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星空的句子英文 篇一

The beauty of the night sky has always captivated us with its twinkling stars and mysterious galaxies. Looking up at the vast expanse of space, we can't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the universe that surrounds us. It is no wonder that the stars have inspired countless poets, writers, and artists throughout history to create works of art that capture the magic and mystery of the cosmos.

One of the most famous quotes about the stars comes from Vincent van Gogh, who said, "I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day." This sentiment perfectly captures the sense of wonder and beauty that the night sky inspires in us. The darkness of the night allows the stars to shine brightly, creating a breathtaking display of light and color that is unlike anything we see during the day.

Another famous quote about the stars comes from Albert Einstein, who said, "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." This quote reminds us that the stars are not just beautiful to look at, but they also hold a wealth of knowledge and understanding about the universe. By studying the stars and the galaxies, we can learn more about the origins of the universe, the nature of space and time, and the fundamental laws that govern the cosmos.

In conclusion, the stars have always held a special place in our hearts and minds, inspiring us to dream, to wonder, and to seek out the mysteries of the universe. As we gaze up at the night sky, let us remember the words of the poets, the artists, and the scientists who have come before us, and let us continue to be inspired by the beauty and majesty of the stars.

星空的句子英文 篇二

The night sky is a canvas of endless possibilities, filled with stars that twinkle like diamonds and galaxies that swirl like cosmic works of art. For centuries, humans have looked up at the stars in awe and wonder, seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe and our place within it. From ancient civilizations who used the stars to navigate the seas, to modern astronomers who study the heavens with powerful telescopes, the stars have always held a special fascination for us.

One of the most famous quotes about the stars comes from Carl Sagan, who said, "The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." This quote reminds us that we are connected to the stars in a profound and fundamental way, as the atoms in our bodies were once forged in the hearts of distant stars. When we gaze up at the night sky, we are not just looking at distant points of light, but at the building blocks of our very existence.

Another famous quote about the stars comes from Shakespeare, who said, "It is the stars, the stars above us, govern our conditions." This quote speaks to the idea that the stars have a powerful influence over our lives and destinies, shaping our fates and guiding us on our journeys through life. Whether we believe in astrology or not, there is something magical about the idea that the stars can hold sway over our lives and destinies.

In conclusion, the stars have always been a source of inspiration, wonder, and mystery for us, guiding us on our journeys through life and reminding us of our place in the vast and wondrous universe. As we look up at the night sky, let us remember the words of the poets, the philosophers, and the scientists who have pondered the mysteries of the stars, and let us continue to be inspired by the beauty and majesty of the cosmos.

星空的句子英文 篇三

1. 蓝天里的星儿仿佛怕冷似的,不安地眨着眼睛。

2. 天上的星星像一颗颗钻石一样璀璨夺目。

3. 上都是星星,满天的星星特别的漂亮。像眼睛一样一眨一眨的可爱极啦。

4. The moon has a misshapen beauty.月亮有残缺的美。

5. 宇宙不应不答,大有外,小有内,众星系旋转运行,宛如一堆无人游戏的玩具。

6. 星空就像是一块纱,大大小小,星罗棋布的镶嵌着钻石,这纱又撒上了钻石粉末,然后铺在天空上。

7. 我神往着大海的冷峻与和顺;神往着大海的辽阔与深奥;神往着大海的一帆风顺与波涛汹涌!大海以他独有的神韵吸引着我,召唤着我,使我的新身不由己的飞向他,朝拜它。

8. Cloudshidthestars.

9. Avividstar.

10. Thestarsarecomingout.

11. 世界太可怕,人也是一样;我仿佛是整个世界的一个孤体,我不知道哪里可以是安身的地方,不知道哪里足够安全,不知道怎么可以保护自己,不被伤害……

12. 天上的星星像卫兵,守护着浩瀚的夜空,为了夜晚的安宁,不知疲倦地站岗和放哨。

13. 我曾想,我要把所有的流星都收集起来,把它们串成项链戴在身上.可有的时候,星星和你捉迷藏,躲在云朵里怎么都不出来,让你无论如何都找不到她的xxx芳踪xxx.

14. 无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。

15. 星空的闪耀。

16. 太阳遮蔽了星星。

17. Iyearnfortheseaxxxscoldnessandharmony;;!T,calledme,.

18. 小星星在寒空中摇晃,仿佛冷得在颤抖。

19. 原先风平浪静的海面,荡漾着,海的愁容荡漾着,那泛散开来的波纹,传播开海的哭泣。哦,大海,原来你也这么多情,却又如此沧桑。

20. Thesunblindsthestars.

21. 我哒哒的马蹄是个美丽的错误,我只是过客,不是归人。

22. 天上的星星像无数个小眼睛在眨呀眨。

23. 一颗流星拖着长尾巴似的蓝色磷光,在夜空中划出一条长长的弧线,好大一会儿才渐渐地消失了。

24. 天渐渐晚了,月亮也慢慢升起来了。弯弯的月亮发出一丝银色的亮光。可中间却有一些黑色的地方,我想那黑色的地方不是月宫工“工人”在砍伐桂花树,就是嫦娥又在默默地遥望人间,希望能感受到人间的温暖。过了一会儿,月亮像怕羞的小姑娘似的钻进了层层叠叠的云朵里。

25. 夜深了,只有那天上的星星在窃窃私语。

26. 夜幕像一条无比宽大的毯子,满天的星星像是缀在这毯子上的一颗颗晶莹而闪光的宝石.

27. Themoon,,.

28. 天空星星闪闪发光。

29. 仰望星空,一道淡光划过。

30. 在晴朗的夜晚,天空中布满了恒星。

31. 黑蓝黑蓝的天空上,像撒芝麻似的撒了一天空的星星。

32. Thesea,;thesea,;thesea,.

33. I,.

34. The world is dark, and then you come,with the stars and moon

35. 大海、水平如镜像一位深沉的作家;大海、浪花飞溅像一头巨龙在云中翻腾;大海、像丝绸之路的绸缎照耀着海面五彩缤纷。

36. 那满天的星星正向我眨眼睛,调皮又可爱。

37. W,,,.

38. The sky was twinkling with stars. 天空星星闪闪发光。

39. 。

40. 看,那天上的星星,如同朝阳下的露水一样,一闪一闪反射出亮晶晶的光。

41. The moon in foreign countries is extraordinarily round yet maybe I won’t be able to see the less round moon any more.外国的月亮特别圆能无法再看到那个不够圆的月亮。

42. 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。

43. 夜幕降临,繁星闪烁,仿佛悬在天宫的无数颗小彩灯。

44. 云层遮住了星星

45. The stars faded from the sky. 星星从天边消失。

46. The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.

47. ThenightofT.



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