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英语便条的常用句子 篇一

1. Could you please take out the trash?

2. Don't forget to water the plants.

3. Remember to lock the door before you leave.

4. Please clean up after yourself in the kitchen.

5. Can you pick up some milk on your way home?

6. Don't forget to feed the cat.

7. Please turn off the lights when you leave the room.

8. Remember to take your umbrella, it's supposed to rain today.

9. Could you please bring in the mail?

10. Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink, please wash them.

英语便条的常用句子 篇二

1. Sorry, I accidentally took your umbrella. I'll bring it back tomorrow.

2. Thank you for watering the plants while I was away.

3. I'm out of town for the weekend, please check on the fish.

4. Could you please help me with the laundry when you have time?

5. Don't worry about cooking dinner tonight, I left some leftovers in the fridge.

6. Thank you for taking care of the dog last weekend.

7. I'll be home late tonight, please remember to take out the trash.

8. I appreciate you cleaning up the living room, it looks great.

9. Sorry for the mess in the bathroom, I'll clean it up tomorrow.

10. Thank you for fixing the leaky faucet, it's much better now.

英语便条的常用句子 篇三

英语便条的常用句子 精选43句

1. We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion为此我们决定举办一次晚会

2. request the pleasure of恭请……

3. I’d like ...to come to dinner非常希望……共进晚餐

4. Many thanks for you generous cooperation谢谢贵方的真诚合作

5. Many thanks for your ...非常感谢您……

6. The reception will be held in ...,on ...招待会定于……在……举行

7. 谢冰莹拜访柳亚子留下一张纸条(略),阅读并思考:便条与书信有什么异同。

8. We sincerely/faithfully hope you can attend….我们期待您的光临

9. 明确概念

10. 实例分析

11. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience是否参加,请早日告之

12. 邀请信

13. Thank you very much for ....十分感谢……

14. 布置作业

15. 转让/求购事物的具体状况。The car is still in good condition.

16. 感谢信

17. You were so kind to send ...承蒙好意送来……

18. We are looking forward to ...我们期待着……

19. Please accept my sincere appreciation for ...请接受我对……真挚的感谢

20. 转让求购行为和内容。I have a computer for sale.

21. 转让/求购的价格商定。I will charge only 200 for it.

22. 了解哪几种情况应该用留言条。撰写和使用注意事项:与书信格式相同、不用标题、放在易让对方发现的地方等。

23. 完成课后的习题。

24. The favor of a reply is requested敬赐复函

25. I hope you’re not too busy to come.我期望您会在百忙中光临

26. I am truly grateful to you for ...为了……,我真心感激您

27. 请假条怎么写?掌握请假条的定义、作用、格式。

28. Thank you for inviting us to dinner谢谢您邀请我们共进晚餐

29. 案例导入

30. 复习旧课

31. It was good (thoughtful) of you ...承蒙好意(关心)……

32. 借条和收条的规范格式是怎样的?

33. I wish to express my profound appreciation for ...我对……深表谢意

34. I sincerely appreciate ...我衷心地感谢……

35. 转让求购的理由。 In need of money for an emergent affair, I would like to sell my computer.

36. 完成第一课作业的最后一道题。

37. 李老师没见到你,我晚上再来。

38. 便条与单据的区别是什么?

39. 询问信首先明确写信的目的,说明写这封信的目的`是寻求某信息或帮助。然后询问具体问题,强调所需信息的重要性。最后表达获取信息的强烈愿望,提供联系方式以便收信人与你联系


40. 课堂练习

41. I find an ordinary xxxthank-youxxx entirely inadequate to tell you how much...我觉得一般的感谢的字眼完全不足以表达我对您多么地……

42. May I have the honor of your company at dinner?敬备菲酌,恭请光临

43. Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久见到您



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