有关餐饮的英文句子 精选97句
1. Please ask the East flowing water, who lack fragrance characteristics.
2. 房子是很多老上海人接触西餐的源头,也是上海最有“法兰西血统”的餐厅,布置格调浪漫幽雅,处处洋溢着法国风情。
3. 南北口味,集于一堂。
4. 名牌饼夏日情,双重幸运享太平!
5. 意境悠闲,意味不凡。
6. 温暖你的是服务,感动你的是美食。
7. 当然,我们的魅力无需多言。
8. 食尽美味,品出家珍。
9. Artistic conception is leisurely and carefree, mean extraordinary.
10. 粤菜世界,食在新雅!新雅饭店。
11. 美味餐饮品质佳,纯正美味香万家。
12. 上客闻香至,捧肴出厅堂。
13. 温馨每一点,快乐每一点。
14. Because of the characteristics of the food, so the taste is very unique.
15. Delicious food.
16. 天下好享受,魅力没法挡。
17. To a boarding hall, holding dishes.
18. Rich fragrance, into the dream world!
19. 专致专注,品质服务。
20. Qianfan king of the Yangtze River, Wanguan gathered in the new world.
21. 超值享受,放不下的好滋味。
22. Delicious unlimited.
23. 尽情享受,包君满意!
24. 你想要的味道,我懂的。
25. 烛光闪耀度圣诞,美酒佳肴迎新年。
26. Would you please pass the salt? 你能把盐递过来吗?
27. 饭店熟悉的味道,美味飘香千万家。
28. What you want, I know.
29. A variety of dishes, a mother kind of caution.
30. 粤菜世界,食在新雅!
31. Stop and enjoy.
32. 停下脚步,享受惬意。
33. 风味特色,美食美客。
34. Dragon characteristic shop, a wine as any wine.
35. Sit down and eat a bowl! Cheap and delicious!
36. 特别的菜,给特别的你。
37. Merci beaucoup, mesdames et messieurs. Au revoir et à la prochaine!谢谢先生小姐。
38. 美味佳肴,宫廷味道。
39. ******* can not be second, the customer is always first.
40. 美味佳肴,令人垂涎三尺!
41. 浓郁的香味,引人进入梦幻的世界里!
42. Warm you is the *******, touched you is the food.
43. Cantonese food in the world, ya! Xinya hotel.
44. Shiquanshimei food, new food is different!
45. 吃了不想走,走了还想来。
46. Give the baby a gentle touch and enjoy the stomach.
47. The taste of the world, poly Wuzhou guest friends!
48. 踏入餐厅,灯光是蓝色,餐具是蓝的,桌椅是蓝的,让人恍惚之间有到了爱琴海边的错觉,浪漫唯美的装修风格、充满欧洲风味的精致美食,处处洋溢着地中海风情,是情侣约会的不二之选。
49. North and South taste, set in a hall.
50. 让美味为食欲**。
51. The Lord changes with the customer, as you wish.
52. t for you as soon as 、隆中是我们襄樊的名胜古迹。LongZhong is a place of historical interest in our 、好的,我去拿来。Ok, Ill get it for 、我们这有清茶、菊花茶、八宝茶。 We have green tea, chrysanthemurn tea eight treasures 、先生,傣式烤牛肉很不错,我建议您们点一个。Sir, Roast beef in “Thailand” style is very good. I suggest
53. Which would you rather have--steak or fish? 你想来点什么?牛排还是鱼?
54. 一夕尽欢,明日活力无限!
55. 花一样的钱,吃更好的饭。
56. Enjoy, sati**ied with the monarch! Italian restaurant.
57. The store is **all, but not a discount wonderful.
58. Christmas, new year's eve.
59. We look forward to, can give you different surprises.
60. Delicious food and beverage quality, pure delicious incense.
61. Certainly,could(would) you please tell me your name? / May I have your name, sir/ madam?
62. Enjoy the world, charm can not block.
63. Cantonese food in the world, ya!
64. No no the seas!
65. 常吃常鲜,新席新筵。
66. Gourmet beauty, you have I enjoy as taste.
67. Taste a taste, joy in the East wind.
68. Summer cake brand name, double happiness to enjoy peace!
69. 无须无渡重洋!
70. It’s my pleasure, Bye-bye!(You are welcome, Bye-bye!)
71. 潮州名肴甲天下,美食家的好去处。
72. Madame/Mesdames, monsieur/messieur, bonjour/bonsoir. Vous êtes combien?先生,小姐,早上好/晚上好。
73. The tongue will feel sweet!
74. Often eat fresh, new banquet.
75. 传承饮食文化,传播特色美味。
76. 新鲜可口,充满浓厚的情意!
77. 生活快节奏,健康新享受。
78. Make delicious for appetite.
79. France in Beijing.
80. 美味酬宾,佳肴留客。
81. Warm food, never forget.
82. Delicious and affordable for you to present.
83. 食全食美,食新食异!
84. Delicious, delicious, hygienic!
85. I want my steak well-done. 我想要全熟的牛排。
86. 吃了就美,花钱不悔。
87. Good taste full of music full of building.
88. 走进了这个餐厅,就仿佛进入了一个富丽堂皇的宫殿。
89. The hotel is familiar with the taste, delicious fragrance thousands of homes.
90. Eat with the king, Lobster Seafood city!
91. 系出名门,一脉相连。
92. Enjoy, sati**ied with the monarch!
93. 多样的菜色,有母亲亲切的叮咛。
94. 服务不能第二,顾客永远第一。
95. 食全食美,食新食异!新雅饭店。
96. 君临特色小店,小菜薄酒任尽觞。
97. Are you ready for your dessert now? 你准备好吃点心了吗?
有关餐饮的英文句子 精选89句
1. What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?
2. 当你走进餐厅,迎接你的又是一番古色古香的中式格调,即便你知道他家做的是西餐,你还是会感叹于环境的宜人与精致。
3. Of course, we don't need to say anything.
4. The day of the night! Midnight snack.
5. 吃玩随君意,龙虾海鲜城!青岛海鲜城。
6. Master fan, enjoy delicious.
7. Care for your heart and stomach, so that you eat more flavor.
8. 佳味满堂乐满楼。
9. 雅厨雅座,美食美客。
10. Flavor characteristics, gourmet beauty.
11. This knife is you bring me a clean one,please? 这把刀子已经很脏了,你能带一个干净的来吗?
12. You are not afraid of open, afraid of you **ile.
13. Music in the sea - food can play live.
14. 千帆竞发扬子江,万冠云集新世界。
15. 美味无限,回味无穷。
16. 尽情享受,包君满意!意大利餐厅。
17. You have your choice of three flavors of ice cream. 你能选择三种口味的冰淇淋。
18. 真心出美味,真诚遇顾客。
19. Eat on the United States, money does not regret.
20. (Repeat)A table for six, at six o’clock for dinner tonight, is that all right? Thank you very much, Mr. Wilson.
21. Let
22. They serve good food in this restaurant. 在这个饭店中,他们供应很好的食物。
23. 给肠温柔抚摸,给胃舒服享受。
24. 舌头都会觉得甘甜!
25. May I check,please? 我能检查一下吗?
26. 因为饭菜有特色,所以味道很独特。
27. 美食美客,有你有我欣赏不如品尝。
28. Eat with the king, Lobster Seafood city! Qingdao seafood city.
29. 乐在海洋——可食可玩可住。
30. 美味、可口、卫生!
31. 无须无渡重洋!奇祥野味宴。
32. 吃玩随君意,龙虾海鲜城!
33. Dedicated to quality *******.
34. I’d like a bowl of tamoto soup,please. 请给我来碗西红柿汤。
35. 挽卿手共白头,阳光酒店誓千秋。
36. 主随客变,如您所愿。
37. I don't want to go, I still want to go.
38. 让您的食欲大振,胃口大开!
39. No no the seas! ******ng game feast.
40. The waiter seems to be in a hurry to take our order. 这个服务员看起来很着急的记下了我们所点的东西。
41. 天安阁每晚显特色!天安阁夜宵。
42. Delicious food, a drool with envy!
43. 安心坐下来吃一碗吧!既便宜又好吃!
44. We have vanilla,chocolate,and strawberry. 我们有香草味的,巧克力味的,草莓味的。
45. I’ll arrange it for you right away.
46. Fresh and delicious, full of affection!
47. Eight party friends to come together, delicious taste, please taste.
48. 汇四海品味,聚五洲宾友!
49. Welcome to the hospitality, food and wine to see.
50. 不怕您开口,就怕你笑口。
51. I’ll have mashed potatoes . 我想要些土豆泥。
52. 热情周到迎宾至,美酒佳肴送客归。
53. Every day food, gourmet beauty carved.
54. 请君试问东流水,特色余香谁短长。
55. 温馨食尚,念念不忘。
56. May I ask restaurant where good, East Lake Park restaurant.
57. 天安阁每晚显特色!
58. 店面虽小,但精彩一点儿也不打折。
59. Inheritance of food culture, the spread of delicious.
60. Pedigree, intricately linked.
61. 体贴你的心和胃,让你越吃越有味。
62. Can't resist the temptation to sati**y your taste.
63. Spend the same money, eat a better meal.
64. Enjoy the value, not good.
65. Elegant and graceful.
66. Shiquanshimei food, new food is different! Xinya hotel.
67. The day of the night!
68. 大师范儿,美味享受。
69. **情怀在北京。
70. How many people in your party? / How many are there in your party?
71. 品一品尝一尝,欢乐在东风。
72. Really delicious, sincere encounter customers.
73. One night to do, tomorrow infinite vitality!
74. 天天美食,美食美刻。
75. Delicious food to bargain.
76. We invited two guests to dinner,but they didn’t come. 我们邀请了两位客人来吃晚餐,但是他们没有来。
77. 八方朋友来相聚,特色美味请君尝。
78. What time would you like to book a table? / your table?
79. Fast pace of life, healthy new enjoyment.
80. Special dishes for special you.
81. Eat the delicious food, the product becomes a monk.
82. 我们期待,能给你不一样的惊喜。
83. 美味和实惠,为您呈现。
84. 雍容华贵,皇朝气派。
85. 借问酒家何处好,东湖乐园酒家优。
86. Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Good evening! This is Qin Yuanchun Chinese I help you? / What can I do for you?
87. 挡不住的**,满足您的口味。
88. What kinds of vegetables do you have? 你想要哪种蔬菜?
89. Chaozhou dishes under heaven, a good place for gourmets.