从短的英语句子 篇三
1. ou may be out of my sight,but never out of my mind.
2. Fake friends never betray in front of you. They always do it behind you.
3. 没资本就别装逼炫耀?你那不要脸的资本还不是我看你可怜施舍你的!
4. Love laughs at locksmiths. ----Colman 爱情嘲笑锁匠。
5. Maybe you should stop liking him. You're only hurting yourself.或许,你不应该再喜欢他了,你只是在伤害你自己。
6. Itd be better to light up the candle than curse the one can give you brightness expect yourself. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。没有人能给你光明,除了你自己。
7. Talk is cheap. 光说没有用
8. Forourever-lastingfriendship,sendsincereblessingsandwarmgreetingstomyfriendswhomImisssomuch.一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。
9. The simplicity of using a single DNA molecule reportedly makes the nanomotor easier to manufacture and develop. 这种单分子马达据称能令马达的研究和制造更为简化。
10. If you love someone,make sure you tell them.如果你爱一个人,一定要让她知道。
11. Time flies!时光如梭
12. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
13. plain about the real partners. 只有当你独自一人也能站稳脚跟时,才会遇到真正的伙伴。xxx
14. Life is a maze and love is a riddle.生活是座迷宫,爱情是个谜。
15. Everyone knows that turning language into action is much more difficult than translating action into language.
16. 我又不是人民币,怎么能让人人都喜欢我?!
17. 命运赐予你的,实际上并不全部属于你。
18. Storms make trees take deeper roots.
19. save sth. for a rainy day 以备不时之需
20. It’s easy to distinguish between LOVE and you love a flower,you will water it while if you like it you will pick it. 爱和喜欢的区别很简单。如果你爱花。你会给它浇水,喜欢则会摘下它。
21. 人生只是一场过客,而我们刚好只是路过而已。
22. I don't want to be in tears,but I am still in grief.
23. 你来世间一趟,你要看一看那些陌生的远方。倘若能顺便感受到爱人与被爱,那就是获得了生命的宝藏。
24. xxxI am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。xxx
25. 任何外在力量的辅助终究只是暂时的,真正掌握在自己手上的东西才会成为你强大的依靠和资本,愿你的每天都在成长。
26. let the cat out of bag 泄漏秘密
27. please queue up! please q-up!请排队! so long!再见!
28. Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。
29. xxxThe ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness , beauty and truth. 有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是--真、善、美。xxx
30. Anything one man can imagine,other men can make real. (但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。)
31. So we haven't gotten to molecules yet, we're just talking about single atoms or single ions, but what's nice is just talking about this very straightforward principle of atomic radius. 我们还没有开始讲分子,我们仍然只是在讨论单个原子或离子,但它的好处在于可以讨论,这个关于原子半径的非常简单直接的原理。
32. sell like hot cakes 很畅销
33. Learn to walk before you run.
34. A man must be proud when he is complacent; he must endure fire when he is frustrated.
35. count me out 不要算我
36. Perseverance can somtimes equal genius in its results. (毅力在效果上有时候能同天才相比。)
37. Do what you say,say what you do. 做你说过的,说你能做的
38. Sometimesthere'snothingtosay.Sometimessilenceexpressesmorethanwordsdo.――有时候,不需要说什么,沉默比话语表达得更多。
39. Don't be such a poor loser. 不要输不起
40. let someone off the hook 让某人摆脱麻烦、解脱困境
41. Life is a line segment, the intersection after the separation.人生就是线段,交集后分离。
42. Most of the code in Listing 1 is straightforward. 清单 1 中的大部分代码都简单明了。
43. We are all were, blurred our closest happiness. 我们都是远视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。
44. Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life.
45. All things come to those who wait.
46. Life is a flower of which love is the honey.人生是花朵,爱情如蜜甜。
47. 他的裤子和我的一样。
48. Be prepared. 准备好
49. It is habit which is able to be developed rather than love and it is touch which can be obtained as time goes by rather than affection.
50. Prose, he said simply. 散文,他简单地说。
51. You may be saying, 'Sure, that sounds so easy but…' Of course it sounds easy. Problems are always easier to talk about than to take the obvious actions to fix them. 你可能会说,“是的,这些听起来 很简单,但是……”这听起来当然简 单。谈论问题总是比付诸行动去解 决问题要简单的多。
52. 感谢你的帮助。
53. No pains, no gains 一份耕耘,一份收获
54. have second thoughts 考虑一下;犹豫
55. The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your futureare my privilege. 你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情。你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。
56. While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭。
57. Opposites attract. 异性相吸
58. get sth. off one's chest 倾吐心中的事;落下心中的大石头
59. through thick and thin 共同经历
60. a wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼
61. 造物之前,必先造人。
62. 现实中有良多不公允的事,有人选择一味地埋怨,有人选择嘲弄一笑了之,但也有一些人,明知山有虎偏向虎山行,固然四周的人都不看好,但就是凭仗鸠拙和对峙凿出了那么一点点亮光,让后来的同志之人有标的目的可寻,那就是我理解的了不得。改动世界不消大刀阔斧,一个个小碎步仍然能够光辉万丈。
63. Gentle to have, but not compromise, I want to be in quiet, not stron.
64. Love is a kind of chance encounter,and one can neither waiting nor preparing for it.
65. 你能把我介绍给她吗?
66. 我也不想装糊涂,却又不得不认输,错过的情人还有谁能逗留住;我也只好装糊涂,假装自己很幸福。
67. 不费力气,一无所得。
68. Love is so short,forgetting is so long.
69. A great ship asks for deep waters.
70. Don't judge someone's past, when you haven't walked their journey!
71. xxxYou can not control the weather, but you can change the mood. You can not change the appearance, but you can control yourself. You can not predict the future, but you can cherish today.xxx
72. Never give up on hope, and hope will never give up on you.如果你不抛弃希望,希望也不会抛弃你。
73. 那个病人的房间摆满了花。
74. A good man is hard to find. 好人难找
75. My weakness is that I care too much. ------ 我的弱点就是太在乎了。
76. Do one thing at a time, and do well.
77. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。
78. It’s easier said than done. 说比做简单得多。
79. 有时,生活就是一种妥协、谦让和将就,并不是所有的工作,都适宜逆来顺受,铿锵有力。多彩的生活,既有阳光亮媚,也有倾盆大雨。强硬有强硬的益处,谦让有谦让的优势,任何时候,都需要审时度势,适宜而为。妥协,纷歧定是薄弱虚弱;谦让,纷歧定是无能。和为贵,妥协、将就和谦让也是一种聪慧。
80. Despite the apparent simplicity of a laser trap, a single particle is trapped with a single beam, exact calculation of the optical forces on particles is very difficult. 光镊本身结构简单,用单光束就可以捕获单个粒子,但对光阱力的精确计算却存在一定的难度。
81. 站得高才是能看得远,看得淡才是能放得下。背负太多,那么也就是会活得很累,放下即是解脱。
82. People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long. ------ 哭泣,不代表脆弱,只因坚强了太久。
83. Everything happens just in the right moment. 所有事会在合适时机发生。
84. The pain was too silent for fear of said it will get sympathy... 太痛了就保持沉默,因为害怕说出来会换来同情
85. Who burnt the smoke disperses,has dispersed vertically and horizontally hobbling.
86. 我对政治不感兴趣,世界的问题不是我份内的事。
87. Don't cry over the past, cry to get over the 't smile to hide the pain, smile to heal the pain. 别为过去而哭泣,用哭泣来释怀。别用微笑隐藏心中的痛,用微笑来治愈。
88. 生活可以让我弯腰,但是我绝不会倒下。
89. 生活是95%的失望+5%的希望,而那5%在支撑着我们。
90. burn the midnight oil 挑灯夜战
91. 最浓的情,不是山盟海誓,而是真心付出。
92. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油
93. Happiness takes no account of time. (欢乐不觉时光过,幸福年华似流水。)
94. We always want to forget the past, but in the past, but did not forg. 我们总想着遗忘过去,但过去却并未遗忘我们。
95. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。)
96. 人生总是很累,你现在不累,以后会更累。
97. Ce n'est pas jamais,jamais oublier que,une fois.
98. 年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。
99. hit the jackpot 中大奖,走运
100. Eg. A brief look at the voltage and current sinusoids in the preceding examples shows that … 简单分析前面例子中所示的电压和电流正弦曲线,就会看出……
101. xxxto the world ,you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界来说,你可能只是一个人;但对某个人来说,你可能就是全世界。xxx
102. Life is like angry are always several pigs laughing when you lose.人生就像愤怒的小鸟,当你失败时,总有几头猪在笑!
103. There's no place like home. 没有比家更温暖的地方
104. once in a blue moon 千载难逢;难得一次
105. Every man is his own worst enemy.
106. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. 每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。
107. cost sb. an arm and a leg 花大笔钱
108. at the drop of a hat 立即,随时
109. 如果今天后悔昨天,那明天就会后悔今天。
110. It's too late to move back,yet too early to move on.
111. 恋爱使人坚强,同时也使人软弱。
112. Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.请记住,幸福不是目的地,而是行进中的漫漫旅程。
113. there is no such thing as a free lunch!天下没有免费的午餐!
114. could be worse 可能更糟
115. That's the last straw. 使人无法忍受的最后一击
116. There's no way to tell. 没办法知道
117. Love soaked in paper,deduce sadness.
118. It is habit which is able to be developed rather than love and it is touch which can be obtained as time goes by rather than affection. 能够慢慢培养的不是爱情,而是习惯。能够随着时间得到的,不是感情而是感动。
119. on a first-name basis 直呼其名(很熟的)
120. “后来我遇到很多阴天,却再也不敢冒雨再见你一面。”
从短的英语句子 篇四
1. Bravery never goes out of fashion.
2. come out in the wash 真相大白;得到圆满的结果
3. Variety is the spice of life. 多样化丰富生活
4. I tell you hopeless grief is passionless.
5. The way of the time is the single car, never sell FanChengPiao. 时间的路是单程车,从来不卖返程票。
6. A project-a recent study on Bluetooth-based Service Robot-is presented as an example. 简单介绍刚完成的一个典型例子:基于“蓝牙”服务机器人研究。
7. The application of VPT/DGC in the preparation of shaped zeolite molecular sieves was also introduced. 并且对气相法制备分子筛成型体作了简单介绍。
8. 有时候,流泪,并不代表脆弱,而是真的被伤到了。
9. xxxxxxLaterxxxis the word, generally we do not want to change, but unrecognizable.
10. A smile is the most charming part of a person forever. 微笑永远是一个人身上最好看的东西。
11. In fact it seems very much like the print magazine simply transplanted into an eBook. 实际上该杂志更像是一本仅仅经过简单移植的电子平面杂志。
12. Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠抵过一个诸葛亮
13. 我累得连话也不想说了。
14. Sow nothing, reap nothing.
15. 他看完了那本故事书。
16. 能快乐旅行的,一定是轻装旅行的人。
17. 一个人的成功不在于你知道多少,而在于你行动了多少。
18. 你的眼睛,是我永生不会再遇的海。
19. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。
20. Enrich your life today,. yesterday is is mystery.
21. Others can work for you, but can not feel for you. Walk on our own way in life, success rely on themselves to win. God helps those who help themselves, successful self-help. - 别人可以替你做事,但不能替你感受。人生的路要靠自己行走,成功要靠自己去争取。天助自助者,成功者自救。
22. 纵使举案齐眉,到底意难平。
23. the blind leading the blind 外行领导外行
24. My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.
25. The feeling is mutual. 有同感
26. Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. (不要因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。)
27. 人生只售单程票,过去的就过去了,不要频频回首,在哪里存在,就在哪里绽放。做人,要有一份心里的不声不响,有一份迫切中的不紧不慢,还有一份为难中的不骄不躁。最美的你不是生如夏花,而是在时间的长河里,波涛不惊。
28. what a loveiy world it well be with you away.
29. If at the outset I brave, ending is different.
30. It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。
31. Time is the soil of all the achievements in the world. Time gives the utopian pain and happiness to the creator.
32. You've got me there. 你考到我了
33. truth never fears investigation. 实从来不怕调查。
34. Not give each other a happy man, is life does not need good-bye. 给不了彼此幸福的人,是终身不需要再见的人。
35. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes!人生就是一连串的你好、再见!
36. 我们都很生自己的气。
37. Live without pretending,Love without depending,Listen without defending,Speak without offending.生活要真诚,爱人要独立,倾听时不要防备,讲话不要冒犯别人。
38. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.
39. xxxEvery story has an end, but in life, every end is a new beginning.
40. I love you but I have a lot of you but I only have you.喜欢你的人除了我还有很多 但我只有你。
41. 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。
42. 树不要皮,必死无疑!人不要脸,天下无敌!
43. 没有权势没有票,拼搏的我们必须吃苦耐劳。
44. out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净;离久情疏
45. Any guy can love a thousand girls but only a rare guy can love one girl in a thousand ways. 任何小伙都可以爱上一千个不同的姑娘,却只有很少的小伙子可以爱一个姑娘,用一千种方式。
46. Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多相关的亲戚(联系)。#p#副标题#e#
47. Don't cry over spilt milk. 覆水难收
48. Don't be discouraged; it's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.
49. 惺惺作态的人别和我说对不起自觉滚开是你最好的道歉
50. It wouldn't hurt to ask. 问人又不会怎么样
51. One thing I know,that is I know nothing. 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。
52. A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is. 如果一个男人真爱你,永远不会丢下你,不管情形有多难。
53. 人的一生,难免有浮沉,不会永远如旭日东升,也不会永远痛苦潦倒。一浮一沉,对我们来说或许正是一种磨练。
54. 把期望降低,把依赖变少,你会过的很好。
55. For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much.一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。
56. 封伤的回忆慢慢流走,吹散不去的疼痛。
57. A we missed the time, France.时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。
58. Every little bit counts. 一点一滴都算
59. 我的车出了毛病。
60. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。
61. 我想遇见你,我在找你。
62. It's not the end of the world. 不是世界末日
63. come out smelling like a rose 一枝独秀
64. all in the day's work 习以为常;不足为奇
65. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
66. Don't push yourself to try to be right in everything,cause sometimes being wrong makes you a better person.不要逼自己什么事情都要做对,因为有时候犯错可以让我们变得更好。
67. Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.
68. drive sb. to the wall 使某人发疯/受不了;使某人束手无策
69. Life is a path winding in the mountain, bumpy and zigzagging.生活是蜿蜒在山中的.小径,坎坷不平。
70. It never will rain roses。When we want to have more roses we must plant trees。
71. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”。
72. Until all is over one's ambition never dies.不到黄河心不死。
73. Why does computer knowledge alone seem easier? 为什么单纯的电脑知识看起来会比较简单?
74. have a heart of spring, ecstatic to in full bloom; Again the sea, the mind can open; Good, play to have womb agile; The eyes have god, the look line to sharp; Arm strength, make moves to the punch; With rhythm, steps are to light. 心里有春天,心花才能怒放;胸中有大海,胸怀才能开阔;腹中有良策,处事才能利落;眼睛有炯神,目光才能敏锐;臂膀有力量,出手才有重拳;脚步有节奏,步履才能轻盈。
75. A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world. 知足是人生在世最大的幸事。
76. Laughing off annoyance and worries is a kind of calmness and relief. Laughing off misunderstandings and animosities is a kind of frankness and tolerance. 面对烦恼和忧愁一笑而过,是一种平和释然;面对误解和仇恨一笑而过,是一种坦然宽容。
77. At its core, REST style applications are about simplicity, good software design, and not reinventing the wheel. REST风格应用的核心是简单、好的软件设计、不要重新发明轮子。
78. Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesn't mean you're out of the picture.人生充满了尝试与错误。一次失败不代表你就出局了。
79. Nothing to write home about. 没什么值得说的;不值得推荐
80. 千变万化的是人心纹丝不动的才是命运。
81. It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.
82. Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.
83. 没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义。
84. If a thing is worth doing it is worth worth doing well.
85. Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.
86. My insecurities have ruined so many things.我的不安全感毁掉了太多的东西。
87. It's easy to make a list of healthy to dos. 把为健康做应做的事列出清单很简单。
88. 6. The shortest answer is doing. 最简单的回答就是干。
89. sleep like a log 睡得很沉
90. 我想去上学。
91. 对不起,我人生一片光明,前途无限。
92. 他在哪儿?他去华盛顿了。
93. Look who's talking! 看看你自己吧!
94. Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear.
95. Easy come, easy go. 来得快,去得快
96. Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.下定决心,果断行动,并承担后果。在这世界上犹豫不決成就不了任何事。
97. If you remember me, then I dont care if everyone else forgets. 只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘了。
98. Over my dead body! 想都别想(除非我死了)
99. 我允许别人比我强,但我不允许我没有别人努力。
100. 虽未曾穿渡星河万顷,我还是有幸与你相逢。
101. Before finding the right people, the only need to do is to make yourself good enough.
102. Live well, love lots, and laugh often.
103. I love you more each day as time goes by.
104. Enrich your life today,。yesterday is history。tomorrow is mystery。
105. know the ropes 知道学习规则或内容
106. It all comes to the end about the past and the future,about me,to be continued... 关于过去,关于你,告一段落。 关于未来,关于我,敬请期待。
107. 当必须放弃时,就果断地放弃吧。放得下,才能走得远!有所放弃,才能有所追求。什么也不愿放弃的人,反而会失去最珍贵的东西。
108. In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream andan unforgettable love. ------ 人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。
109. 伤了的心,醉了的感,不后悔,莫过于做好如果你相信命,那么对他人的私事不关心,不介入,允许他人的道德观、生活方式和自己不同,这将消除世上.....也许并不容易;伤害......却轻而易举。
110. Please allow me to small proud, because like you depend on. 请容许我小小的骄傲,因为有你这样的依靠。
111. Constant dropping wears the stone.
112. You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了
113. 莫厌夏日长,莫愁冬日短。欲识短复长,君看寒又暖。
114. Simply slide the padded neck brace behind the neck, and slip the thighs through the adjustable padded loops. 简单地滑被填塞的脖子括号在脖子之后,和滑倒大腿通过可调整的被填塞的圈。
115. only time will tell 只有时间会证明
116. in one's book 在某人的字典里;对……而言
117. It is amazing what you can do when you try.当你冒险一试,发现原来你是可以的,这感觉很特帅。
118. Its amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces. 不可思议的是,即使他令你心碎,你却依然用破碎的心爱着他。
119. 人充满劳绩,但还诗意地安居于大地之上。
120. 我想是这样,但不敢确定。
从短的英语句子 篇五
1. Life is not always what we want it to be. We fight. We cry. And sometimes, we give up. But in our hearts, we know it's still love. ------ 生活有时不尽如人意。我们挣扎、哭泣,有时甚至放弃。但内心始终充满爱。
2. 并不是每个人都喜欢饺子。
3. The shortest answer is doing. (最简单的回答就是行动。)
4. 别人看到的是鞋,自己感受到的是脚,切莫贪图了鞋的华贵,而委屈了自己的脚。
5. the shortest answer is doing. 最简单的回答就是干。
6. We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.
7. 人就是这样,一样的眼睛,不一样的看法,一样的耳朵,不一样的听法,一样的嘴巴,不一样的说法,一样的心,不一样的想法,一样的钱,不一样的花法,一样的书,不一样的读法,一样的人,不一样的活法,看开,想开,看透,看破,每天活出不一样的精彩!这就是人生!
8. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
9. Enjoy the simple things. 享受简单事物的乐趣。
10. 自律的顶端是孤独,孤独的顶端是自由。
11. The kiss of life is a love poem.吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。
12. Nothing for nothing.
13. 得之坦然,失之淡然,顺其自然,争其必然。
14. 天气多好啊!
15. Suit yourself. 随你高兴
16. Life is a tragedy full of joy.人生是一场充满快乐的悲剧。
17. 出生是最明确的一场旅行。死亡难道不是另一场出发?
18. 当你了解世间一切的空性,你就知道要学着不在乎。
19. 不要期待,不要假想,不要强求,顺其自然,如果注定,便一定会发生。
20. 这样一直等我很生气。
21. ]6. The shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。
22. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙
23. You ain't seen nothing yet. 你还没看过更好(烂)的
24. High School:it may be hard/annoying/awkward/irritating/etc. but admit it, you're going to miss it when it ends. 高中:可能很难过、很讨厌、很尴尬、很恼人。但承认吧,当它结束的时候,你会很想念它。
25. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. 你帮我,我也帮你
26. 一简单就快乐,但快乐的人百里挑一。把该放下的放下,让心轻松。走得最急的,都是最美的光景;今天再大的事,到了明天就是小事;本年再大的事,到了明年就是故事;此生再大的事,到了下世就是传说。人生如行路,一路艰苦,一路光景。你的目光所及,阿谁也就是你的人生境界。
27. 老师来了,咱们别说话了。
28. 生活的哲理,实的离我们很近,最无情的不是人,而是时间;最珍贵的不是金钱,而是感情;最可怕的不是失恋,而是心身不全;更舒适的不是酒店,而是家里;最难听的不是脏话,而是无言;最美妙的不是将来,而是今天。
29. Think great thoughts and you will be great!
30. When our mind is occupied with work, we won't have time to worry. 很简单啊,当我们满脑子都想着工作时,哪还有时间去忧虑呢?
31. Until all is over one's ambition never dies.
32. The person who can make you feel better is also the reason why you cry.能让你好起来的那个人通常也是那个让你哭的人。
33. Aman has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little.
34. 我比她更了解你。
35. With the human who loves quarrels,speaks in the heart with the stranger the speech.
36. The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.最幸福的人并不是拥有最好的一切,只不过他们可以把一切都变成最好。
37. Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed .
38. Home is e is the ritght place for hearts to have a good rest.
39. Without respect, love cannot go far. ----A. Dumas 倘不互相尊敬,爱亦难久持。
40. Any field of life is a cloth woven with countless separate loops.生命的任何领域都是由数不清的独立的回路编织而成的。
41. 要是爱你爱得少些,话就可以说得多些了。
42. Simple living , high thinking . 简单生活 ,清越思想。
43. By folding over boards, you go from cooling bamboo to warming fur. 通过简单的折叠几块板,您就可以把冷却的竹子变成温暖的毛皮。
44. Only love influence, and can realize born inspirati 只有爱情的熏陶,才能体会到与生俱来的灵感。
45. Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Learn to trust your heart.
46. have one's head in the clouds 心不在焉
47. 你想要怎样生活,完全由你自己决定。
48. 这世上没有人可以带走你的痛苦,所以,也别让任何人带走你的幸福。
49. I will wait for you until I have no more reason to wait anymore.
50. Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇伤身
51. in the nick of time 及时
52. 简单地将你的电炉预热到150华氏度,将你的盘子加热五分钟左右。 Simply preheat your electric oven to 150 F, and heat your plates for about five minutes.
53. head over heels 深陷;完全地
54. breathe down someone's neck 紧跟在某人后面;监督某人
55. take my word for it 相信我的话
56. 我们必须准时到那儿。
57. Thought always spent in cigarettes, total love in alcohol broken. 思念总在香烟里度过,爱情总在酒精里破碎。
58. I hope I can find the one who is afraid for losing me.
59. This is my winter vacation , it's very nice 够简单了吧。
60. Bad times make a good man.——艰难困苦出能人。
61. Have to experience some uncertainty to willing to cherish the present.非要经历一些无常,才能甘愿珍惜当下。
62. 我从不知道顺其自然有多自然,但我知道现实有多现实。
63. The kiss of life is a love poem.
64. Good things come to those who smile. Have you smile today? Keep smiling. ------ 好事情总是发生在那些微笑着的人身上。你今天微笑了么?(^-^) 保持微笑哦。
65. Don't let the past and useless details choke your existence.别让过去和那些无用的细节阻挡了你实实在在的生活。
66. 只低头走路的人看到大地的厚重,却忽略了高空的高远;只抬头走路的人,看到高空的广阔,却忽略了脚下的艰辛与险峻。
67. When I'm crying and someone hugs me,it makes me cry even more.
68. Think of had to meet, like very dizzy, when the mind change, such as. 想起当初相见,似天旋地转,当意念改变,如过往云烟。
69. fill someone's shoes 接替某人的职位
70. Life is a festival only to the wise.生活只是聪明人的喜庆日。
71. read you loud and clear 听得很清楚;很了解你
72. just what the doctor ordered 正合需要
73. A penny saved is a penny earned. 省一分就是赚一分
74. Life is a verb not a noun.
75. 我爱生活,为了它的美好,我参加了斗争。
76. The best things in life are free. 生命中最好的东西是金钱买不到的
77. 我曾为你哭过,从此你不配拥有我的微笑。
78. 三十在假装安定的生活中埋葬我的所有不知所措跟想念。
79. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.
80. 你有兄弟或姐妹吗?
81. Between two stools one falls to the ground.
82. from small beginning come great things.
83. come in handy 派得上用场
84. for crying out loud 哎呀呀!拜托
85. Loveisunequal,sodon'tcounthowmuchonecontributes,andwhichismoreactive.――爱情本就是个不等式,因此,不要计较谁付出的多与少,哪一方更加主动。
86. It's not my day! 今天运气真糟
87. Even though it hurts to remember our past,I still don't want to forget.尽管对过去念念不忘让人伤不起,但我还不想忘记我们的过去。
88. Victory belongs to the most persevering.
89. What's done is done. 做了就做了
90. 她不但喜欢唱歌,而且喜欢跳舞。
91. 万事随缘,但不要放弃努力。
92. 谢谢你给我的礼物。
93. 无论自己身处何种状态,都不要放弃和忘记学习,人最可怕的就是满足,请继续保持野心,有野心理想不一定实现,但是有野心你才会前进,才会不堕落。
94. 切有为法。如梦幻泡影。如露亦如电。
95. 我是对的,给我们的生命创造了什么结果?
96. 虽然下着雪,可并不太冷。
97. 人生太搞,梦想不老,为了梦想,加油瞎搞。
98. 辞臣:可能越长大,就越难遇上一个你说上半句他能接下半句、还能把你宠上天的人
99. 一张婚书,是你的名,我的姓,可是爱情为什么偏偏是你的名字,他的姓
100. 是,穷家女,图出身,总有行差踏错的时候。
101. I walked,in a smile,please look through me.
102. It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. 决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。
103. 现在男女之间的恋爱,总是答应太快,结果分手也快。人性的规律是容易得到的就容易放弃。凡是通过努力得到的,不管是感情还是物品,都会使人顿生珍惜之感。------所以在感情上,当有人追求时,需要有一些矜持,即使心里很爱,也需要给追求者时间和难度,这样两人走到一起才会珍惜感情地久天长。
104. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行
105. Life is a continuous course of death and revival.生命是连续不断的死亡与复活。
106. 所谓的朋友,就是在你浑身的缺点里,也能看到所剩的优点。
107. Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.
108. 有时候,最好什么都别说,有些人不值得浪费口舌。
109. the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones. 舌无骨却能折断骨。
110. 真正的感情根本不需要追的。两个人的默契慢慢将两颗心的距离缩短,在无意识中渐渐靠近彼此。从好朋友到情人,真正的感情是用不了多久的。从你喜欢上他的那一刻起,也许他也在那一刻喜欢上了你。同节奏的爱情往往能奏出最和谐最动听的乐章。真正的爱情需要两个人在一起是轻松快乐的没有压力。
111. I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。
112. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.
113. like a dream come true 如梦成真
114. It's easier said than done. 说的比做的简单
115. All are brothers. (四海之内皆兄弟。)
从短的英语句子 篇六
1. Understand yourself in order to better understanding others.
2. One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning。
3. Inexperience versus simplicity. 缺乏经验与简单性。
4. knowing something of everything and everything of something. 通百艺而专一长。
5. 说过很多潇洒的话做过很多打脸的事
6. 你最近过的应该很不错吧有她有你喜欢的歌还有一个遥远思念的人.
7. 佛法里说让人“放下”,有人便问“都放下了,谁来建国安邦?若何养家糊口?”殊不知放下不等于放弃,更不等于消极处世。佛陀让你放下的不是你的工做和社会责任,而是你心中无底洞般的贪欲与固执。只要心无挂碍,才气更好地阐扬本身的潜能和社会公用,才气积极地完美自我,办事群众。
8. 旅行,是心灵的阅读,而阅读,是心灵的旅行。
9. Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。
10. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。
11. Once already heals by the needle jianzha broken fingertip,whose horizon have you gone to.
12. bet one's bottom dollar 确信无疑
13. 爱自己是终生浪漫的开始。
14. like a fish out of water 感到尴尬不适应
15. 长大变成熟的那段日子都很难,加油就好!
16. 不要等到了一个笑容,才面露慈善;不要等被爱了,才去爱;不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值;不要等到一份最好的工作,才要开始工作;不要等拥有许多,才开始分享;不要等别人受伤了,才乞求原谅;不要等分开了,才想到挽回。不要等待,因为,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间-。
17. 人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇?
18. 不要指望,麻雀会飞得很高。高处的天空,那是鹰的领地。麻雀如果摆正英文哲理句子简短了自己的位置,它照样会过得很幸福。
19. 你还想买别的什么吗?
20. True friendship is needed to keep a certain is distance,would have respect; Have respect,friendship will last forever.真正的友谊,是需要保持一定的距离的。有距离,才会有尊重;有尊重,友谊才会天长地久。xxx
21. Maybe they didn't forget about you, but they forgot to remember you.或许他们没有忘记你, 只不过是忘了想起你。
22. For man is man and master of his fate. (人就是人,是自己命运的主人。)
23. Take control of your own desting.
24. Only opposed every day, will live the strong than you imagine. 每天只有逞强着,才会活得比你们想象中的坚强。
25. 有一天你会发现,删掉的人可能曾经有过几百页的聊天记录,街上碰见了也不打号召的人可能曾经也成天腻在一路,背后把你骂得像狗一样的人可能曾经是你更好的伴侣。身边人总不竭更替,一段关系有时候断得悄声无息,其实人都差不多,新颖感和热情消逝得很快,有人分开也会有人来。有些人,你们已经见过那辈子最初一面了。
26. great hopes make great man.
27. 不要凡事都依靠别人,在这个世界上,最能让你依靠的人是自己,能拯救你的人也只能是自己。
28. Peel a fig for your friend, a peach for your enemy.给朋友剥个无花果,给坏蛋抛只大坏桃。
29. 不去追逐你所渴求,你将永远不会拥有。
30. Life is not all roses.
31. The home is where the heart is. The heart is where you are.心在哪里,家就在哪里。你在哪里,我的心就在哪里。
32. have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张
33. 今天下午我要去买本奇速英语书。
34. 一生,一条路,一个人走,一个人悟。
35. A Im sorry, let our love lost time, lost to the distance. 一句对不起,让我们的爱败给了时间,输给了距离。
36. 生活没有低谷,只有蓄势待发,当你储备好能量,准备迎接一切的时候,无论是风是雨都没关系,因为你早已做足了准备。
37. 如果人与人之间都能将心比心,多我们不要因为愿你拥有大海我不知道是否有别人比我从父亲那里所得的更多。我用父亲的豁达应付环境的变故,用父亲的乐观创造自己的前程,用父亲的鼓励与宽容的方法教学生和孩子,用父亲对大自然父亲的爱好来陶冶我自己的性情。
38. there‘s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. 这个世界永远都会有一些伤害你的人,你要做的就是继续去信人和小心你下次信的人。
39. Life is a intereone in the ; Again the sea, the mind can open; Good, play to have , then ise to decrease,; ) to increase quantity to jealousy, diminishing. Steps to increase to decrease, alcohol and tobacco.
40. One love expels another. ---Lyly 一个爱情驱除另一个爱情。
41. speak fo the devil 说曹操曹操到
42. on the spur of the moment 一时冲动;一时兴起
43. Honesty is the best policy 诚实为上策
44. I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye. 我要成为他最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。
45. 我们学校前面有一个湖。
46. I just want to hug you so much right now.
47. Happy,is looks for a warm person for a lifetime.
48. They say a person needs just 3 things to be truly happy in this world,someone to love,something to do,and something to hope for.人生拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有爱的人,有喜欢的事业,有梦想。
49. 不要羡慕别人的成功,那是牺牲了安逸换来的。
50. You can't please everyone. 你无法使每一个人都满意
51. 每天把牢骚拿出来晒晒太阳,心情就不会缺钙。
52. For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much.
53. have a sweet tooth 喜欢甜食(喜欢某物)
54. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
55. Without music, life is a journey through a desert.没有音乐,生命就如荒漠之旅。
56. I feel strongly that I can make it.
57. 我和他都不是学生。
58. The method is simply and universalizable. 设计方法简单。
59. Quantum gravity theory and quantum cosmology are simply reviewed and their logical relations are discussed . 本文对量子引力理论和量子宇宙学作了简单述评,讨论了两者之间的逻辑关系。
60. Miracles sometimes occur,but one has to work terribly for them. (奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命地努力。)
61. take the bull by the horns 当机立断;大胆果断地解决问题
62. 无论精神多么独立的人,感情却总是在寻找一种依附,寻找一种归宿。
63. Never say die. 决不要灰心
64. 人的价值并不取决于是否掌握真理或者自认为真理在握,决定人的价值的是追求真理的孜孜不倦的精神。--莱辛
65. The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling.最痛莫过于微笑着让眼泪不要落下来。
66. Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others.
67. What you see is what you get. 你看到什么就是什么
68. I wish I knew how to make this feeling stop. 我真希望自己知道怎么样让这种感觉停止。
69. Senile idiots: What we call life is a - and - ten - cent store romance. 我们所谓的人生只是一篇廉价物品商店里听来的传奇故事。
70. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
71. For man is man and master of his fate.——人就是人,是自己命运的主人。
72. 有些事,如是可以想通,一秒就是所有,有些事,一生想不通,一生亦是禁锢。感恩的活在当下,不仅是对生命的尊重,更是一种莫大的福气。经历过,珍惜过,多好。愿每个人都能战胜自我,少些固执,多些灵活,少些抱怨,多些真情,让生活充满温馨的阳光。
73. 以清净心看世界,以欢喜心过生活,以平常心生情味,以柔软心除挂碍。
74. You're uinique, nothing can replace you.
75. Maybe our life is a cup of water.也许生活本来就是一杯水。
76. Life is like live telecast of a TV event. There is no 'rehearsal'. Hence we must strive to do the best we can in everything!人生没有彩排,只有现场直播,所以每一件事都要努力做得最好!
77. stop on one's toes 触怒到某人
78. There’s always that one special person that no matter what they’ve done to you,you still just can’t let him go.总有那么一个特别的人,不管他怎样对你,你始终没办法让他离开。
79. Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。
80. Do not deceive me,you knew even if your lie I all can believe.
81. Like a person,be sure to let them know.Maybe not the answer,at least you tried and never regret.喜欢一个人, 一定要让对方知道。也许得不到答案,至少你努力过,不必后悔……
82. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。
83. 你们这么好那我就不当多余的那个了
84. Untilallisoverone'sambitionneverdies.不到黄河心不死。
85. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. 多笑,开怀大笑。上气不接下气地笑。
86. Life is but a span.
87. 回忆再羙丶终究是过去。话再好听,那也只是逢场作戏。
88. Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely.
89. 没有房子就没有家,努力只为给她一个真实的家。
90. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。No man is the whole of himself; his friends are the rest of young idler, an old beggar.
91. 你能提前完成工作吗?
92. At least in my show time, I try my best to love you.
93. Don'twastetimeonanyonewhodoesn'tfocusonyou,you'reworthsomeone'sfullattention.不要浪费时间在一个对你不够专注的人身上,你值得拥有一个全心全意爱你的人。
94. Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.
95. Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.
96. Time Is a Great Thing,Can Let Fate Displaced Within Iraq.
97. Success is falling nine times and getting up ten. 成功就是跌倒九次英语优美句子摘抄励志简短,第十次仍会站起来。
98. Don't give up and don't give in.
99. 以前安稳是为了你,后来潇洒是为了我自己
100. 人生有八苦:生苦、老苦、痛苦、死苦、爱分离苦、憎相聚苦、贪得多苦、求不得苦;其源是五病:贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑,根除五病,才能解除
101. Story eventually,i can only one man looked at the memory of the nicety lost.
102. The good seaman is known in bad weather.
103. It all depends on what one means by sth. 看某人对于……是指什么意思
104. 再绅士的男人也不过是女人的胯下之臣。
105. Losing you makes my heart wet no matter I open the umbrella or not.失去你,打不打伞,心都是湿的。
106. xxxIf winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?xxx
107. 帮助别人不希望得到回报的人,心里不感到失落。
108. There are many shortcomings in the world, but they are still beautiful.
109. Senile idiots: an,e is pelled. --Chaucer
110. Hang in there. 坚持下去
111. Eveninthedarkestofhoursthereishope.Youmayhavetolooklongandhardbutitsthere.即使在最黑暗的时候,希望依然是存在的,它也许很遥远,不太清晰,但它就在那里。
112. be fed up with 对……感到厌烦
113. What makes life dreary is the want of motive.
114. Love means never having to say you're sorry.真爱意味着永远不必说对不起。
115. 所有奔向未来的理想与张扬。
116. 段成功的恋情就在于,你必须不断的爱上同一个人。人生难免要受些委屈和伤害,与其耿耿于怀郁郁寡欢,倒不如坦坦荡荡泰然处之。不管多久没见面,我们彼此都还是老样子,脾气差,说话大声,不注意仪表。可是,永远笑的那么开心。
117. the tip fo the iceberg 冰山一角;危险的细微的征兆
118. Appearances can be deceiving. 外表是会骗人的
119. get away from it all 远离这一切
120. 我妈妈喜欢晚饭后散步。
121. Nothing seek, nothing find.
122. Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be eone else etimes man might think that fe easier. You just get stronger. 生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变强大。
123. With the friends there are always laughs and shared happy moments, the friends are like the small drops of water of the morning dew, where the heart is it and freshens up.总是能与朋友一齐笑和分享快乐时光的朋友,就像心里面一小滴清晨的露水,可以使人精神饱满。
124. xxxLife is short, live is rare, grab is bad, dump is awful, face are sweet,cherish it. 生命是短暂的,活出它。真爱是稀有的,抓住它。愤怒是有害的,放下它。恐惧是可怕的,面对它。回忆是甜美的,珍惜它。xxx
125. Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。
126. Don't cry for pain,do not feel. Don't ask,do not expect.
127. Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.
128. t is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. ------ 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。
129. in doing we learn. 实践长才干。
130. 你收到约翰的来信了吗?
131. 任何事情,什么时候开始都不晚,晚的是你从来都不敢开始!今天拖明天,明天拖后天,一年又一年,除了年龄长了一岁,其他依旧老样子!而一旦开始,你就会发现,其实那些所谓的困难,都只是自己设想的而已!只要开始了,一切都简单了!不怕你不会,就怕你不做!
132. 我对你的思念如同空气,是我唯一不可缺少的。
133. 任何限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。
134. Everyoneyoumeetisafraidofsomething,lovessomething,andhaslostsomething.每个人都会害怕一些事,热爱一些事物,同时也失去过一些东西。
135. xxxLove is when you find someone better, yet you stay with the same person you promised to spend forever with——爱情就是当遇到一个更好的人,却依然和那个曾发誓与其共度一生的人在昨天。xxx
136. Life is a whistle-stop between eternities.人生只是永恒中的一刹那而已。
137. xxxOnly when you rely on your own efforts,could you get the real partners.
138. east,west,homeisthebest!