露出了两排碎玉似的洁白牙齿。
43. 哇,一串串晶莹滴翠的葡萄密密麻麻吊挂在栅栏上面,我终于来到着名新疆的葡萄沟,位于新疆吐鲁番东北的山谷的葡萄沟。
44. Good answer. 回答得真好!
45. Excellent! Great! 极佳的表现!
46. Follow me. Let’s do it again. 跟我做,我们一起再做一遍。
47. 不要因岁月的流逝而忘记童年,不要因生活的忙碌而失去童真,不要因早已成年就不过儿童节,祝您带着一颗童心过一个快乐的儿童节!
48. You did a marvelous job、做得好极了!
49. Brilliant! 太妙了!
50. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!
51. 雪儿长得真像她的名字,眉清目秀,唇红齿白,圆脸蛋,高鼻梁,一脑袋乌黑卷曲的头发,挺俊气的。
52. Good boy. 好男孩!
53. Your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)
54. you two make a lovely couple、你们真是天生的一对!
55. Don’t be shy. 不要害羞嘛。
56. Wonderful! 太棒了!
57. Brilliant idea! 绝妙的主意!
58. You've got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)一个非常安全的表扬!
59. You did a good job. 做得棒!
60. You almost did it. 你快要做到了!
61. Go! Go! Go! 加油!加油!加油!
62. You can make it. 你可以办得到。
63. How cute you are! 你好可爱哦!
64. You have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。
65. Nobody is perfect. 没有人是十全十美的!
66. It’s a surprise. 真令人惊讶!
67. your chinese is really surprising、你的中文令人惊讶。
68. 她一跳起皮筋来,就像疯了似的。只见她愈跳愈快,愈跳愈高,时而劈腿,时而倒踢,五花八门,恰如一只蹦蹦跳跳的小猴,使你眼花
69. Very good! 非常好!
70. 她那红嘟嘟地脸蛋闪着光亮,像九月里熟透地苹果一样。
71. You did a good job. (你干得非常好。)国际最通用的表扬!
72. 没有黑暗中的那盏光芒,我担心您像个小孩子一样怕黑怕迷路。
73. 所有的爱给我们的孩子,陪伴着孩子一起成长、放飞!
74. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好!
75. Nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)极其地道的表扬!
76. 这个年龄段的宝宝是非常有积极性的,他们乐衷于模仿和表演,看到观众被逗乐了就会非常兴奋。
77. See you. 再见。
78. How funny! 多有趣呀!
79. 一群傣族少女姗姗走来,她们的身材是那样苗条,步履是那样轻盈,仪态大方,好像一群美丽的仙子从天而降。
80. 大人不该觉得自己看透了孩子,孩子也别轻易觉得自己看透了大人。
81. 我为了躲避横飞的雪球,笑着平卧在雪里,又打了个滚儿,身上就披了一件“雪衣”。
82. 罗若峰很胖,圆圆的脑袋、圆圆的脸、圆圆的眼睛、圆圆的鼻头,连四肢也是圆滚滚、肉乎乎的。他性格开朗、活泼,特别喜欢笑,对一切事物都充满好奇心。
83. 六一猜个字谜,谜面儿童不宜。保持一颗童心,谜语猜出童趣。如果脑筋想歪,确实少儿不宜。不要少见多怪,马上公布谜底。奇!儿童节快乐!
84. 你笑起来的样子最为动人,两片薄薄的嘴唇在笑,长长的眼睛在笑,腮上两个陷得很举动的酒窝也在笑。
85. 多一点纯真,多一点童心,多一点可爱,多一点快乐;少一点计较,少一点奢望,少一点烦恼,少一点忧愁。多多少少你也该做到。六一儿童节快乐!
86. 一群群孩子,在雪地做雪人,掷雪球,那欢乐的叫喊声、喧闹声,把树枝上的雪都震落下来。
87. You did it. 你做到了。
88. you've got a great personality、你的个性很好。
89. you're very professional、你非常专业。
90. You cando better than that. 你会做得更好!
91. 校园里一片欢声笑语,同学们在相互追逐着、玩耍着,有的在爬竿,有的在跳远,还有的打羽毛球,只有女同学三五成群地跳橡皮筋,并且轻快地哼着歌曲。
英语关于宝宝的句子 篇四
1. You still remember. 你还记得呢!
2. Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)
3. Give me a hug。 来,抱一下!
4. How amazing. 真是太棒了!
5. You are good/great! 你真棒!
6. 想要摘星星的孩子,孤独是我们的必修课,我不怕自己努力了不优秀,我只怕比我优秀的人比我更努力。
7. Thank you so much. 谢谢你呀!
8. How wonderful you are、多美妙呀!
9. See you next week. 下周见。
10. You are getting better and better. 你越做越好了!
11. 肥嘟嘟的小脸蛋,半米的眼睛,时而傻呵呵的笑着,时而吮吸着自己的小手指。
12. you look great today、你今天看上去很棒。you did a goodjob、你干得非常好。
13. 他黑里透红的脸上,露出一排白玉米似的牙齿。
14. your son/daughter is so cute、你的孩子很可爱。
15. 无知,并不可怕,可怕,则是无耻;贫穷,并不可怜,可怜,则是懒惰;幼稚,并不可笑,可笑,则是无知。六一儿童节,祝你开心快乐。
16. 一个个白球儿连成一条弧线,交错相连,像一颗颗闪光的球。
17. 我认为健康和快乐是人生最重要的两件东西,如果它们可以转让,我愿意把我的那一份都给你,我的宝贝,生日快乐!
18. I am so grateful. 真令人感激!
19. You're very professional.(你非常专业。)专业化的表扬!
20. 他双手捧着气球,腮帮子一会儿鼓起来,像扣上去半个皮球,一会儿瘪下去,像塌下去的深坑,眼睛睁得滚圆,像要裂开似的。
21. I admire your work、工作很棒
22. Terrific! 太好了,太棒了!
23. It was a close game。 这是个势均力敌的竞赛。
24. That’s lovely. 真是太可爱了!
25. See you tomorrow. 明天见。
26. I agree。/I agree with you。 我同意(你的看法)。
27. I really appreciate that。 我真的很感激。
28. Nice job! 做的好!
29. You’re very special. 很突出哦!
30. 再怎么小孩子也不会是当年的小孩子了,小孩子也是会长大的。
31. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。
32. That is so fantastic. 那实在太好了!
33. 的确孩子们是扰人的,有孩子时你既不能睡又不能读也不能说,孩子们几乎和生活一样可怕。
34. 送你一颗棒棒糖,甜润你疲倦的面容;送你一片尿不湿,吸干你悲伤的眼泪;送你一个小书包,打包你烦恼的思绪;送你一条短信,祝你儿童节快乐!
35. Keep trying、继续试试看!
36. 大人不该觉得自己看透了孩子,孩子也别轻易觉得自己看透了大人。Adult shouldn't feel through the child, the child also don't feel like see through the adult.
37. Correct answer、答对了。
38. 一个做父亲的人除了他的孩子以外还有别的,可是一个母亲只有她的孩子!
39. 孩子理直气壮的相信童话和梦想,而我们微笑着质疑,用我们自以为是的沧桑。
40. You're really talented.(你很有天赋。)
41. You made me so happy. 你真是让我感到快乐!
42. 孩子把玩具当朋友。成人把朋友当玩具。
43. you have a good sense of humor、你真幽默。
44. You have a very good beginning. 你有很多的开始了!
45. 我们院里来了两个乡下小孩。一个是姐姐,梳着小辫,穿着小花褂。一个是弟弟,脑门上留的头发,就像扣了个茶壶盖。
46. Hi,How are you? I am fine,Thank you,and you? 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢,你呢?
47. 最好的人:像孩子一样,真诚。像夕阳一样,温暖。像天空一样,宁静。
48. Congratulation! 恭喜你!
49. 父亲造了孽,往往会报到孩子身上,而母亲积了德,也会报在孩子身上。
50. 金天是个极普通的男孩,中等个儿,身材偏瘦,大眼睛,大嘴巴,浓浓的眉毛,剃了一个平头,有点男子汉的气概。
51. Excuse me,Can you tell me your name? 打扰一下,你可以告诉我你的名字吗?
52. your company is very impressive、你的公司给我留下深刻印象。
53. Clap your hands. 拍拍手!
54. It's a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天!
55. 她露出一口排列整齐的牙齿,好像珍珠一般。
56. 一位活泼可爱的小女孩,白净的瓜子脸,弯弯的眉毛下一双水灵灵的眼睛。
57. 一个孩子拿着匕首可以伤害别人。但当这个孩子拿着一柄沉重大剑极有可能会伤害到自己。
58. You look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)
59. 好家庭的孩子多数天真得离谱的。
60. I like what you did. 我很喜欢那样!
61. 恒久不变的浓浓的爱,化作你发奋求知的动力,助你达到理想的彼岸。祝愿你健康永远,爱心永恒!
62. Good girl. 好女孩!
63. 孩子害怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧,是成人害怕光明。
64. 她圆圆的脸,小小的鼻子上架着一副小学者似的眼镜,镜片后的大眼睛闪烁着充满智慧的火花。
65. 一天天走远,一夜夜演变,一年年走远一个回不去的童年。一次次想念,一封封信笺,一条条短信送回你一个快乐的儿童节!
66. You are a good helper. 你真是好帮手!
67. That’s what I was looking for. 这正是我要的东西!
68. Cool. 帅呆了。
69. I love you so much、我好爱你!
70. You are learning so fast. 你学得真快!
71. That’s suitable for you. 真适合你!
72. Let’s give her a big hand. 为她拍拍手!
73. You have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)美国人极其喜欢的表扬!
74. I am here for you。 我在这里等你哦!
75. Well done!/Great job! 干得好!
76. 儿童节,一个回忆的日子,一个轻松的日子,一个纯真的日子,一个快乐的日子,一个祝福的日子,准许你在今天重新做一回儿童,祝你儿童节愉快!
77. We're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)最高级的表扬!
78. 儿童节祝福短信到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐!
79. You are so nice. 你真好!
80. 儿童节了,祝你像儿童一样活泼可爱,像儿童一样诚实善良,像儿童一样纯真好奇,像儿童一样天天向上。但是不能淘气,更不准夜里尿炕!
81. Try one more time, you’ll make it. 再试一次你就可以做到!
82. Everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)
83. You did it right、你真的做对了!
84. You are beautiful/pretty! 你真漂亮!
85. you're really talented、你很有天赋。
86. 一位爱说爱笑的男孩。圆胖的脸蛋,一双大眼睛忽闪忽闪的,特别是那张大嘴巴,笑起来嘴角微微上翘,说起话来非常响亮。
87. Very good indeed! 真是太好了。
88. you have a good taste、你很有品位。
89. You learned a lot. 你真的学到不少东西嘛!
90. You really did it. 你真的做到了。
91. Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made. May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before.愿你宿愿得偿,快乐幸福更胜以往。
92. 她的耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈和里圈很匀称,像是一件雕刻出来地艺术品。
93. You are a master. 你几乎是大师了!
94. 为了大人面上有光,出去炫耀自己孩子有多么聪明,而强压孩子做自己不擅长的事情,这人道吗?
95. See yo
u next time. 再见。
96. 真理是时间的孩子,不是权威的孩子。
97. Excellent!Great!极佳的表现!
98. You’ve done that better than last time. 比上次好多了。
99. Go on! Have a try at it. 加油!试试看!
100. you look outstanding、=you look like a movie star、你看上去帅呆了。
101. I am proud of you. 我真以你为荣!
102. It looks great。 看上去很不错。
103. 这孩子黑虎头似的脸上,生着一对铜铃一般的大眼睛,十分精神。
104. 将来,我孩子长大了,如果他看到老人跌倒不去扶,我就一耳光抽死他!
105. Nice girl/boy. 好孩子。
106. every thing tastes great、每样东西都很美味!
107. You’ve progressed a lot. 你真是进步不少呢!
108. Wonderful! 好极了。
109. You did it right. 你真的做对了!
110. You’re improving fast. 进步真快!
111. Great!/Good!/OK! 好。
112. 没有人,可以一辈子做个孩子。
113. You're very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)高层次的表扬!
114. 毽子忽左忽右忽上忽下,在姗姗的身前身后蹦来蹦去,姗姗时而转向这边,时而转向那边,紧紧地跟着毽子,眼睛始终随着毽子灵活地转动着。
115. you'r every eloquent、你总是说话得体。
116. you have a very successful business、你的事业很成功。
117. what an adorable baby!多么可爱的孩子、
118. You did many things today. 你今天做了不少事呀!
119. 莹莹一弯腰,一伸腿,毽子像被磁铁吸住一样,稳稳地落在了她的脚面上。
120. So lovely! 好可爱!
121. 在生活面前我们还都是孩子,其实我们从未长大,还不懂爱和被爱。 We are children in front of life,in fact we never grow up,also don't understand to love and be loved.
122. 没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑。
123. 有几次搞击鼓传花,她接到花手帕,像拿到火团似的,急着往别人手上传。
124. You can do it. 你办得到的!
125. You are on the right track. 你走对路了!
126. 每个孩子都是父母生命中的天使,只要用心,每个孩子都可能成为天才。
127. Good luck. 祝你好运!
128. Nice job. 做得不错!
129. Marvelous! 真是杰作!
130. 所谓大人,有时候很愚蠢,孩子伸出手想去安慰她一下的时候,她还以为你在要吃的。
131. I know what you’re saying。 我明白你说的'。
英语关于宝宝的句子 篇五
1. 妍妍把毽子轻轻地往空中一扔,等毽子落到离地面半米多高时,她才抬起脚踢了起来。
2. 父母和孩子间的矛盾在于父母把孩子当孩子,而孩子把自己当大人。
3. Good memory. 记性真好啊!
4. That’s suitable for you、真适合你!
5. Good idea. 好主意!
6. This is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)效果很好的表扬!
7. What is your name? My name is lanlan 你叫什麽名字? 我叫兰兰。
8. 解开小棉被给他上厕所的时候,他就动个不停,脚一会儿往前踢,一会儿往后蹬,手一伸一缩的,动个不停。好像在做广播操,又好像得了好动症。真有趣!
9. Good boy/girl。 好孩子!
10. Your pronunciation is pretty good. 你的发音很漂亮。
11. I respect your work、我对你的工作表示敬意。
12. Your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)
13. 小泵娘一会儿用画笔顶着下巴想一想,一会儿又抿着嘴画几笔,真像一个进入创作意境的小画家。
14. i'm very pleased with your work、我对你的工作非常满意、
15. 母爱不仅仅是指母亲对孩子的爱,也应包含孩子对母亲的爱。 A mother's love is not only refers to the mother's love of children, also should include the child to a mother's love.
16. Fantastic! 太好了,太棒了!
17. 他趁小丽不注意,偷偷把她的凳子抽了出来,然后幸灾乐祸地等着瞧热闹。