关于蜜蜂的英语句子 篇一
Bees are incredible creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. They are hardworking pollinators that help plants reproduce and produce fruits and vegetables. Without bees, our food supply would be greatly diminished.
One fascinating fact about bees is that they communicate with each other through intricate dance moves. This is known as the waggle dance, where a bee will perform a series of movements to indicate the direction and distance of a food source to other bees in the hive.
Bees are also known for their ability to produce honey, which is not only delicious but also has many health benefits. Honey is rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties, making it a natural remedy for various ailments.
Unfortunately, bees are facing numerous threats, including habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. It is crucial that we take action to protect these important pollinators before it's too late.
In conclusion, bees are truly remarkable creatures that deserve our respect and protection. We must work together to ensure their survival for the benefit of our planet and future generations.
关于蜜蜂的英语句子 篇二
Bees are essential for maintaining biodiversity and food security around the world. They pollinate a significant portion of the world's crops, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without bees, many of these plants would not be able to reproduce and produce the food that we rely on.
One interesting fact about bees is that they have a highly organized social structure within their hives. Each bee has a specific role to play, from the queen bee who lays eggs to the worker bees who forage for food and take care of the hive.
Bees are also incredibly efficient pollinators, as they can visit hundreds of flowers in a single day. This helps to ensure that plants are able to reproduce and continue to thrive.
However, bees are facing numerous challenges, such as habitat destruction, pesticide use, and diseases. It is crucial that we take steps to protect bees and ensure their survival for the benefit of our ecosystems and food supply.
In conclusion, bees are fascinating creatures that are essential for the health of our planet. We must do everything we can to protect them and ensure that they continue to thrive for generations to come.
关于蜜蜂的英语句子 篇三
关于蜜蜂的英语句子 精选55句
1. 蜜蜂的这种能携带花粉的脚,叫携粉足。
2. 蜂儿诗》宋·杨万里蜂儿不食人间仓,玉露为酒花为粮。
3. 假面骑士Hercus
4. 蜜蜂的样子很稀奇,小脑袋像一颗小豆豆。
5. He was stung by a bee.
6. 蜜蜂颂》 当代 李澍 一蜂儿妙,巧制糖,日间采蜜夜煽凉。
7. 当蜜蜂在花丛中穿梭往来采集花粉花蜜时,那毛茸茸的脚就沾满了花粉,然后,由后脚跗节上的“花粉梳”将花粉梳下,收集在“花粉篮”中。
8. 假面骑士Ketaros
9. 今天下午,我去同学家玩,她养了很多蜜蜂, 大概有十只,各有各的不同:有的大,有的小,有的胖,有的瘦。
10. 它的脚就是它的好帮手。
11. 采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜。
12. crisp--/kr?sp /
13. 咏蜂》 明 吴承恩 穿花度柳飞如箭,粘絮寻香似落星。
14. rasp--/rɑ?sp /
15. 非洲菊的雄蕊较多,但是蜜蜂并不会因此而乱了阵脚。
16. 假面骑士Sasword
17. 假面骑士Drake
18. 此诗曾发表在《新芽》82年第一期上) 《咏蜂》葛显庭(当代)三百天来九州跑,南疆北国采花娇;终日酿蜜身心劳,甜蜜人间世人效。
19. 假面骑士Punchhopper
20. 欣赏蜜蜂采蜜,可以说是一种美的享受。
21. 假面骑士Caucasus
22. 看这个可爱的小东西,别小看它,它虽然很丑陋,但是它可是勤劳的代言人哦。
23. Remove the bee sting with tweezers.
24. 它将小管沿雄蕊底部插入,吸取花蜜,采完一朵后再接一朵。
25. 假面骑士Kickhopper
26. 采蜜时,蜜蜂用前腿扒在花瓣上,中间两条腿有两簇长毛,像两把刷子,把花粉刷到毛茸茸的后腿粉蓝里。
27. 假面骑士Thebee
28. 蜜蜂长着黄黄的身体,上面有黑褐色的条纹,四个透明的翅膀,六只细短细短的腿,浑身毛绒绒的,很可爱。
29. 小蜜蜂们是棕黄色的,毛茸茸的身体上有和老虎一样的条纹,不断煽动的翅膀就像金子一样在闪烁,尾巴上有一个尖尖的小刀子。
30. This type of bee rarely stings.
31. 蜜蜂不仅采蜜,而且采集花粉。
32. 伸针不穴疗重症,关节风湿注王浆。
33. 假面骑士Dark Kabuto
34. 假面骑士Gatack
35. 小小微躯能负重,器器薄翅会乘风。
36. 勤蠕转,慢封仓,双腿毛篮集粉香。
37. gasp--/ɡɑ?sp /
38. 作蜜不忙采蜜忙,蜜成又带百花香。
39. 在千姿百态的昆虫脚中,蜜蜂的后脚跗节格外膨大,在外侧有一条凹槽,周围长着又长又
40. A bee flew about in the room.
41. 在一盆花中,蜜蜂一般只采三四朵,而后飞向另一盆花,并且两者的颜色不同。
42. 蜜脾咏蜂》唐 钱起 年年花市几曾淹,斟暖量寒日夜添。
43. 一只只小蜜蜂从四面八方被这美景吸引来了,它们穿这黑黄相交的礼服,白青色风衣在花朵周围抖动着风衣,两腿舒展,轻轻的旋转。
44. handclasp--/h?ndkl?sp /
45. 唱着嗡嗡的歌声,像一片片金色的云,铺天盖地的向百花扑去。
46. 小蜜蜂嗡嗡嘤嘤的,浅唱出一支和谐的歌曲。
47. 在将所有颜色的花采过一遍后,蜜蜂又飞回第一盆花,将已经采过蜜的花重新细致地再采集一遍(就盆栽花而言)。
48. wasp--/w?sp /
49. 足扫千娇蕊,舌探百媚芳。
50. 扇动着金翅的蜜蜂像阳光的万颗金点在云絮间放射着闪烁不定的光芒。
51. 老幼衔食培后嗣,中青炼蜡筑巢房。
52. 最后用蜜将花粉固定成球状。
53. 假面骑士Kabuto
54. 当蜜蜂飞落到花盘上时,是从外向内一层一层地进行采蜜。
55. A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious.